Gates, Crowley and Obama to meet

| July 28, 2009

Ya know, if I was a thief and lived in Cambridge, you know where I’d be Thursday night?

President Obama will meet with Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley at the White House Thursday, CBS News reports.

The meeting, which has been rumored for the past few days, comes as scrutiny intensifies over Crowley’s arrest of the prominent black scholar and Harvard professor.

Homeowner out of town, neighbors scared of calling and no cop will go near the place. I’m just sayin’….

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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The braintrust over at DUmpster are discussing how big a liar Crowley is. Amazing stuff…we’re talking Steven Hawking analysis without the benefit of that cool Speak N’ Spell voice and wicked set of wheels.


Hey fat boy, what happened to your phony vet smear from yesterday? Did you seriously block access to that thread? Way keep that credibility spotless.

Jonn Lilyea – Smearing vets so the Left don’t have to.


Actually, Jonn, there have been incidents in that neighborhood before, including at Gates house, so a person can understand why the cops were called in the first place. Instead of Gates getting all racial over the whole thing, he should have thanked Crowley and the others for caring enough to check it out.

Lurker: I hear your mommy calling; it’s time for your mac and cheese followed by your nap. If you’re real good; maybe she will take you to get a sno-cone later!?


“Fat boy?” That’s racist!


And if the “professor” does have his home broken in to, it’ll be the fault of the racist police for not protecting his property. I seriously think Crowley, who has handled everything to this point very well, is making a serious mistake in giving cover to Obie and Gates.


Jonn- go here and have a great laugh. This was pretty funny!

Dave Thul

“Homeowner out of town, neighbors scared of calling and no cop will go near the place.”

All the more funny because it is so true.


I do not understand Crowleys meeting with these two either. It seems the only reason Obama or Gates would want to be seen in the same room with Crowley is so they can get him to possibly say he was sorry about the incident also which would help cover up their rascist actions.