Terrorist act precedes Spanish elections again

| March 8, 2008

Nora, The Spanish Pundit, reports that two days prior to the Spanish general election, ETA (Basque) terrorists murdered a former councilman;

AS you probably know, there will be general elections on Sunday. Today someone has killed a ex-councilman, 42 year-old, Isaías Carrasco, this morning at 12.45 pm Spanish time. He was a “very easy target as he did not have any kind of public representation now”. The bastards have killed him in front of his wife and his daughter who have shouted “Murderers” to the shooters. The Basque department of Interior has not confirmed ETA’s responsibility yet, but it looks like it is the responsible.

He has received two shots in the neck and another one in the head. The murderer, who was wearing a beard but with no mask on it. The Interior Department of the Basque Government confirmed his death but it is said to be on “clinical death”, according to the Basque Health Service.

You may remember that before the last general election, March 11, 2004, a terrorist attack on the Madrid train system left over 2,000 casualties (CNN link) and influenced Spanish voters to install an appeasement government headed by Jose Zapatero, a socialist. So I wonder if the murder of a former government official in front of his family is enough to swing the Spanish voters back the other way.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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No, the more probable result is that the people would support PSOE, because the ex-councilman belonged to that party… and consider that this is the result of the “toughness” in front of ETA. I just cannot understand how negotiating with the terrorists can be considered as “tough”…

But the leftist manipulation has already started… 🙁

By the way if the link above does not function, you can read the post also here. Blogger does not go well today and the link gives an “error” page…