Two Reps return from Honduras

| July 28, 2009

Two Republican Congressmen have returned from their trip to investigate the supposed coup in Honduras and their estimation of the situation differs, unsurprisingly, from the Administration according to The Hill;

“The majority of folks think Zelaya should come back to the country, but to stand trial,” Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) said.

Mack told The Hill that he found Hondurans to be in “disbelief” at the Obama administration’s reaction to the ouster of Zelaya.

“Whether or not [Hondurans] agree on how he was removed all of them agree that he broke the constitution, broke the law,” Mack said. “A large majority believe he should not return to Honduras and to power.”

Bilbray said the U.S. can’t put itself in a position of supporting a president over a country’s constitution and the rule of law. “That’s a scary place for us to find ourselves, especially considering our history,” he said.

Well, it’s not that hard to figure out, actually. The Obama places a higher value on the friendship of Chavez, Ortega, Morales, Correa and Zelaya than he does on the friendship of the Honduran people. I’d like to know the name of the Obama advisor who read the Honduran Constitution and then gave Obama the advice to support the unconditional return of Zelaya to his office.

While the Honduran Army has vowed that it won’t fire on Honduran people, Zelaya is urging Obama to place sanctions on his country. Interim president Micheletti has promised to step down to keep the peace, while Zelaya has threatened “blood in the streets”. So who is thinking of the Honduran people and who is thinking of their own political survival?

Thanks to TSO for The Hill link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Breaking News, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Usual Suspects

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Yeah, this one is such a no brainer that I was at a complete loss as to how the Usurper could say what he did … except perhaps that his far, FAR Left ideology ambushed him into speaking from the Socialist=Good mindset(no matter what he/she has done-the End justifying the Means).

Blue Cylcone

I think this case is very similar to the Gates-Crowley mess and that President Obama let his first reaction get public before he thought any further about it. The man comes from a safe Senate seat where missteps like this go unremarked and he just hasn’t learned that the world has changed around him and that everything he says gets reported because the President said it, not just one of 50 Senators and a very junior Senator at that.


Obama is such a douChe’. I had the same thought as BC, he just spoke before actually thinking and his first reaction is always to side with the commie.

AW1 Tim

There’s a short article on Drudge this afternoon that the US State Department has pulled the Visas from four Honduran Diplomats to show that the US is still refusing to recognize the “interim” government of Honduras.

That attitude speaks volumes about where POTUS stands, and scares the crap outta me.