Hank Knew

| July 14, 2022

Henry VIII knew what a woman was, although he seemed occasionally to prefer some shortening modifications to the basic model. But the Church of England he founded is a bit confused nowadays and after several centuries of “see, that one there has breasts, she’s a girl, and that one there has a beard and is probably a guy” they now say they can’t tell you what one is.

Robert Innes, the Church of England’s bishop in Europe, has said that that ecclesial community has no definition of a woman because such definitions were long thought self-evident.

His comment comes amid a session of the General Synod, the Church of England’s legislative body, which is being held in York July 8-12.

The synod was asked, “What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?”

Innes responded, “There is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy,” The Telegraph reported July 10.

“The LLF project, however, has begun to explore the marriage complexities associated with gender identity and points to the need for additional care and thought to be given in understanding our commonalities and differences as people made in the image of God,” he added.

Christian Post

Maybe because Gregor Mendel, who laid out the basic foundations of genetics, was a Catholic monk they just don’t believe in combinations of X and Y chromosomes? Expect updates from the CoE soon spreading liturgical faerie dust on all 678,395 genders.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Reality Check, Religion

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The next Dark Ages is going to be fun!!

See you buttfuckers in hell, I guess.


“Did Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry VIII, have a sixth finger and a third breast?


“Dear Cecil: Is it true that Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry VIII, had a sixth finger and three breasts? Anonymous, Chicago”

“…she also had a strawberry-size mole on the front of her neck. Conceivably the latter was a vestigial nipple, a benign congenital defect occurring in about one percent of the population.”




The Anglican Communion, especially the Episcopal Church, went off the rails long ago. It’s filled with leftists from the presiding bishop on down preaching “liberation” theology.


The Brits pussed out a long time ago. The only male ones who are worth a shit wear or wore a sand-colored beret with a flash/badge that says “Who Dares Wins.”


Hell, when I FIRST (ht 2 R-D) saw the headline, I just knew we were going to be treated to a Jr. Williams concert. Wrong Hank. Hank the 8th just wanted women that would give him a little head. Maybe the good parson needs to read that book the King Jim had translated for us. Do believe it ‘splains it all in there.



It’s A Family Tradition!!

A Proud Infidel®™

As a kid and young Adult, I was part of the Episcopal Church. I say WAS because the Church abandoned ME when it went full throttle pimping the LGBTQWERTYUIOP agenda, so I went to the Anglican Church which IMO also abandoned its beliefs when the Archbishop of Canterbury at the time stated that he was for Sharia law, which after doing my time in the ME I found totally unacceptable. Any more, I am very Skeptical of what the upper echelons of large Christian Faiths say when they decide to bow to the woke crowd, thus I’m picky about finding a place of worship.