WaPo ignores real news

| August 14, 2009

Washington Post‘s Michael D. Shear and Anne E. Kornblut wrote this wonderful article about the joyful time President Obama had in Montana today. Apparently, the townhall meeting that they saw was all candy and rainbows for the President.

The recounted all of the questions the President was asked. Well, they missed reporting on one – one that was pretty important. I watched the townhall meeting and wondered where was the guy who asked Obama how he planned to pay for all of this happy-joy healthcare stuff without raising our taxes. I had to go to Fox News to find a report about that;

President Obama on Friday finally had to face a challenge at a town-hall-style meeting about the bottom line of his health care plan.

A Montana man asserted that Obama would have to raise Americans’ taxes to pay for his plan to overhaul the health care system.

I also remember the deer-in-the-headlights look Obama had when the man asked the question. In response, Obama made up some shit about cutting subsidies to the insurance industry to pay for our health care.

Now granted, I’ve seen some news outlets ignore civility at the townhall meetings and only discuss the dramatic outbursts. I guess Washington Post decided that they’d just skip over Obama finally getting a tough question.

Category: Health Care debate, Media

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Jonn, go easy, after all, Obama had a long flight, and I’m sure he was still fuming over Gibbs drop-kicking the answer to Major Garrett’s question about folks getting Unsolicited e-mails from Axelrod. And then demanding that Garrett give up the names and e-mail addresses, so the White House could check them against the list of people they have. You know, the list they don’t have and wouldn’t even think of keeping? The one that’s against the law?

B Woodman

As for the WaPo “news” article, it just follows in line like the MSM’s done all along.

Softball questions & The Annointed One can walk on water, and why don’t us little people just fall in line with TAO’s desires?