Senator accused of being transphobe for mentioning women

| July 15, 2022

Berkeley law professor, Khiara Bridges, testified at a hearing discussing the overturning of Roe versus Wade. During the speech, Bridges talked about women as “people with the capacity for pregnancy”. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley attempted to clarify that statement and asked if that meant “women”. In response, Bridges provided a transgender friendly answer. Senator Howley pondered if this was not a woman’s rights issue. Bridges responded with a standard Progressive talking point.

From the Post-Millennial:

Khiara Bridges, a Berkeley law professor and author of Critical Race Theory: A Primer, was one of five panelists to testify in a hearing about the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. In a statement addressing the court, Bridges used the phrase “people with the capacity for pregnancy” five times in a single minute.

Senator Hawley asked Bridges for clarification on her choice of words, saying, “You’ve referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy, would that be women?”

Bridges explained that besides women, transgender men and those who identify as “non-binary” are “capable of pregancy as well.” But this ignores the property that unites both transgender men and the women who call themselves non-binary– being biologically female. These language games, coupled with the practice of pretending not to understand basic principles of reproduction are becoming increasingly common among Left-wing progressives, and serves as a form of political purity test.

Hawley, pressing Bridges for more information asked, “So this isn’t really a women’s rights issue?”

“We can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing other groups,” replied Bridges.

“All right, so your view is that the core of this right, then, is about what?” Hawley asked, referring to the long held belief that abortion, a central pillar of the Democratic party platform for decades, is a women’s rights issue.

But rather than answer the question directly, Bridges went on the offensive by deploying a common evasion tactic used by Left-wing activists, saying “I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic and it opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing them.” This ploy attempts to shut down criticism by painting all those who disagree with progressive ideology surrounding “gender identity” as transphobic and hateful.

The Post-Millennial more information at this link.

Category: Liberals suck, Politics, Society

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Ah… Berkeley… says a lot right there. Fucking loser.

Those who can’t do, teach… in what was once a good school in a once decent state to live.

Wokeness needs to be erased and tossed to the dustbin of history’s many other failed ideologies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deckie
Hack Stone

The Woke Left just recently told us that men can birth babies. Okay, let’s go with that. Supreme Court issues ruling regarding abortion, and one of Hack Stone’s left leaning Facebook friends posted that men should have no say when it comes to abortion, as they cannot birth babies. Hack Stone told her that she is incorrect, because the Woke Left believes that men can bear children, so we get to opine in on the matter.

So, men can become pregnant, but men cannot offer an option on abortion because they cannot become pregnant.

It must be confusing to be so Woke.


A very Special Spiritual Mental Illness on show for the world to see, the Demonrats have a Legion to pick from too!


Here’s some more insanity from Khiara Bridges during this same hearing:

‘That Senate Abortion Testimony Just Got Even Wackier’
That Senate Abortion Testimony Just Got Even Wackier – RedState


“Do you think that a baby that is not yet born has value?” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) asked her.

She responded, “I believe that a person with a capacity for pregnancy has value.”

Cornyn observed that she was not answering his question. Her response? “I’m answering a more interesting question to me.”

Oh. Is that how Congressional testimony works now? You just answer the imaginary things that float into your head while the members of Congress twiddle their thumbs and wait for you to land back on Earth? I don’t think that’s the way this works…’

Hack Stone

In their world, that is how it works. Haven’t you ever watched one of those Sunday morning news talk shows? When a journalist asks a Democrat a question to clarify their hypocrisy, they will talk incessantly about anything and everything, except answering the question posed. If you have any doubt, just keep repeating “The President’s position is clear…”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

How can a woman have a baby since she can’t define what a woman is????


I miss the Salad Days of the screaching Femi-Nazis. At least everybody knew a woman when they saw one.


Lord help.


When I saw the chain link in her nose I knew she was too far gone. Who invited her stupid ass to these hearings? Just a waste of everyone’s time playing “I’ll not answer your questions because I don’t like them”. Why can’t they be arrested for contempt?


D-rat congress rats on the committee invited her.

Only Army Mom

“Woke” is a term others use as a pejorative but they claim it, happily. A statement I heard in a meeting recently, uttered in earnest, “I would hope that the Mental Health field is sufficiently Woke”.

I get (should have got) an Oscar for not reacting. I also get (daily) a headache from the strain of stopping my eyes from visibly rolling. I spend a lot of time examining the tabletop in front of me and/or my shoes.