Rowe v Wade to be overturned by U.S. Supreme Court?

| May 3, 2022

Politico claims to have a draft decision showing that the US Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v Wade. So far, this is a claim, and the opinion is in draft form. Did this really happen? You decide. Joe Biden is calling for voters to elect more prochoice Senators. This appears to be a strategy to get a federal law passed to replace Roe v Wade in case these stories are true.

From the Post Millennial:

According to that outlet, the opinion is a “full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision,” which made abortion legal across the country. The legality of abortion was further upheld in a 1992 decision, known as Casey.

Over the past year, many states across the US have written and passed laws that essentially outlaw abortion past 16 weeks. It was the law out of Mississippi that was challenged in the court.

Part of that draft ruling states that “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.”

A source said that Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett had voted in the majority with Alito after December’s oral arguments, and as the court was set to reach a decision, that remained the same.

Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer were all opposed to overturning the ruling, which essentially bumps the abortion problem back to the states, or will require Congress to act to create a law on abortion that would be effective across the country.

Politico states that the opinion is 98 pages long, still in draft form, and backs Mississippi’s right to make abortion illegal in the state. That the draft was made public is somewhat shocking, and “a rare breach of Supreme Court secrecy and tradition around its deliberations.”

The Post Millennial has the full story, and embedded Tweets here. Here’s the story on Joe Biden’s calling for voters to elect more pro-choice Senators.

Category: Politics, SCOTUS, Society

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Information leaks like Biden’s depends.


Biden also thinks there is a Constitutional right to privacy- doesn’t exist. This “brave” ploy is intended foment public outcry to pressure the court into a decision instead of an analysis of the Constitution.


I don’t think you can pressure the Court – it’s split pretty clearly along ideological lines on this issue. Rather, this was someone who was either just utterly pissed at the draft ruling, or trying to motivate action in those who’d be opposed to it. Likely both, really.

Roberts already confirmed it’s real but said it’s not yet final. I’ll eat my hat if it isn’t a done deal though.


Judges feel a lot of pressure from the left lately. They’ve been showing up to their houses to pressure protest decisions they don’t like.

There’s also precedent for such judicial pressure being effective at the level of the SCOTUS.


“I don’t think you can pressure the Court…”

Except for those who want to remain atop the D.C.
“A-List” for cocktail and dinner parties… 


Like Roberts…


Thanks for that. I especially liked the video after the article. The one where the twatter (Twitter) twat meets with her boss at Twitter about Musk buying the company.


The so called “Constitutional Right to Privacy” is the rationale for the so called right to an abortion on demand. The Roe court said privacy is a “penumbral” (shadow) right implied from the other specific fundamental rights protected by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. However, anyone who thinks we have a personal right of privacy against the federal government is deluded. The feds are spying on us all the time. Whatever you put out on any electronic device they can get without a warrant and without you knowing about it. The last six years should have made that abundantly clear to any sentient being then alive who has an IQ above 85.


Roe was shit in ’73 and the fact that it had been allowed to maintain it’s position in the pantheon of bad judicial supremacy decisions this long should emphasize just how inept the SC be.
And Roberts gotta go.


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Green Thumb

Whichever way this goes is going to cause waves.

That aside, some law clerk had to have leaked it. Always a great thing when an individual takes it upon themself to change the establishment, in the case, SCOTUS.

The person should be disbarred and blackballed from here on out.

AW1 Rod

Yup. It was some sniveling SJW mole (law clerk) whose intention is to generate massive protests in order to sway/change the Court’s mind (reverse the decision in the draft) before the actual ruling is issued.

Disbarment is FAR too lenient a punishment for such a pus pocket.


Is there something this asshat can be charged with other than criminal douchebaggery?


The simple answer is no. There is no federal crime that would apply according to multiple legal authorities. Although, it is being investigated by the Fan Belt Inspectors, so if the guilty party lies to them, that person could be charged with the process crime they used against Gen. Flynn, lying to a federal investigating officer. But the likelihood that would be prosecuted by this DOJ is about zero.
Garland would never allow that.


Correction: I just read that Roberts only wants the Court’s Marshal to investigate the leak, not the fibs. But Cucky Schemer wants them to investigate the Trump appointed justices for perjury. So we have that going for us.


Well, then they should investigate that Wide Latina Sonia Sodomizer for saying in her confirmation hearing that the Second Amendment was settled law in view of *Heller*, and then later signing on to a dissent calling for it to be overturned.


He’ll declare it a “tax” and good to go, or something…

Hack Stone

The FBI can’t investigate this data leak, they have all of their Field Agents trying to recover Ashley Biden’s diary. Joe Biden doesn’t want America to learn his daughter has a secret crush on Desi Arnez Jr.


Naw, he doesn’t want anyone to read her musings about how she doesn’t want to have to shower with PopPop anymore.


Laws only apply to Republicans for Democrats.


Unfortunately, disbarment and being fired are the only remedies available to the court and whatever state bar association licensed him or her.


To “federal pound-me-in-the-*ss prison” with him!


I thought a law clerk, as well. But what about the “conspiracy theory” of one WAG commenter that it is certainly feasible that our own Fan Belt Inspectors leaked the draft opinion to Politico. It’s not like they don’t have a history of black bag jobs. Moreover, they likely have the ability to get any document on the court’s servers. But then they would never do such a thing, cuz they aren’t politicized at all, based upon their recent history.

Green Thumb

I am an old school Soldier.

Just going with the most obvious and simple solution.

Kinda like seeing a pile of shit in the Company hallway. Could care less about the conspiracy component and why it happened.

Shit stinks, someone did it and it needs to be cleaned up.
Just taking the logical approach and thinking it was one of the boys that dropped it.


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…snuff out Life for whims and you can do the same to Liberty and no Liberty is no Happiness!

The lines have been drawn for a while now and they ain’t going to stop pushing, watch for a spicy summer going into chaos for Moloch, who might remote view many Liberty Trees.


How can the SC rule on the issue if Justices cannot define
what a woman is? Will they take up the issue of men being
able to abort not only their impregnated females fetus but that
of their own making by whatever means.
This whole gender thing is now welded to Roe v Wade.


Male right to abortions, now there is a cutting-edge concept.

Hack Stone

We’ve been told that men can get pregnant too, so I guess those of us who pee standing up now get a say in the abortion debate.


I’m not a biologist but you’re overlooking those ungendered individuals and menstruating persons who pee standing up in the shower. 😜 




So how does a man get a pap smear?
Hold his ass open with a speculum?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Every wednesday, Gun World has ladies day where ladies shoot for free so I think I’ll go there and claim that I am a woman, after all it worked for that dude on the female swimming team

Hack Stone

So, we are back to “My Body, My Choice” again? Hack thought that was all tossed in the gutter when it came to getting the COVID shots.


It’s all about what Leftists want, nothing else; all their high-minded rhetoric is a lie.


“But it’s settled law!” So was Dred Scott.


Oh, and it’s “Roe”

The Stranger

Yep, Plessy v. Ferguson was settled law too, until it wasn’t.

Hack Stone

Progressives: You can’t ban abortions, it’s a constitutional right.

Progressives: Just because the 2nd Amendment is in the Constitution doesn’t mean that it can’t be revoked.


Their position on the 2A is that you only have a right to own a flintlock musket, but only if you belong to the militia that is “well regulated.”


I would like to know in what form the draft was leaked. Paper? PDF? Emailed as an attachment? I bet that the Supreme Court did not use covert and clandestine source indicators in the preparation of the draft copies.

Bet they will now.


I bet a dollar to a doughnut that it was carried out of the building on a flash drive. That would be relatively easy to conceal.

The Stranger

Not saying that’s impossible, but the government computers I’ve used for the past 10+ years have had their USB ports disabled to prevent transfer of sensitive data and minimize the threat of introducing viruses into said computer. Even if there was the capability to use a secure USB device, it would be a simple matter to see which computers and USB drives were involved since that kind of stuff is easy to track on networked machines. Honestly, it would be easier to either take a hard copy home, copy it at Kinko’s and return it the next day or scan the opinion using the Turboscan phone app than to try to defeat the security on their work computers. These are lawyers here, not IT folks or hackers.


The USB slots on the computers aboard USNS vessels would lock the flash drive in place and alarm until deactivated and unlocked by someone with the clearance to do so. Taking off or adding things to shipboard computers was a fireable offense.


Next, they’ll be screaming this is going to lead to the reinstatement of slavery:

Left Spreads Fear: Overturning Roe Means Ending Interracial Marriage (


“The overturning of Roe v Wade could spell disaster not only for abortion access, but for reproductive freedom and LGBT+ rights”. They’re really going bonkers over this.


Those vile women on The View say this will lead to the Court reversing its decisions asserting a nationwide right to same sex marriage and mixed-race marriages. Stupid bints they are.


And the usual dipshits are perpetuating the ridiculous lies:


“And just like that Russia isn’t a threat any more…” – F. Gump

Slow Joe

You miss a coma, and thus spiked the joke.


A coma?

The Stranger

Yep. Playing grammar Nazi and tripped up by using the incorrect word. That’s our very own Slow Joe!🤣

That must be what comes from drinking shitty beer.

A Proud Infidel®™

Abortion has long been one of the left’s biggest sacred cows and now that it’s threatened, the left’s handlers and herders are stirring their useful idiots up to screech and riot once more.


And the commie dems will grab this issue to get out the midterm vote. Every repub who supports the repeal will be dragged over the coals. They must be grinning in anticipation.

Slow Joe

Is this abortion thing their October surprise?

Too early for that.
Dems are going to forget all this long before the elections.


Suck it, left/libtards.




Maybe she should “gun up” and do something about it.

idi amin.gif

If given a choice betwixt two arbitrary positions:
1) sharing her version, or any iteration for that matter, of democracy
2) shedding this mortal coil in a hole surrounded by brass, knee deep in hand grenade pins from freedom seeds tossed at her fellow drones assault on my position…?



63 million babies murdered since 1973…”legally”! Margarette Sanger grins.

The Stranger

I’d willingly spend an Eternity stoking the fires of Hell making sure that bitch was extra roasty, toasty warm.


Why Gen X is one-half the size of the Baby Boom and Millennial cohorts…


Already smaller due to ‘Nam and the ’60s, then wham…
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Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
tom reynolds

They teach the kids that “roe vs wade” is sacred ground but they never tell them about how Norma McCorvey (Roe) decided not to murder her baby (a beautiful girl) and spent her later life fighting against it. May she rest in peace. They also don’t mention that she lied about being raped and not knowing the father.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone’s Fakebook Friend posted a meme saying that if you do not have a uterus, you have no say in who can get an abortion. Hack Stone replied that since those on the Left said that men can bear children, he now has a say in the matter. She asked Hack if he has a uterus, had to reply that since he is not a biologist, he cannot answer that question.

Don’t you love when you turn their idiotic positions back on them to bite them in the ass?


“whoa-man’s healthcare”…

Neglect to realize half the victims are future women.


Retort with since women can’t get drafted they don’t get a say on military matters. Our Framers had it almost completely right…