Endorsement from Missouri voters matter, not Trump’s

| July 15, 2022

Representative Vicky Hartzler, declared that it’s the endorsement of the voters that matter. Donald Trump posted a comment on Truth Social that indicated that Hartzler did not have his endorsement. Trump did not believe that she would have what is needed to take on the Democrats, the mainstream media, and the RINOs.

From Fox News:

Trump said Friday night on his social media platform, Truth Social, that “You can forget about Vicky Hartzler for Senate from the Great State of Missouri.”

“I was anything but positive in that I don’t think she has what it takes to take on the Radical Left Democrats, together with their partner in the destruction of our Country, the Fake News Media, and, of course, the deceptive & foolish RINOS,” Trump further said.

Trump hasn’t officially endorsed a candidate, but told the OAN Network later on Friday that former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens is “the one the Democrats legitimately want to run against” and said the former governor is “tough and he’s smart. A little controversial, but I’ve endorsed controversial people before. So we’ll see what happens,” reports The Columbia Tribune.

Greitens resigned as governor in 2018 while he was threatened with impeachment over accusations that he’d stolen from a veterans charity, the newspaper reported. According to a Real Clear Politics polling average, Greitens is holding a 2-point lead in the race.

Hartzler told Newsmax on Monday that people in her state know that she is “not just the pro-life champion, but also the person who has been getting things done as the true conservative record in Washington, fighting for our values.”

She also insisted that she’s a fighter and has the experience needed to stop the “train wreck” created by President Joe Biden and to help turn the country around.

Newsmax has the article here.

Category: Politics

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????????? MISSISSIPPI or MISSOURI ????????????

Sentence deleted. Tact goes a long way when pointing errors out. -thebesig


Good rule of thumb:
Never poke the bear with the ban-hammer.


Is there anyone out there that trusts any politician any at all? I don’t have anything for any of them. I will vote for Herschel. Will hold my nose and vote for Kemp.


Oh I agree, thebesig with all of the above. And it’s not a bad idea to vote 3rd party to send a message. However, the 3rd party vote may tip the election just enough to send Abrams in and we DO NOT want that. Sadly, in Georgia, the majority of the electorate lives in the Atlanta or other Metro Areas and the demonrats have a lock on how the vote goes. We saw that in 2020, ELL SEE’s opinion not withstanding. The power brokers pretty much ignore the outstate regions concentrating their efforts on busing the “voters” in to the precincts and handing them a “cheat sheet” printed ballot. Been like that for decades. Remember the infamous overcoat the Talmadge had? We have truly seen in our lifetime that it really does matter who counts the votes.


Gotta admit, in any legit election the endorsement of the majority of voters is far superior to the endorsement of one non-voter, even if he happens to be an ex-President. In the latter case, you get a political attaboy, in the former you win the election. She has a point.


Wellll Liz did kinda piss off the entire state. Except Teton county.


They don’t count. 90 percent of them are CA residents anyway.


Full disclosure: My family moved to Teton County in 1971. From California. However, we didn’t bring any California political baggage with us. My dad grew up in Boise, and used to do a lot of fishing in Teton county with his dad. He always wanted to live there. SO when dad retired from the Air Force, that’s where we headed. I’d love to move back there but when a 1000 square foot house is selling for over $1.5 million, that ain’t happening.


I do not trust Eric Greitens. I read his book and was not impressed. He was a card carrying liberal and I suspect he still is. Think he just wants to be a career politician no matter how he gets in.

USMC Steve

Greitens is a life long socialist dem, as are many commissioned officers. He just keeps that quiet. He is also a screaming gutless pussy who quit when that black racist St Louis prosecutor went after him with no real evidence. If he quit once, he will do it again. Not getting my support.

USMC Steve

I am from Missouri, and Hartzler has been a pretty staunch advocate for conservatives, on a number of issues. A pretty good friend to gun owners and others with common sense. In this case, if Trump don’t like her too bad. We do.