Fake Marine Pleads Guilty in Stolen Valor Case
Several news outlets are reporting that Sarah Cavanaugh, who we posted about here, has plead guilty to federal charges in a case of Stolen Valor.
East Greenwich woman to plead guilty to federal charges in stolen valor case
An East Greenwich woman accused of falsely claiming to be a decorated veteran with cancer to collect benefits will plead guilty to various fraud-related charges.
Federal prosecutors said Tuesday that Sarah Cavanaugh will plead guilty to fraud, aggravated identify theft, forgery and fraudulent use of medals.
They said she collected more than $250,000 in charitable benefits and contributions by falsely posing as a decorated U.S. Marine fighting cancer.Prosecutors said a search of military records found Cavanaugh, 31, never served in any branch of the military. They said she used her job as a social worker at the Rhode Island Veterans Affairs Medical Center to access the personal information and medical records of a Navy veteran who had cancer and a Marine.
“She allegedly used the information to create fraudulent documents and medical records in her name, claiming that she was an honorably-discharged Marine stricken with cancer. It is further alleged that Cavanaugh used the fraudulent documents in various schemes to obtain more than $250,000 in cash, charitable donations, and services reserved for injured veterans,” a release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
Prosecutors said Cavanaugh bought replicas of the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star to wear on a Marine uniform she wore at public events.
Cavanaugh’s sentence will be determined by a federal judge.
I may have read this wrong but it doesn’t seem like she was convicted of stolen valor according to the Stolen Valor Act. Sounds more like she was convicted of ancillary crimes such as identity theft, fraud, etc.
I guess our readers won’t be able to speculate about ‘Bubba.’ May have to come up with another name in this case.
Category: Marine Corps Poser, Purple Heart, Stolen Valor, Stolen Valor Act, Valor
To quote the late Grumpy Cat:

Fur Petes sakes I’m glad that cat isn’t a convicted Feline.
“I guess our readers won’t be able to speculate about ‘Bubba.’ May have to come up with another name in this case.”
It may still be Bubba but he decided he wanted to get laid and now self identifies as female to serve time in a woman’s prison. Now “she” have the choice of three points of entry.
Thought I remembered folks using Strap-on Sally among other terms?
Double Fistin’ Da’niqua?
Big Marge. She swings the biggest strap-on in the cell block.
Tell ‘em Large Marge sent ya!
I read a copy of the plea agreement and Stolen Valor was not one she plead to. Was she formally charged with SV and it got dropped in exchange for the guilty pleas against other charges? Or was she never formally charged under the SV statute?
Regardless it appears they will claw back some of the money and she still faces jail time.
My speculation is that they use the term ‘Stolen Valor’ in a loose, collective sense to describe the overall case… but I could be wrong. I was wrong once before, I think back in 1986 if I recall. 😉
Isn’t it a federal crime to wear valor decorations you didn’t get awarded?
This bitch stole a quarter million in benefits and cash, but the judge only ordered her to pay $120K in restitution, for some reason. That was likely part of her plea deal.
Xhe blew half of it on hoo-ha wax & vibrator polish. Unrecoverable.
That Dame can sing Jail House Rock when she goes into stir.
Or maybe Columbus Stockade Blues?
20 years, hard labor. Her hard labor should consist of scrubbing each and every headstone in Arlington. And should she complete that task before her allotted time is up, there are plenty of veteran’s cemeteries that can use some cleaning.
I agree on making her pay a fair price, but she has no business doing anything in Arlington. Surely there is a burn pit somewhere. Maybe a field Latrice that needs burning, something.
Am trying to figure out which is worse:
Someone who never served and may be collecting VA benefits or $$$ they never earned…
Or Some who did served, but embellished/lied about their service and are/were collecting VA benefits or $$$ they never earned…
Can’t wait for sentencing.
BTW, the Bubba in Women’s Prison is Bertha.
Big Bertha.
Or Mom.
Actually, we HAVE watched some of those movies…
Think they may have come out in the 60s? 70s?
At Drive-Ins?
Those movies are a HOOT…
HOWEVER, Mel Brooks changed EVERYTHING with HIS movies…😉😎
Dirty Harry movies. Billy Jack movies. Biker Gang movies…
The 70s drive in movies
were almost always cheap Italian crap.
Worse than Spaghetti Westerns.
Spaghetti Women’s Prison.
Most of the “women behind bars” movies were produced in the Philippines. They would send some D Grade actors over there, crank out four or five films using the same cast and sets, and bam, they have enough films for the next 8 months of drive in schlock.
Full disclosure, Hack Stone does have one of those box sets.
Those movies are a scream…
The “acting..” 🤣
Come On… Time To Fess Up to sbalm…
I’m going to ask this only because I don’t know – are the woman’s prison movies a form of soft porn? Sort of like the beach party films?
You know they are gonna come after you for that beach party films comment, correct?
Rest In Peace, Mouseketeer.
Worse than any beach party pic.
To attract any audience,
either at the theaters (or drive ins),
and especially on VCR,
R rating
and the promise of breasts were mandatory.
I remember 1 high school friend,
who would rent every R VHS tape he could find,
invite the guys over,
and then fast forward through the slow scenes
to the “action”.
MarineDad61 Drive In Movies were also Bruce Lee movies and “Trinity Is My Name” movies (Spaghetti Westerns)..😉😎
A smaller local 70s drive in
(who got the permit to build and open
based on “family entertainment”)
soon reverted (regressed) to advertising
their special Holiday Adult-O-Rama.
5 XXX porno movies.
They never carded for age.
At 19, our gang of 4 would make bets
on how many seconds/minutes
until hard core.
We’d always bore by the 3rd XXX “feature”,
and when we left, we put on our high beams,
to shine on (in) the other cars.
Gross note –
When we saw a young fat Ron Jeremy
do a halfway backward roll,
and pump his own mouth,
we honked the horn (and high beamed)
as we left, and never went back.
She needs to clean bedpans while her name gets forgotten.
You spelled “lick bedpans” wrong.
She needs to have her nose rubbed in every dirty bedpan.
Looks like everybody wanted a piece of her- Rhode Island Woman Charged with Falsifying Military Service; Fraudulently Collecting Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Charitable Contributions Earmarked for Wounded and Other Veterans | USAO-RI | Department of Justice
20 years of CCU ought to fix her. At least it might give her enough time to learn anchors point inboard.
I looked back to refresh my memory from the previous thread. It seems as if we never called for a Deployment of the Vaunted TAH As(s)teroid of Insults on the lying, thieving, embellishing POS Sarah Cavanaugh, NOT a Marine, NOT a combat Veteran, NOT even desirable enough for IDC SARC to hit, tho he may be as horny as a 2 di@ked Toad in a Frog Phuquing Contest.
Nothing more despicable than someone claiming an unearned Purple Heart…NOTHING!
Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
Second and Aye….
I’m still a firm believer that we ought to HANO (High Altitude No Opening) these No Valor Stains in the middle of the desert and take bets on how many times they bounce on impact.
Then take the money and donate it to a worthy cause. That way some good can come from the bad….Just saying!
IIRC, some here, rightly or wrongly, wanted to move a little further down the line on the GoI/AoI/HoR route due to her being a she, or something.
Chivalry? Understood and lauded. But its time. AYE! BOTH BARRELS.
Rest In Peace.
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