9-12 candidate Kokesh

| July 20, 2009

I got simultaneous emails from Coby Dillard and Chris Hill this morning about one of the newest “9-12 candidates”. 9/12.org was apparently founded to highlight the candidacy of potential politicians who share their values and principles. Why they let this guy in is beyond me;


If you go to the page wherein this organization endorses Kokesh, it gives a brief biography – but somehow, between his honorable discharge in 2006 and his candidacy for Congress, the details get a little thin. Details like his General Dischage, arrests for trespassing, arrest for failing to obey a police officer, arrest for illegally putting up posters on Federal property, putting up bogus fliers trying to frame a conservative student group around the GWU campus. Little things like that. It’s all summed up in these lines;

Driven by a deep intolerance for injustice, Adam has also done extensive work to alleviate, minimize, and prevent the human suffering that inevitably arises from forceful government intervention.

In addition to addressing the kind of suffering he experienced first-hand in Fallujah, he has organized to help veterans struggling with PTSD, railed against 4th Amendment violations, and stood up against the Federal Reserve.

Yeah, he helped veterans struggling with PTSD – with his prescription of xanax and gin. And storing his urine in the fridge at the IVAW Treehouse. Oh, it doesn’t mention Kokesh’s membership in IVAW at all. I wonder why?

Apparently, this 9-12 organization doesn’t screen the candidates they support very well. I’d find it hard to support any of their candidates based on this one endorsement. Two minutes of searching this blog with Kokesh’s name would turn up enough evidence to drop him from their rolls.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Thunder Pig

Good catch.

The Ron Paul people are absolutely in love with this guy. That was my first clue something might be amiss. Just take a look on You Tube at some of this guy’s speeches and fan vids.


I’m guessing Glenn Beck wouldn’t be all that happy with the association between Kokesh and the 9/12 organization.


Writing them now and blasting them for their ignorance and stupidity.

They need to withdraw their support YESTERDAY or they dont get mine.

Debbie Clark

Jonn wrote, “Oh, it doesn’t mention Kokesh’s membership in IVAW at all. I wonder why?”

It’s not really appropriate to mention it. IVAW falls under the 501(c)3 umbrella of VFP. It’s prohibited for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations to endorse political candidates and the VFP leadership sends out warning/reminders to the membership from time to time about that kind of thing to keep its members in line.

Jonn wrote: Sorry, doesn’t pass the smell test. Candidates list their “experience” with non-profits all of the time on their bios. This isn’t IVAW endorsing Kokesh, it’s Kokesh telling the truth about what he’s done over the last few years.

Debbie Clark

Well, Jonn, you’re probably right then. What does Adam Kokesh say?


The young Iraq War veteran who is managing this initiative as a labor of love is dependent upon the honor and integrity of his state coordinators and the candidates themselves. He hasn’t the personal resources to investigate such charges. Now that this information has come to light, rather than attack him for his noble and well-meaning efforts, assist him by providing him with well-sourced information on these charges so he can act accordingly. I’m sure he would appreciate it, as would those who consider it an honor to be known as 9/12 candidates.


Hi, John,

It’s important to me and the other candidates that the integrity of the process be protected. I hope Jacob can find an ombudsman or someone to help him in this endeavor. I don’t presume to know everything in which he’s involved but I have let him know that he ought to consider a screening process of some kind. Such is the era of politics on the Internet, I guess! Thanks for allowing me to visit!


I hope you don’t discredit all the 9/12 Candidates because of one. I know of one in particular – Tyler Russell – in Texas District 8 who is a conservative Air Force Veteran and USAFA grad going up against a Republican incumbent that voted for the bailout twice that doesn’t have anything shady in his past.

It’s a great suggestion though to have some kind of background check in place, that way we can get some good citizen statemen elected into office and not just more politicians.