Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok
Totally normal behavior from an OB-GYN, right? It’s Science!
This is an OBGYN. She doesn’t know what a woman is. pic.twitter.com/dG0lG1wblB
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 16, 2022
Only 97? That seems low
The application for transgender San Francisco residents to receive guaranteed income, has NINETY SEVEN gender options. Beyond parody pic.twitter.com/P7AnReTMDF
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 17, 2022
This is totally appropriate
School board member at @BhamSD who also owns a sex shop is now selling chest binders for “any age” in her shop. She’s also offering minors to come to her store and buy “anything else you need.” pic.twitter.com/Cdz7UYPtu4
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 17, 2022
Mind over matter I guess
Trans activist claims transgender people can change their biological sex pic.twitter.com/MLsipmIR89
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 19, 2022
Nobody with those piercings is ever “invisible”
Not only can’t we “misgender” but it’s now also our responsibility to correct people who misgender others pic.twitter.com/hy9NCOENNk
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 20, 2022
Another black white supremacist
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 20, 2022
More confusion on what a woman is
This is a doula. She thinks men can give birth and doesn’t know what a woman is. pic.twitter.com/TKxVy3ad3z
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 21, 2022
Words are violence
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 20, 2022
The RINO-iest republican
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 19, 2022
He seems nice
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 9, 2022
Four days
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 8, 2022
Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok
I mean, I always knew the world was full of assholes, but Tik Tok has shown me there are more than I thought.
God must like freakin’ idiots because he makes so many left/libtards.
I believe she is correct. Non-binary, trans men are very vulnerable to adverse birth outcomes. I’d say it is 100%.
Karen Attiah isn’t just another Karen. She is the WAPO global opinion editor. So she is the mouthpiece of the WAPO.
Anybody else notice something fishy about the David Rothschild post?
He paid his $8.00?
He can afford it. Just trying to figure why a heavy at Microsoft is using an Apple Product.
The better to tweet you with my pretty? 😜
There’s a guy on Twitter who calls himself Jesus Christ who now has a blue check.
Back in my EMS days, I got to meet several different versions of Jesus Christ.
It was so much fun babysitting them until they got their all-expenses paid trip to the 5th floor lockup.
What a coincidence. I had the privilege of transporting not only Jesus Christ, but John the Baptist, and the Devil himself…
Sorry, not sorry Mason. I can barely make it thru just the headlines. My BP won’t allow me to read the articles. And this coming from a man that usually reads every post and comment made on this site.
I don’t GAF what two consenting adults do in private, but in my mind, this is nothing but child molestation. And if a forensic scientist examines your skeleton you are going to be either a male or a female. What happened to “Follow the science”?
Gentlemen (and Ladies)…Start your wood chippers.
The day they take cells from a trans person to use for cloning, and clone a person who is physically, at birth, the gender the trans person claims to be, as opposed to what the trans person was born as, is when I may start believing some of this nonsense.
Follow the science, indeed.
Today’s version.

Looks more like symbols for a weather map.
As if we needed more proof that liberalism is a mental disorder…
SMOD, where art thou?
I seriously think that a reason that there are so many mentally deranged Lib Idiots is that medical science has advanced to the point to where too many mentally defective infants were saved at birth that should have been allowed to die naturally.
Yes, yes, I know I’ll catch some flak for this, the main exception being children born with Down’s Syndrome (God bless and keep their precious hearts).
But you know what I mean.
Ms. Winfrey needs to remember this: White people made her a billionaire.
As for me, I kinda enjoy watching libtards babble and perpetually prove that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Orange Man Bad!
“Oakland is for Lovers!”