The Capitol Hill Educational Series (DVD)

| July 15, 2009


I know that looks to be just an average Ninja, not unlike the hundreds you might meet in line at Burger King, at the Nuddy Bar, or waiting to ride Space Mountain.  But that one is Judge Sonia Sotomayor!  And now, from the makers of such classic educational videos as “The Internet: It’s a series of Tubes (not a truck)” comes Judge Sotomayor explaining Nun Chucks!

Buy yours now!

Coming soon in our Capitol Hill Educational Series:
– How to pick up the really hot chicks, by Barney Frank
– Real men know how to drive well, by Ted Kennedy
– All Natural Beauty Techniques, by (anonymous House Speaker)
– Loving your inner Jooooooo, by Cynthia McKinney

And if you haven’t yet purchased the single of Ted Stevens Series of Tubes, call now, our operators are waiting!

(Video H/t to Power Line)

Category: Politics

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Next up; knives – sharpened metal with a holdie thing in the middle, constructed from wood or a synthetic material, that when waved around, can damage persons, property and the errant ninja who showed up to a knife fight with a stupid piece of shit set of nunchucks.

B Woodman

I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything while reading this. I would have had a wet monitor, keyboard & electronics work bench. And getting electronics wet while in use is NOT a good thing.


Hey, Justice Sotomayor, GREAT MOVE on voting to ban ’em!! Ever hear of wood shops??? Bet you’d poop your panties if you saw the manrikigusari I made out of a dog chain & two 3 oz fishing weights…


wait, did she referenced the 2nd amendment while explaining the danger of nunchucks??


Yes Olga, sadly, she did. And this is a “brilliant choice” for the court? I’m just glad to know that the O-nnointed one made this pick. Junior AG, wasn’t the making of nunchucks a required course in wood shop every where?