Don’t Worry Sir, I Could Have Gotten Jimmy Carter Re-Elected

| July 19, 2009


With Obama leading the country toward Carter-Land as fast as he can surely he recalls the biblical ass whipping that Carter took when the American people were allowed to cast their opinion of the buffoon.

So, how is Obama planning to avoid the same pathetic fate?

The “Chicago Way” of course!

Atlanta – “The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny preclearance of Georgia’s already implemented citizenship verification process shows a shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections. With this decision, DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ lawyers helped to craft. DOJ’s decision also nullifies the orders of two federal courts directing Georgia to implement the procedure for the 2008 general election. The decision comes seven months after Georgia requested an expedited review of the preclearance submission.

“DOJ has thrown open the door for activist organizations such as ACORN to register non-citizens to vote in Georgia’s elections, and the state has no ability to verify an applicant’s citizenship status or whether the individual even exists. DOJ completely disregarded Georgia’s obvious and direct interest in preventing non-citizens from voting, instead siding with the ACLU and MALDEF. Clearly, politics took priority over common sense and good public policy.

“This process is critical to protecting the integrity of our elections. We have evidence that non-citizens have voted in past Georgia elections and that more than 2,100 individuals have attempted to register, yet still have questions regarding their citizenship. Further, the Inspector General’s office is investigating more than 30 cases of non-citizens casting ballots in Georgia elections, including the case of a Henry County non-citizen who registered to vote and cast ballots in 2004 and 2006.

“It is important to underscore that not a single person has come forward to say he or she could not vote because of the verification process. Further, while DOJ argues that the process is somehow discriminatory, the historic voter turnout among Hispanic and African-American voters in the 2008 general elections clearly says otherwise.

“This decision provides a specific example of the inherently illogical and unfair nature of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. It is a sad day for the rights of our state and for the integrity of our elections. I remain committed to continuing the fight for citizenship verification. In the coming days, I will consider every option available to the state, including the possibility of legal action.”

So the Obama DOJ dropped the case against the New Black Panthers that were clearly in violation of federal election law and then opened the door the greatest voter fraud scheme in history.

Yeah, the “Chicago Way”, that’s the ticket.

The cynical phrases “Vote early — and often” and “Vote early — and vote often” are variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.

Mark my words, with Cap and Trade on the ropes and Nationalized Health Care about to go the way of the dinosaur, desperation is just around the corner. And with that is going to rise the most corrupt administration in history.

Category: Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

And this sorry asshole and his teleprompter programmers are my troops Commander-in-Chief?
Americans, we are so screwed.
I pray that he and his programs fail, miserably. America just can’t afford him and his Trillionaires.
Yes, America has a new Rap band,
Obummer and the Trillionaires,
bringing a bad rap to America.
nuf sed

B Woodman

I hope that Georgia has enough cajones to ignore the DOJ ruling, and continue the voter citizenship verification process. After all, it’s the state’s election as well as the federal election. And if the non-citizen happens to get turned away from the state vote, as well as the federal vote. . . .

B Woodman

“And with that is going to rise the most corrupt administration in history.”

What do you mean, “is GOING to rise”?
It’s already risen.

And that should be amended to “American history”.