Sunday FGS

| December 18, 2022

Colt Mustang .380

Fatal Trinity stabbing was self-defense, Randolph County Sheriff’s Office says

Story by Emily Mikkelsen
A domestic violence situation led to the deadly stabbing of a man in Randolph County.

According to the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, on Tuesday they responded to an assault on Stanton Road. The victim said she’d gotten into an argument with her boyfriend and he had left the scene on Stanton Road. While they were there, deputies got a call about an assault on Thayer Road involving the same man and a different victim.

They found the victim as well as the suspect, Joshua Lee Hicks, who had been stabbed in the chest. He was pronounced dead on the scene.

Investigators found out that Hicks had an active Domestic Violence Protective Order against him and was not supposed to be on the Thayer Road property. They say that he forcibly entered the home and assaulted the victim. A juvenile was also in the home and was holding a knife. Deputies say that Hicks attacked the juvenile and was stabbed in the struggle.

The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office and the Randolph County District Attorney’s Office determined that Hicks’ death was an act of self-defense and no one will be charged.

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No one will chill in the state lock-up on the taxpayer’s dime, either. Win-win.

Police: Man shot after rushing San Juan County sheriff’s deputy with sword

Mike Easterling, Farmington Daily Times
A San Juan County man was in stable condition Dec. 16 after he was shot by a San Juan County sheriff’s deputy during an altercation while he was being served with a restraining order earlier this week.

A news release from the agency states that sheriff’s deputies were attempting to serve a court order to Raymond Monroe Stallings III, 31, at his residence near the San Juan County Adult Detention Center between Farmington and Bloomfield on Dec. 14 after a judge issued a restraining order against him. After deputies made verbal contact with Stallings, police say at approximately 12:20 p.m. Stallings aggressively exited a shed while holding a sword and began moving toward a deputy, who fired at him, striking him twice.

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A sword is an impressive weapon, and I’m sure the deputy was impressed right before he shot Mr. Stallings. Twice. The First Rule of a Gunfight is and has always been, “Bring a gun.”

Armed Amazon employee stops shooter who opened fire at Arizona facility: ‘good Samaritan’

Andrew Miller
An armed Arizona man is being credited as a “good Samaritan” by police after he shot an active shooter in an Amazon facility parking lot, likely preventing further bloodshed.

Police in Chandler, Arizona, say that 29-year-old Jacob Murphy pulled into the employee parking lot of an Amazon facility on Wednesday morning and opened fire after jumping out of his car,” KSAZ-TV reported.

Murphy, police said in a statement, did not work at Amazon but had “jealousy issues” regarding his girlfriend, who worked at the facility but was not present at the time.

Police say that Murphy intended to locate an unknown male worker at the facility whom he only knew by first name. When Murphy attempted to enter the facility, he was stopped by a worker who noticed that it was “strange” for Murphy to be there. Murphy shot that worker multiple times after an argument ensued.

An armed Amazon worker on the scene saw what was unfolding, and police say he pulled out his gun and fired at Murphy, wounding him.

“He did come to the aid of an individual who was shot by a suspect. So, in that case, I would say he is a good Samaritan,” Sgt. Jason McClimans said in a press conference.

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This one will be all over the Mainstream Media in, what? Not the narrative, never mind. My ears perked up at “armed Amazon worker” though. Thanks again for the links, Gun Bunny.

The Huron and Iroquois forests are peopled by my friends; with me, the despots of Europe and their courts are the savages.
– Marquis de Lafayette

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Nice little pocket rocket for the purse but you don’t see a lot of
purses lately except with the gender benders and they don’t
tend to carry..or do they?
It’s a changing world.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

From reading the review, it sounds like that particular gun is too much money for an ill-made gun.
Let the gender benders carry it.


“…cuts like a knife…” Fight back! Bring any weapon to bear. BZ young man.

Nut job think he was leading a Cavalry Charge?

Doods, if she is no longer into you, go find another one.

Not much has changed since The Marquis made his observation.

Beloved AW1Ed…tell your Evil Twin to step away from the ‘putor and go haunt someone else. One could prolly throw that plasticized abomination and come closer to (a) hitting your target (b) doing some damage to your target. I will attach the humorous peace offering that KS sent me to take the sting out of the gun pr0n. Y’all may need it, I certainly did. Sam Colt weeps.

Speaking of weeping…Brick outhouses are weeping ’cause they are not as well constructed as that Sister Golden Hair is. She is smoking but can she cook? A Hottie with a Shottie!


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove

Old tanker

Regarding the trope about what to bring to a gun fight. When they are being offensive towards the Police or innocent victims, I prefer the problem maker learn the lesson once, and posthumously.


Well now:

From NBCConnecticut:

(SWEDEN)– Chimpanzees Escape Zoo Enclosure, 4 Shot Dead, 3 Secured

Officials said they were forced to shoot the chimpanzees because they were a danger to the public

Sounds like they need to spend more time securing their zoos.

It is not the first time in recent months that animals have escaped from Swedish zoos. In October, a venomous king cobra escaped from its terrarium at a zoo in Sweden but returned by itself after a week.

The dubious morality and mismanagement of that place… are they trying to out U.S. us?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I bought the Mustang back in 1986 and ran me $309.00.


Plus II variant… uses 7-round .380 gov’t mags.