Sheehan to America “You suck,too”

| July 18, 2009

With George Bush gone, Cindy Sheehan has turned her sights on the rest of us with her new book “Myth America: 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution!”. I haven’t read the book because it’s not in Kindle.

Apparently Sheehan self-published the book because it’s only available at her website and I don’t think I want to put money in her pocket. I’d rather she starve to death, actually. I don’t mean to be cruel, but apparently, from what I heard a few years ago, starving to death is the most humane way to be euthanized. And I’d like Sheehan to be out of her misery.

But you really don’t need to read the whole book when she makes the 10 myths available without context;

Myth #1. America: Greatest Nation in the Universe!
Myth # 2. Elections Matter
Myth # 3. There’s a huge Difference Between Dems and Repubs
Myth # 4. It is Noble to Die in Robber Class Wars
Myth # 5. The Federal Reserve Cares About You
Myth # 6. It’s a Privilege to pay Income Taxes to the Robber Class
Myth # 7. Housing, Health Care and Education are Privileges, too
Myth # 8. America has a Free Press
Myth # 9. The Environment, Who Needs it?
Myth #10. Nineteen Muslims with box cutters were responsible for 9/11

Without reading beyond the list above, I know exactly what the rest of the book says – I’ve heard it all before and I’ve heard it all of my life. But in case you need a taste, here’s an excerpt;

The Robber Class loves to divide us along arbitrary lines: Republican/Democrat; White/Black/Brown; Protestant/Catholic/Jew/Muslim; North/South; but these divisions are malleable, even our skin color can be changed a la Michael Jackson! But seriously, skin color is only a surface issue; inside we are all the same! The Robber Class knows that there really only exists one division in the world: Robber Class and Robbed Class. We in the Robbed Class have way more in common with each other than we do that separates us.
It’s time to break the sick relationship that we have with the Robber Class and do something about it! They can only rob us, if we allow them to.

Brilliant, huh? When’s the last time you heard the CEO of Coca Cola divide us into classes? Yet we only need to go back two days to watch Barbara Boxer try to separate out by race a free thinking Black man from his own convictions. And, of course, Sheehan is right here trying to cash in on her own playing at pretend class warfare.

There are some people who’ve read the book however and they love the sound of her unicorn- and Skittles-based politics;

The Nobel Peace prize nominee had three published books before she released the internet book, Myth America, available on her website. She does not believe the Democratic Party offers alternatives. She advocates change on a smaller scale where people forge community to strengthen each other, where they forge common ground around sustainable agriculture, buying locally, minimizing consumption, forgoing credit and moving their money from the mega-banks into not-for-profit credit unions.

In other words, Sheehan and her acolytes want us to return to the 18th century. Well, she probably wants us to live in the 18th century while she’ll keep her 21st century stuff.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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While most of her blathing is just that, I would tend to (slightly) agree with Myth #3. But then again, blind squirrels, nuts, stuff like that.


Don’t worry, Jonn. TSO will buy it. If there is one certainty in this world, it is that TSO will weirdly buy every book anyone he hates publishes.


As Tsun Tsu said…know your enemy!!!

Michael Moon

Sparky, #3 doesn’t even qualify as a myth. Hell, we all know that. Arlen Specter just proved it again, in case there were any doubters.

Michael Moon

And as far as #5, does anybody who doesn’t believe in unicorns and rainbows and hopenchange actually think that the Federal Reserve, any branch of the federal government, or really anybody besides your family cares about you? That’s kind of what self-determination, personal accountability, and individual freedom is all about, isn’t it? Capitalism and free enterprise work so well (we should all try it again, and see for ourselves) because enlightened, empowered individuals work diligently at assuring our own well-being. Waiting for the government to take care of your problems for you is pretty self-defeating.


Wait a minute

Isn’t this the same Cindy Sheehan who marched with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Seriously. Cozying up to Sunni Islamists like the Brotherhood prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the far Left’s true agenda hinders on anti-Americanism/pro-tolatitarianism vice any sort of social justice, feminism, and/or tolerance. I mean can anyone think of a more anti-feminist, pro-bigotry movement than Wahhabism/Qutibsm? I highly doubt it.


OK, I totally need this book. But I don’t know how to use paypal, and it says “Minimum Donation” without an amount, so not even sure what to pay.

My birthday is tomorrow if anyone is feeling generous. Apparently they email you the book, which is even funnier. But I would LOVE to have this for my plane ride next week.

Debbie Clark

I’m sure it’s not a rip-off, though I know she does need money pretty bad stemming from her political campaign.

Debbie Clark

Well, TSO, she is on Facebook. Why don’t you friend her and send her a message.


I’m sure it’s not a rip-off, though I know she does need money pretty bad stemming from her political campaign.

So what you’re saying is that pimping the death of your son isn’t profitable? Whodathunkit.

Sgt D in The Sandbox

The Unicorn is a nobel majestic animal! How dare you! I also personaly like skittles very much.
I hate that woman.


“I haven’t read the book because it’s not in Kindle. ” After having bought a Kindle, I find I have the same attitude. If it’s not on Kindle I don’t buy it. If it’s above $9.99 it better have a very high motivation factor for me to part an extra five (or whatever) bucks for it.

Interesting to see the same attitude, and I wonder how many other Kindle owner’s have aquired the same attitude.


Ray 2

What a disgrace. It’s one thing to disagree with what your country is doing. It’s another thing to be this bitch and want the downfall of the country whose protection you enjoy.

Also, regarding the Kindle comments, I completely agree with Kalroy. I’ve stopped buying hardcopies of books. I recommend Craig Ferguson’s “American on Purpose.” Pretty good read so far.