Obama; healthcare isn’t about me

| July 21, 2009

Yesterday, Obama told a crowd of supporters that Republicans are picking on the poor baby. he got all whiny when he told the story of Jim DeMint, as recounted by the AFP;

Last week, South Carolina Republican Senator Jim DeMint predicted the Obama plan would not pass Congress, and said such a failure could be Obama’s “Waterloo,” referring to the battle that effectively ended Napoleon Bonaparte’s military career.

“It will break him,” DeMint said,

In response, Obama sniveled;

“This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. This is about a health care system that is breaking America’s families, breaking America’s businesses, and breaking America’s economy,” Obama said on a visit to a Washington hospital.

Well, that’s the first time it hasn’t been about Obama, then. We’ve heard how if we don’t support Obama’s candidacy or his policies we’re racists. How that not personal?

And DeMint is trying to defeat Obama politically because Obama’s policies are damaging to our future. Isn’t that what a political party is supposed to do – protect the country politically? A national health care plan is not feasible – it has nothing to do with Obama.

It’s funny that the Obama crowd wants to do away with our missile defense system because it doesn’t work perfectly yet, but he wants to implement a plan for health care that every expert in the country says won’t work.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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I love listening to our President because he means exactly what he says.

Take the statement “this isn’t about me,” he means exactly that. Which means that he and his family will never have to use the crummy socialised medical system.

Cheers from the great un washed

Frankly Opinionated

Headline: “Obama; healthcare isn’t about me”
His lips are moving…… Sure indicator of an untruth.
Hell no it is not about him; it is about the future financial security of America and Americans.
With this Menage A Trois, we are so screwed.
GOD save America from these liberal assholes.
…..and once again: Yes, the Democrats won in 2008, but it was America and Americans who lost.
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