Tea Partiers protest healthcare plans

| July 18, 2009


Across the country, Americans expressed their displeasure with the president’s healthcare plan. The lovely ladies above were at fake Mexican Loretta Sanchez’ office. I snagged the picture from American Power blog who has quite a list of links of other protests across the nation.

Gateway Pundit reports on the protest in St Louis at Senator McCaskill’s office there. Apparently, her staff is so accustomed to dissenting opinions that they closed the doors and windows and called the cops on the surly protesters. According to the Schilling Show, the cops were called by the staff of Tom Perriello’s Charlottesville office, too.

Our buddy, DanNY at GOE; NY visited several politicians offices in NY including Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Kristin Gillibrand, Rep. Steven Israel, Rep. Tim Bishop.

Instapundit has photos from Cleveland, Dallas and Raleigh. Michelle Malkin has pictures from Houston, Mobile, and St Louis. The local Fox station in McAllen, TX reports in the protests there.

The Eureka California Times-Standard reports on protests there, Contract With The Constitution has pictures of the San Antonio event.

Send me your links and pictures and I’ll add them as the day goes on.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gathering of Eagles, Protests/Rallies

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Wait, there were health care protests? I guess State Run Media didn’t get around to providing any of us up here in Michigan with that information. If I recall, they were showing a recap of Michael Jackson’s death, and the O-nnointed one’s latest girlie pitch?


Our brain-dead moonbat lib congresscritter Carol Che-Porter apparently doesn’t like to face her critics, either. This despite the fact she used to hound her predecessor Jeb Bradley on a regular basis. Poor Carol, she can dish it out but she can’t take it.


Heh. I’m likely one of the few people who’ll get the Sanchez joke. Once she was Brixley. THen Sanchez-Brixley. Now she’s just Sanchez. I still wonder how COngress was okay with awarding her the seat in a race where outright illegal activity and cheating was found, by COngressional investigation, to have occured in her favor.

Oh, to have grown up hehind the Orange Curtain. 😉

AW1 Tim

Yesterday, in Portland Maine, hundreds of PAID protesters rallied in Monument Square to demand Congress enact POTUS’ socialist health care plan. They were paid between $11-$16 an hour, plus given free chartered bus transportation, signs, leaflets. stickers, and a box lunch.

The local MSM (who are all leftist b@ll-washers) were there in force to cover this “grassroot demonstration”. More like astroturf, if you ask me. Not one word, column, or image was given to anyone opposed to the power-grab being attempted. Not. One. Evah. Not that I have found as yet.

Absolutely embarrassing and predictable, though.


Ry–I used to live three BLOCKS from her district. Thank God I lived on the other side of Harbor Blvd and had Congressman Rohrbacher as my Rep. B-1 Bob was a real hoot at times, but he didn’t need illegals voting to stay in office like ol’ Brixley does.