Leftist Caucus in Congress out of ammo

| January 13, 2007

Murtha claims he’s a moderate compared to most of the “Progressive Caucus” and the “Out-of-Iraq Caucus” in Congress;

“This group here today, they’re way ahead of me,” the Pennsylvania Democrat said of the Out-of-Iraq Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which are comprised of the most ardently anti-war members of Congress.
    Mr. Murtha, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, spoke to the groups yesterday during a forum about using the budget to prevent the Bush administration from boosting troop levels.
    “I’m doing what I think needs to be done, and I’m doing it as quickly as I can,” said Mr. Murtha, a former Marine who rose to national prominence in 2005 by calling for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq.

While they’re trying to figure out a way to cut off funds for the President’s “surge”, the White House announced yesterday that there’s enough money in the current budget to fund the “surge”;

 “Funding for the forces and to dispatch them to the region, it’s already in the budget. So we’re going to proceed with those plans,” [Tony] Snow said.
    That leaves Congress with few other options.
    One possibility, proposed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, would rescind Congress’ 2002 blanket grant of authority to use force in Iraq, and would require Mr. Bush to gain congressional approval before boosting forces.
    Yesterday, Mr. Kennedy asked the administration to hold off on deploying the troops to give Congress more time to consider the issue.
    “It took the president … two months to make this judgment. Let us have 10 days to try and make a judgment and a decision whether the American people are behind this,” he told Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.

In other words, Kennedy needs more time to make idiot statements like his “Bush’s Vietnam” speech at the National Press Club the other day. He needs more time to undermine our National Security.

It’s already bad enough that the enemy knows we have reinforcements enroute, do we need to give them time to prepare for it, too? Do these peckerheaded morons know that this is a war and not a couty fair?

To the President’s credit, he doesn’t seem to be influenced by idiots in Congress;

    “I think in this situation I do and I fully understand [Congress] could try to stop me from doing it,” Mr Bush said. “But I made my decision. We’re going forward.”

Category: Politics

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