Tortuous debate
The President is about to veto a measure passed by Congress (AP link) that forbids the practice of “waterboarding” to extract information from a difficult terror suspect who might have time sensitive information – information which might save American lives. The truth is; only three high profile terrorists have been water boarded by the US government. It’s not common practice, so why should there even be a law forbidding it?
More protesters of the practice have been waterboarded by each other than terrorists (as portrayed above). If it really were as dangerous as they’d have us believe, why are they able to do it to each other without fear of deadly results?
Vetoing the ill-considered ban alone is a strong enough message without even practicing the method. It tells terrorists that we’re serious about saving American lives – that we’ll do anything to prevent their dastardly plots from hatching. If this were to become law, we’re sending the message that we value the lives of terrorists above that of their potential victims. No one has died from the practice (despite what the Left would like you to believe), no one has been injured and valuable information has been extracted and probably saved lives.
I think it’s vacuous of the Left to be outraged at waterboarding but protective of late-term abortion, which is much more barbarous.
Category: Legal, Politics, Society, Terror War