The Phonies Files

| July 19, 2009

The other day, I had a conversation with some people who worried they were on our list of folks we’re investigating. I guess that’s the drawback of doing what I do – folks spend most of their conversation with me explaining why their stories might not match their files. I think it’s funny, but to put people’s minds at ease, here’s a screen shot of my “Phonies” files. They might not be phonies, but I’m keeping my eye on them. Some of them you’ve read about before, they’re just a continuing saga.

One is my car salesman who, out of a clear blue sky, for no reason, made the mistake of telling me he was “Special Operations. I flew around dropping stuff on people.” He was an Air Force E-4 paper weight. I’m saving that one for the next car I buy.

I also have an external hard drive full of other people – but these are the ones I’m working on now.


If there’s someone that should be on the list, let me know. If your name isn’t on the list, you can sleep well tonight. Well, until I publish the next list.

Category: Phony soldiers

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B Woodman

“I have a little list, they never will be missed. . . .”

“Every day, in every way, makes me add another name to the list of people that piss me off.”


Damn… Where’s your list of wonderful folks you have met?

Or your list of handsome and witty old guys?


who is Paula Garces? Is she hot?

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I need to keep my eye on her.


So Mr John Lilyea, if that’s who you really are… Would you like my address and phone numbers now, AFSN #, or would you rather track me down on your own? I’m sure I’m worthy of your sleuthing. There are so many of us wannabe Vets out here and we definetly need your eyes on us. I can be found on line: Are you up on your Latin? Come for a visit and you’ll see my fake wounds, impostor shrapnel, and doctored photos, etc. Have a nice day, I’ll leave the light on for you ! ~ Don


If the shoe does not fit, do not sweat it. If it does…


Glad to see Bobby Whittenberg made the list. He’s claiming a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart after a little discussion we had regarding his disgusting Memorial Day screed. And I hate to say he lives in my hometown.


One wonders, if someone’s service is honorable, why hide as “anonymous”? As Spork said, If the shoe,etc etc.

Don Anderson

Sorry about the “anonymous” post people. I’d not intended that, just had my name on the wrong line. And you’re all welcome to visit with Mr Lilyea when he comes. If he bothers…? ~ Don

Don Anderson

While pondering all this radical rt wing attention for my supposedly fake military credentials, the thought occured to me that you might care to check the archieves of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. To my knowlege, I was the 1st Nam Vet to return home and become a commander of a VFW Post. (#2542 in Arcata, CA 1967-1969) I served that position for two terms. They’d sent two American flags to me and my unit in Pleiku as we had nothing to salute but officers when I arrived there in March of ’66. Both flags returned home with me and I presented one to the city, the other is neatly folded and in my den. Perhaps I’ve pulled off the ultimate hoax with them too. Neglected to mention I’m also on VA Disability, living FREE off the tax payers! I must be real good at this phoney stuff, eh? Investigate People!


Just curious; what is so “radical rt wing” about uncovering all of these bullshit imposters? If you are who you say you are, served as you report to have served, and haven’t engaged in self-egrandizing, dishonorable, lying horseshit, then you have no worries. In fact, I’d think that as a supposed wounded/disabled vet, you’d be happy to see these fakes, frauds and liars exposed for the rancid pieces of shit that they are, political orientation notwithstanding. But that’s just me…

Don Anderson

That’s exactly why I responded, left my name and email address and invited him (and all you other disbelievers ) over to my home idiot! And I’m reminded by fellow service buddies that I did leave my name at the end of my original response when I heard it was on this list. It wasn’t anonymous. I assume you too are a military Veteran? Would you not be pissed to learn your military service was in question? Especially on line and some stranger’s hit list?Maybe I don’t believe you if you say “Yes, I’m a Vet!” Do I have any business dogging you to prove it? NO! Much less adding your name to a list to do some bullshit investigation. The Truth will always be told in the end and impostors will rot in their graves eventually, like the rest of us. Maybe you’re just a vigilante and wanna fight right now and not wait for facts. Come on over, we can accommodate that too! And bring your DD-214 with you. I also have ways to tell if it has been faked sucker.


I get it, but one thing I am wondering is that besides this post there is no record of your name on this entire site So I wonder what the claims are.

Don Anderson

I also wonder if there is another Don Anderson posing as a Vet., hero, or whatever. I’m certainly no friend or fan of imposters but my attitude is that their lies will be exposed sooner or later and it’s not my job to expose them unless they come into my personal life somehow. Am still waiting for the originator of this list to question me and set the record straight. So far no response from Mr Lilyea, where he got my name, or what he intends to do about this so called investigation of his.

The Traveling Wall was in Albany, OR this last weekend, about 15 miles from me. Another Oregon Vets had a field of 1,000 American flags there, and was passing out Medals and citations to current and/or prior military members. During the opening remarks, it was mentioned that over 6,000 have been awarded since the program was begun in 2006. 48 have been stolen thus far, even with names and ID #’s on the reverse side. They have been replaced to the men and women who earned them. Yes, there are imposters out there, even people posing as doctors lawyers, etc. But to pull names off of what ever list, put them on a web page and allow other strangers to start taking pot shots at Real Vets is just as dishonorable in my opinion. I happen to know one other name on this list and he is not a fraud either. Mr Lilyea, where are you? I want this settled so I can get on with my life and not need to defend myself to stangers.

Commander Post 27

Hey Don Anderson,
Chill out.
I ran into a chaplain with the same name as mine here in Germany…..

Jonn Lilyea Says:
July 20th, 2009 at 8:56 pm

I guess there’s only one Don Anderson in the whole world. And his name gets 134 million results on Yahoo.

Commander Post 27

He must have finnaly got the point.


Dear Post Commander Anderson: I hope this finds you in good health and in full possession of your own identity. While there have indeed been successful fakes that penetrated the austere VFW and lived lives of fame and glory for decades within Our Posts, accepting high offices and accolades, I would hope that you are not that one. I also hope that some other has not used your credentials to claim your glories. On my own site, you’ll find in the Zeroes Shame Category one entry: An FBI APB for a man that assumed the identity of a Special Forces Command Sergeant Major. As to the vast “right wing conspiracy” hunting you down for false impersonation, I can attest to the fact that Jonn doesn’t base any investigation on the political position of the imposters. I can tell you that the names above include at least one member of that vast right wing. I can also attest to the fact that the investigations produce multiple persons of the same name, some of which are alive, some of which are deceased, and some of which legally assumed. Having worked with Jonn on one such investigation and having worked elsewhere on a much easier investigation with some others, I can assure you that if you are who you claim to be, no matter your politics, you are safe from exposure. If you are assuming the name and record of the real Don Anderson, please stand up, please stand up, and run for the door. There is a way that fakes and frauds get found. There is a way they get prosecuted under the Stolen Valor Act. And Jonn is a part of that. Take their word for it, give them the shadow of a doubt, if you want. But when you need to find reason to doubt, Jonn and his resources will be there to help. Don’t believe me? Read my site. Read my claims. Challenge any ONE of them. And I’ll send my 214 and proof to Jonn to verify the results. I trust him enough that he is one of… Read more »


To: Don Anderson (the one posting above)

1) Is that you in the referenced Google video link above?

2) If so, why are you wearing the 1st Cav patch and Air Force insignia? Which unit were you actually in? Some sequences of the video the Don Anderson within states he was “stationed” with the 1st Cav, but he also he was “attached” to the 1st Cav. There would be a big difference there, IMO.

2) And what exactly are you saying here:
[…”The Truth will always be told in the end and impostors will rot in their graves eventually, like the rest of us.”… ]