WWII POW helps match service dogs with warriors

| July 28, 2009

Susan sent us this story about a World War II veteran who was shot down and captured by Germans then returned home to continue serving by matching service dog’s with this generation’s wounded warriors (Fox News link).

“It is a shame.” Stovroff says about the lack of an official federal program that pairs up battle-injured veterans with guide and therapy animals that can greatly improve their rehabilitation. “I wanted to do something about it.”

Stovroff has raised nearly $2 million dollars to help train and match up service canines with wounded combat vets. Stovroff is also pushing lawmakers for federal funding to finance the program that he says has received lots of bi-partisan praise.

Stovroff is not someone who shirks away from a tough mission.

Stovroff is not just a World War II vet, but a Distinguished Flying Cross recipient whose own personal tale reads like a Hollywood movie.

You should read the whole story because I can’t do it justice here.

Category: Military issues, Support the troops

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In the spirit of bi-partsianship:

“On the Senate side, their newest member Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has also put out a similar bill.”

Franken may be a whiney liberal, but he’s done the troops well. He’s also done more than one USO trip to the middle east.