Eagles & Freepers rally for the troops

| March 15, 2008

While the IVAW, Veterans for Peace and all of the assorted anti-war groups were in Silver Spring, Maryland, Gathering of Eagles, Eagles UP, Move America Forward and other pro-troop organizations assembled on the National Mall in the shadow of the Washington Monument to support the troops – and to celebrate the first anniversary of their founding event against the March on the Pentagon – also the most successful day of this blog to date.

I’d been told that the rally would start at 17th and Constitution at 10 o’clock, so you can imagine my disappointment when I arrived at about 11 and found the corner empty. But I turned my head about 45 degrees east and saw a multitude of American flags snapping in the breeze near the Washington Monument and I knew I’d found them;

Their numbers were still a bit anemic, but a chilly wind was still blowing out of the north and it was a few hours until the march, I was pretty sure numbers would grow. Meanwhile I wandered around and found I’m sort of popular these days since my live blogging yesterday and my visit to the Freepers and Eagles yesterday.

I also bumped into readers/commenters Dinky Dau, 509th Bob and Streetsweeper as well as fellow bloggers Skye and Rurick. It was a regular This Ain’t Hell reunion. It was a great experience after being cooped up with the other side yesterday. Much better people;

As the morning wore on, the numbers swelled;

Dinky Dau expressed regret that there were fewer people than he expected, but I told him to remember that before a year ago, it would have been impossible to assemble even a tenth of the number that were there. Ask Free Republic – I remember when they’d have rallies of ten or fifteen people.

By the time the march started, I guess there were probably 500 people there – and they picked up another 25 people who joined the march as they passed – but I’ll get to that in a moment.

We opened the event with the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance, then we were addressed by Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward;

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Her main concern is protection of our military recruiters. We’ve seen protests become more violent against recruiters in recent days. That’s why I plan on following the ANSWER crowds around on Wednesday when they plan to disrupt recruiting activities in DC

Some of you may remember Debbie Lee from her address to the Berkeley City Council. She was there to represent Gold Star families;

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A Marine recently returned from Iraq thanked the group;

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As well as a recently returned Airman;

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It’s my understanding that they were in DC on leave and just happened to pass by and joined in the rally. I thought that was pretty cool.

Then Laura Youngblood, a Gold Star wife, lent her support

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After a prayer, it was time to begin the march.

In case anyone doubts my estimate of the crowd, here’s a video of the entire parade passing by;

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Bystanders joined in the march as we passed the crowds at the museums along Constitution Avenue – like I said probably about twenty of them including this girl who had been walking her puppy – which turned into a puppy-carry because of the excitement;

Lucky for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, we turned before we got to the Capitol.

As I said it was quite a bit different than being among the opposition yesterday. Instead of a bunch of people trying to act like they had PTSD, it was a group made up largely of veterans (oh, and the were a goodly number of people who weren’t veterans at the WSII thing, too, in case someone wants to debate the “Never Served” argument again) who were exhilarated by their successes over the last year and looking at a bright future for our nation.

Like I said yesterday about the protest against WSII, I was amazed at the number of people who honked their horns in support of the Eagles, et al., and the folks who applauded as the march passed them. Maybe we really are making a difference.

As I mentioned, Skye from Midnight Blue was at the rally, too, and she has pictures up now Marooned in Marin was there, too. It looks like we missed each other by a gnat’s wing.

Thanks to Jammie Wearing Fool, Illusion or Reality and Gateway Pundit for the links. Welcome to new Blogrollee True North.

UPDATE: Here’s a video I spiced together from some reactions of the crowd who lined the street as the march passed;

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Editor’s Note: If I made a mistake with names or organizations please let me know – I’m terrible with names.

Category: Bloggers, Gathering of Eagles, Protests/Rallies, Support the troops

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You are damned right we are making a difference – and it’s because of people like you who take action, not just words. Jonn you are amazing! What a weekend you’ve had! I am so proud of all of you and so sorry that I don’t live close enough to join in. God Bless You!

509th Bob

As soon as I figure out how to send my photos and limited video, I’ll send them to you (I’m still learning how to use these digital cameras, in my day, I mastered the SLR 35mm FILM cameras, oh well). When the same seminal event occurs, I’ll send them to Skye as well.

It was a great pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to meeting you in future events.

My son suffers from shin splints, so we had to bow out a bit early, but not before the march started. Go Eagles!


Great pics…I’m on the West coast and I saw a couple family members in one of those pics.


I finally quit laughing long enough to post this. The sign ‘I love moonbats, they taste like chicken’ got to me. She should have added ‘but they smell like chicken Sh^^.


It’s nice to know that we have so much back-up on the home front. Thank you all.


John, meeting you Friday was a highlight of the weekend. Thank you so much for exposing the vvaw and THANK YOU for being at the rally. I didn’t realize you were going to be there, so I missed talking to you. It was a very good day for me, in spite of that.
Great work, Brother. VERY WELL DONE!!!!!!


Nope…thank YOU! Gunner, for your service.

As your fellows like to say when they get recognized, “just doing our job.”


Eagles Up!! Great Job. I had to miss this one and it killed me. I have been to all the others including other states. Darn it. Great videos, thanks for putting them up. I hav goosebumps!


They support the troops…

Despite peace activists being so violent and issuing threats & vitriol against those whom they disagree with politically, the Gathering of Eagles rally took place without incident this past weekend on the National Mall in D.C. to show support for the…..


Might enjoy this John….nice work last weekend!

Marooned in Marin

Sorry to have missed you, looks like we were right by each other in some of those shots. I’ll keep a sharper eye out at the next one.

ben gentry jr

It was a wonderfull day to be a part off such a show of support for our men and women in uniform. It has given me more energy to do all that I can to support our military


I notice that, unlike ANSWER, (spit), we didn’t need a police presence or barricades…..


Hey Jonn! Thought I’d drop by & say howdy! Glad to meet you, too. Thank you for attending Eagles Up @ NLC & Eagles Muster. If I may I’d like to update locomotive breath1901, our events were spearheaded by Eagles Up, not Gathering of Eagles, tyvm.

We had many members of DC Chapter Freepers,GOE, other org’s that were in attendance & assisted as well as those of us from Eagles Up. Um, if you want to know more about what Eagles Up mission is, go to our main page, look in the LH upper menu & read our mission statement.

It was a real pleasure to be back in DC again & meet so many new & wonderful people. I’ll stay in touch one way or the other. Again, I am very glad to have met you Jonn. Keep up the great work your doing!


Dinky Dau

Hey Jonn, Great seeing you again. you did a great job last weekend. Saturday was a great day to be an Eagle and a an American, but it was just a beginning. I was a little disappointed at the turn out, but the energy and the devotion to the cause of those who were there was a thing to behold. God bless out troops and God bless the U.S.A.

Eagles Up