This will hurt me as much as you….

| July 30, 2009

Below the fold, I give you the update to the code pink protest. Looking at Medea, I lost lunch…..and possibly the ability to ever have relations again. First time I’ve seen legs like that on anything that didn’t have a trunk.


Thanks (?) to Jezebel.

Category: Politics

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B Woodman

Is that a tattoo on the one on the right (in red, ms flat-as-a-board), or has “she” been rolling in the mud?

How many protestors were there? All of three? Or more, off camera? And did it do any good? Or did it just attract more publicity/attention/customers? Did the store owner call the police to have them hauled off?

Considering what little I know of CodePunk, if I saw them protesting, I’d ask what it was about, then go in and buy that very thing (even if I never used it), just to piss ’em off. Then give them the one-finger salute as I leave.


Well…At least the one in red shaves her underarms….


UHHH…What time does the donkey show start???
(If you can find a brave enough donkey and if PETA doesnt raise a big animal abuse stink…jus sayin…)


Just imagine what Hamas would do to these three idiots if they walked around Gaza dressed like that. US Embassy would be getting a box with 3 heads in it.


Thanks a lot Code Pink, now I dislike you more!


The human vocal cords are not capable of making the sounds of pain tearing through my head right now, it’s a cross between the cry of a pterodactyl and the sounds of steel I-beams being wrenched apart.

Larry Sheldon

Ummmmm…..I don’t thing red is a “her”. Looks a lot like hair on the front, there. And that is a strange looking cameltoe.



That wasn’t below the fold.
That was in my face disgusting.

Excuse me while I toss my lunch.

Country Singer

Eye bleach…need. eye. bleach. stat!


Okay, so I lost my root beer…and then it hurt. World Can’t Wait, and MoveOn must be proud.


Feels like someone screwed #6 drywall screws into my eyes…. Must be the idea of birth control under Obamacare.

Dave Thul

Wow, I was expecting much worse, considering the seasoned citizens that usually show up to a Code Pink rally.

Randall Lee

Looks like Ahava has some great products. I’ll have my wife put in an order tonight. Did the same thing here in CA when the lefties tried to harass Trader Joe’s for stocking Israeli products. Went down ad stocked up on humus, goat cheese, and Couscous.


Where is palestine? I can’t find it on any maps.

The Sniper

Great. Now I’m gay. I hope you’re pleased with yourself.

Army Sergeant

Why exactly are they wearing bikinis? I don’t understand.


At least one’s a redhead. That kinda helps the pic.



AS: I think that they are playing on the PETA technique of protesting naked behind a banner, but even lil’ Bennie has enough sense to realize that nobody wants to see her naked.

I hope this was a one shot deal and that they aren’t planning to do this every week, because any eateries in the area will lose business on that particular day.


“Why exactly are they wearing bikinis? I don’t understand.”

Spot on, if they wore them amongst the Palestinians they are “in solidarity with”, they’d be in for some trouble!


Funny how they never realize the people or policies they’re cheerleading will put them up against the wall as soon as that “change” comes about; think Che, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc…

Jeff Steele

Dude, you would so sleep with the one in the red bikini if you didn’t know she was a pinko. Admit it. Be that as it may, the poster girl redeems the picture. Now, she’s fine.


Sniper: You know you’d hit that.


Hey – them bimbos at right and center ain’t too shabby, but who is that kinda herped-up funky lookin’ gay guy on far left?
Is that the same one that was on YouTube a while back, wailin’ “Leave Britney ALOOOONE!” ?

Either way – this makes me want to go out and buy a case of that Ahava – whatever it is.

Winter Soldier

the one on the left,,, no pun intended is the leader right??? she is always there.

but as you see not close. not for the photo..but for her fans she is there. and of course goes too far.. as no doubt someone will snap a pic of just her and just them.. and she will appear fully nude..her and the guy who looks like “mad hatter” are never far apart.

btw met up with a code pink girl in italy last year when giving bush a shout out in italy for appearing at the G8…and this girl was the daughter of some upper code pink woman..she was shackled to another girl with a sign around her neck in italian… when i asked her what was on her sign she said ‘i dunno’…i said dont you think its important?? this being that i had said something in italian for the speech.. she said ‘well i guess’

AS please send word back on my gear.

Winter Soldier

the one on the left,,, no pun intended is the leader right??? she is always there.

but as you see not close. not for the photo..but for her fans she is there. and of course goes too far.. as no doubt someone will snap a pic of just her and just them.. and she will appear fully nude..her and the guy who looks like “mad hatter” are never far apart.

btw met up with a code pink girl in italy last year when giving bush a shout out in italy for appearing at the G8…and this girl was the daughter of some upper code pink woman..she was shackled to another girl with a sign around her neck in italian… when i asked her what was on her sign she said ‘i dunno’…i said dont you think its important?? this being that i had said something in italian for the speech.. she said ‘well i guess’

AS please send word back on my gear.

Oh and i would never buy AHAVA?? im a dude

Doc Bailey


I’M BLIND. I’m Blind!