Idaho Murder Suspect Wanted to Be an Army Ranger

| January 6, 2023

FoxNews is reporting that while in high school, Idaho murder suspect Brian Kohberger had aspirations of becoming an Army Ranger.

Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger wanted to be Army Ranger, yearbook reveals

STROUDSBURG, Pa. – Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger aspired to be an Army Ranger and is featured in his high school yearbook exercising in uniform, Fox News Digital has learned.

In the 2011 Pleasant Valley High School yearbook, the accused killer is pictured in a law enforcement class with other students mid-push-up.

An insignia on his right sleeve shows a U.S. flag as a badge dangles from his left pocket.

“Sophomore Bryan Kohenberger [sic] performs his daily push-ups as part of his law enforcement class,” the photo caption says. “Kohenberger [sic] used the skills he learned to help him reach his goal to one day serve in the Army Rangers.”

Kohberger’s name is misspelled in the yearbook photo caption. Yearbook records from 2011, 2012 and 2013 show no student by the name Kohenberger.

The Army Rangers, a premier infantry force, is a branch of the elite Special Operations Forces, according to the U.S. Army’s website.

Army Rangers “specialize in conducting raids and assault missions deep inside enemy territory,” the website says.

The Pennsylvania high school student, who was bullied for his weight, appears to have slimmed down by his senior year, the yearbook photos show.

They are awaiting news on a possible motive if Kohberger is guilty of these crimes, but one possibility that was floated was that someone rejected advances and the murders revolved around retribution for this rejection. Remains to be seen.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Ranger

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Part of the “I almost joined, but…” crowd.



Kohberger: “I almost joined, but it turns out murder is still illegal in the military.”


Kicked puppies and worshopped the devil, too… of course. /sarc

Hack Stone

Hack Stone served with a Marine who was at one time in the same Company as Mass Murderer Charles Ng.


They missed Ronald Grey , the killer cook of the 82nd ABN.

OIP (5).jpg
jeff LPH 3 63-66

His goose is cooked now


I read your linked article. Most of the 22 serial killers were REMFs. The majority of them served in the Air Force. None were combat veterans.


Correction: Tim McVeigh is on that list, and he was an infantry combat veteran of the Gulf War. But he was not a serial killer; he was a mass murderer. His motive of revenge for Ruby Ridge and the deaths of the Branch Davidians had nothing to do with his combat service.


I know McVeigh claimed combat experience. Is this backed up by any witnesses/records?

Charles Whitman (another mass-murderer, not a serial killer) also comes to mind. Did he see combat?


He supposedly had a PH, but all that means is he was in the wrong spot when an enemy round landed. I missed getting one by about six inches riding in a Huey.


If John Kerry can get one, anyone can get one. Perhaps when that round missed you reflexively flinched and “bruised” or sprained something. C’mon, claim one; don’t hide your light under a bushel. Heck, I have at least two Kerry-hearts that I remember; one even drew blood.


No, brain tumor (Whitman). Could’ve affected areas of impluse control, but folk who did autopsy weren’t sure if it had back then. Nobody picked on him and didn’t claim butthurt either.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

“How An Army Ranger’s Hellish Training ‘Turned Him Into A Criminal’

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Another bullshit story about a half dozen useless turds….they all knew what they were doing, this little fuck was lucky he was only the driver and got less than two years….now he’s trying to excuse his fuckery and blame the military for his actions.

It never ceases to amaze me at how many people refuse to accept responsibility for the choices they make and the actions they undertake when they are discovered.


It is called “the everybody picked on me, and that is why I did the bad shit” excuse for criminality. It doesn’t matter whether they claim it happened in or before their time in uniform.


The “abuse excuse”…


I could only get though half of that article. It’s straight out of the poser handbook. I had to stop here:
Alex and his fellow privates were ordered to run a quarter-mile to retrieve large bundles of wood while wearing heavy packs and dressed only in cotton fatigues, in temperatures just above freezing. They would repeat this over and over, stopping only to be disciplined with exercises like crawling through a fire-ant-infested pond.” Yea. So it’s just above freezing. There are fire ants. In a pond. Bullshit.


Yup. This one time, at band camp…


I managed to make it through the whole thing, but it was a struggle. Possibly the deepest pile of BS I have ever read–and I have read a lot. How that clown manages to breathe without choking himself to death I don’t know. Makes Gomer Pyle look like Einstein.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Of course he did…once again the media trying to portray anyone who wants to serve as potentially dangerous and criminal….

There are a lot of losers and criminals who wanted to be cops, firefighters, military, etc at some point in their miserable lives but they willingly chose a different path, an easier path, a criminal/loser path to achieve whatever end goal they were seeking at the time. No discipline, no moral compass, and here we are.

Fuck that guy, I hope he finds some appropriate karma behind bars.


But you never hear of serial killers who wanted to be journalists do you?

Not even serial killers are that fucked up… 😜 

Commissioner Wretched

Hey, wait a minute … I’m a journalist …


Shhhh! Someone might hear you. Remember, “Better to remain silent and be thought….”


“Two weeks into his time as a Ranger, this soldier allegedly murdered a woman and then took his own life”


I wanted to be…a Lumberjack!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

A true classic and perhaps fitting for our current society.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great Python skit. Watched them all


The Expedition to Lake Pahoe was a good one.


And in the meantime…

“13 Years Ago, Horror And Tragedy Struck Fort Hood”

“Saturday marks the 13th anniversary of the Nov. 5, 2009, deadly shooting when then-Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire in the Soldier Readiness Processing site at Fort Hood as soldiers made final arrangements to deploy.”

“In the shooting, 13 people were killed and 32 more were injured. It was the worst mass shooting on a military installation in the continental United States.”

“Years after the shooting, the Fort Hood Memorial Pavilion was built on South W.S. Young Drive, between the Killeen Civic and Conference Center and Shilo Inn. It honors those who were killed and injured that day.”


“Those killed were Lt. Col. Juanita Warman, Maj. Libardo Caraveo, Capt. John Gaffaney, Capt. Russell Seager, Staff Sgt. Justin DeCrow, Staff Sgt. Amy Krueger, Spc. Frederick Greene, Spc. Jason Hunt, Spc. Kham Xiong, Pfc. Aaron Nemelka, Pfc. Michael Pearson, Pfc. Francheska Velez and civilian Michael Cahill.”

“They, and the wounded, were awarded the Purple Heart Medal in April 2015 and the civilians were awarded the Defense of Freedom Medal.”

Hack Stone

Remember, this was “workplace violence”, not a terrorist attack.


Right, and the ballfield shooting was not politically motivated. Our FBI guys are like geniuses.


Okay when the Religion of Pieces does it… diversity, you know.


It has been almost ten years since this worthless SlamoNazi was sentenced to death. Why is he still breathing?

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress wanted to be a Turd and he followed his dreams….


Interesting article:

“Did The Vietnam War Create A Generation Of Serial Killers?”

“How are serial killers made? It’s a question that’s fascinated criminologists, psychologists and true crime buffs for decades.”

“Are murderers born? Is ‘evil’ innate? Could there even be a ‘killer gene’…? Or are serial killers created by their environments; by abuse, trauma and neglect? Perhaps the answer lies somewhere between the two ends of the spectrum, at the midway point between nature and nurture?”




“Eminent researchers in the field currently seem happier to explain the behaviour of violent sociopaths by referring to that third option. As it stands, the thinking is that lived experience triggers behaviour in those predisposed to it. Basically, serial killers are born with the propensity to kill, but are only ‘activated’, in essence, by a catalyst. Generally, it’s childhood abuse or – surprisingly frequently -pre-adolescent head trauma.”

“There is something else that some experts believe is capable of triggering serial murder – war.”




“True crime writer Dr. Peter Vronksy explored the link between war and serial murder in his 2018 book Sons of Cain. In it he points out that 82% of US serial killers in the 20th century were active between 1970 and 1999. They grew up in the 1940’s and ’50s, a time where so many American families were decimated by the trauma and loss caused by the Second World War. It’s his conclusion that the aftereffects of war can trip murderous intent in those that may be inclined to it.”

“There’s some evidence to suggest that people directly affected by war can be pushed towards violence when they return home too. While it would be unfair to flippantly generalise all Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder sufferers as would-be murderers, unsupported war veterans with the condition have been shown to commit violent crimes more often than other members of society.”




“Journalist and writer David Philipps followed a battalion of soldiers returning from Iraq (many of whom had PTSD) in his 2010 book Lethal Warriors. In it he
claims that ‘the per-capita murder rate for this small group was a hundred times greater than the national average.’

“War dehumanises. To make effective killers, armed forces need to make their charges believe it’s okay to take another person’s life. Once you instill that into someone, it’s very difficult to undo it. It’s also not in the interests of any squadron or unit to do so. So they rarely bother.”

“The Vietnam War was one of the most complicated, bloodthirsty, controversial and deranged conflicts in modern history. It was also one of the least justifiable. American soldiers were programmed to kill an enemy on the other side of the world that posed them, their country and their family no risk whatsoever. The slaughter of those they killed weighed heavy on their consciences indeed.”



“The list of US soldiers to return from Vietnam only to go on to become serial killers in their homeland is not a short one. This list is by no means comprehensive either:

Arthur Shawcross aka ‘The Genesee River Killer’
Joseph James DeAngelo aka ‘The Golden State Killer’
Gary Ridgway aka ‘The Green River Killer’
William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer’
Randy Kraft aka ‘The Scorecard Killer’
Leonard Lake
Gary Lewingdon
Ronald Gene Simmons
Joseph Ernest Atkins
Kenneth Lee Boyd
Gary Bradford Cone
James Floyd Davis
Phillip Carl Jablonski
James Rodney Johnson
James Allen Kinney
Leonard Marvin Laws
Darrell Mease
Michael Andrew Nicholaou
Gary Lee Roll
Morris Solomon Jr.
Russell Wayne Wagner
Ward Weaver Jr.
Dan White
Marvin Bieghler
David Livingstone Funchess
William Mentzer
Larry Wayne White
John Dwight Canaday
David Knotek
Jeffrey Don Lundgren
Roy Lewis Norris




“Every single one of the men above was trained by the US armed forces – both physically and psychologically – to kill. Every single one fought in Vietnam. Every single one killed multiple times on their return.”

“While it’s true that some of the Vietnam vets may have had a ‘killer instinct’ and been tempted by the notion of a state-sanctioned licence to kill, many told police when apprehended that their crimes were the result of their experiences during combat. It’s arguable, of course, that this is merely a useful excuse. The points stands, however, that they each took on board some pretty heavy education in the ‘art’ of murder. Learning not only how to kill, but how not to care.”




“Raging for 20 years, finally coming to an end in 1975, The Vietnam War was a bloody mess that saw millions die and the United States politically humiliated. It also irreparably damaged the psyches of many of the men called up to fight in it.”

“Did it create a generation of serial killers, though? It’s a bold claim. Perhaps the fact that the deadly activity of America’s ‘golden generation’ of serial killers peaked just a few years after the war ended is a coincidence. Then again, perhaps it’s not.”

“It’s worth bearing in mind that it won’t just have been those fighting in Asia that were subjected to the war. People back home were watching the horror unfold on news bulletins, becoming desensitised to extreme violence. Could that have been enough to trigger any dormant serial killers…?”

“For the sake of the future of humanity, let’s hope not.”


This is totally bogus bullshit, and just another slander on Vietnam combat veterans. In none of my training as an infantryman, Ranger, or Special Forces officer, was I taught to murder innocent, defenseless people, period. Moreover, most of us who actually served as combat infantrymen never even killed an enemy soldier in a firefight or otherwise. Soldiers like Calley and his men were an aberration and anomaly. This is just more propagandistic lies about the Vietnam War.


Thank You for the feedback, rgr769 and 5JC.

As stated, we thought it was an interesting article.

Similiar to this article:

“Notorious Criminals Who Were Boy Scouts”

The lists includes:

Ted Bundy
Dennis Rader BTK Killer
Charles Whitman
H.R. Halderman
Arthur Gary Bishop
Mark Hofmann
Gavin Stephens
John Edward Robinson
Clark Fredericks
Kevin Trudeau
Gary Hirte
Tyler Hadley


A lot more common among killers are other factors:

  • Abused/ neglected/ abandon as a child
  • Aberrant sexual behaviors
  • Rejection by sexual partners
  • Rejection of Theological beliefs (or becoming a cult leader)
RGR 4-78

If combat service was truly a precursor to becoming a serial killer or mass murderer post WW2 America would have been a bloodbath of U.S. citizens.


Hell, the US would never have made it to WWII; the Civil War veterans would have depopulated the US.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

How about the murderers who worked for the US Postal Service, remember the term “Going Postal”?


“In none of my training as an infantryman, Ranger, or Special Forces officer, was I taught to murder…”

On the contrary, we were taught the opposite; to abide by the Geneva convention, etc. During the first week or so in RVN everybody coming into Cam Ran bay endured orientation and classes in such things as the Geneva convention, rules of engagement, etc. At An Khe (1st Cav.) there were further classes.

The treatment of Calley et al. still disgusts me. I thought (and ranted in class discussions) then and still believe that hanging, or a life sentence in a Vietnamese prison, for him and his fellow murderers, is the appropriate punishment.


That was the prevalent view among the infantry officers I served with in the RVN.



While many of them served, very few saw combat. Navy Vet Roy Norris for example was an electrician. So he was busy slaying wire breaks. Like many on the list he also got a psch discharge because he was already crazy when he joined. Not sure how well a Navy electrician is trained to kill but thinking not much.

Lundgren was also a Navy Vet and never went to Vietnam.

Knotek was a Navy Vet who never saw combat.

Randy Kraft was in the Air Force as an Airman and never went to Vietnam.

Not sure what DeAngelo did. Some sources have him serving in the Army and never deploying and some have in the Navy on a Destroyer off the Coast of Vietnam for 22 months providing fire support. Don’t know what vessel stayed off the coast of Vietnam for 22 months.

My point is, on a website dedicated to rooting out stolen valor, we should be skeptical about claims at best. Lots of people served during that era, just not in the War.


Arthur Shawcross Claimed to have engaged in war crimes but he was a supply tech who never saw combat.

Ridgway claimed to have seen combat as well but he was a supply guy on a supply ship.

Bonin joined the Air Force as a cook and served in Alaska. However, he said somehow he became a door gunner in a Army Aviation Support Unit, where he claimed also to have committed war crimes in Vietnam. I’m not much of a believer.

Lake joined the Marines and served two tours in Vietnam. As a Born to Kill radar tech. Then he got a psych discharge.

There are only a few real combat soldiers on the list and I am guessing a few, if not all, exaggerated or mischaracterized their service. The whole list reads like the Schoenman Commission.


OMG– ticking timebombs walking our streets! /sarc. (F* that ’70s liberal media.)


This turd was a pen pal to a serial killer by the name of BLT who is serving multiple life sentences in Kansas the guy’s daughter was saying this kid was obsessed with her dad


BTK not BLT LMFAO !!!!!!!


Fuk Spell check


Why you got to come in her and bring up my personal shit?!?!

I was never convicted and BLTs are *delicious*.

Color me GUILTY!!


If killing BLTs is wrong, I don’t want to be right.


Wanna split one??


For reference.

RGR 4-78

I would call that a “whole hog” BLT.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Buy or bring me one like that and I’ll split it with you!


Yes, I also have been going all Jeff Dahmer on BLT’s for many years. But only if the bacon is nice and crispy, and the sammy is made with Miracle Whip.


Miracle whip? Blasphemer! Heretic! Infidel! MAYO!


I can’t help it; my mommy trained me on Miracle Whip. She musta been a mayo heretic.

See, this proves nurture has more to do with serial killing than all that Army “murder” training.

Daisy Cutter

This blog needs a “Print What I Mean” button.




Another “almost” connection?


“To infintry and beyond!”.


Everybody wants to be an (GO) Army Ranger til it’s time to do (GO) Army Ranger things. The only leading this wanna be ranger is gonna be the way to become the centerfold of Prison Bride Weekly. May his MREs consist of man meat sammiches, tossed salad, and tea bags served up at the BTJ&T Deli.

RGR 4-78

I myself aspired to be a multi-millionaire, alas, it never happened for me.

On the other hand, all of the training I participated in never urged me to become a shitbag murderer.


Liberals respond:

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress aspired to be a turd, and he was.


Since it appears he is/was a lifelong academic, I’ll go ahead and assume this is but one of many aspirations that he never acted on.


I was saving this one.




Same here. We few, we happy few.


We not happy. We old.


Maybe you are, but I’m still this side of 50…not for long, though.


Wow! Do you get to put an oak leaf on it? Or, just wear two?

Daisy Cutter

Then, there’s Born Yesterday.


As of the 1st of the year the new recruits won’t get one till the WWIII kicks off.

Hack Stone

So they will have to wait three months?