Benjamin calls for Marines

| February 28, 2008


I picked this up from Jammie Wearing Fool; apparently Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin’s alligator mouth overloaded her hummingbird ass and when she chased a guy who spit on her down the street in Berkeley while she was blockading the famous marine Recruiting Station. The spitter stepped out of his car at which time Benjamin called for the Marines from the very recruiting station she was picketing to protect her from a long-awaited ass-kicking. (Canada Free Press link);

“Medea Benjamin yelled and I quote “Marines!” She actually yelled for our help because this man had stepped out of his car. I even asked her if she was yelling Police and she told me, “I said Marines” then put her arm around my friend Allen (the Marine Vet). Ironic?”

Of course we can’t read about this in the local media can we?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Media, Politics

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Jungle mom

I just raliz3ed you had me in your blog roll. I see that I am one not willing to link to you. I will try to remedy that this weekend.


Wow!! John, what a change!!! You’re blog is gorgeous now (I don’t know if that’s a fitting word for a hard military man’s blog, but… 😉 ).

And well, these pacifists… ever the same… 😈


then put her arm around my friend Allen (the Marine Vet).

I hope that guy’s shots were up to date.


Eeeh… I don’t use Windows, my family has given me a MacBook this Christmas… 😀

So I see it OK! Much more happy than the old template.


Once again, proof that Marines have more class in their little finger than any of the anti-American poop heads.

509th Bob

The Marine vet she grabbed should file battery charges against her. Generally speaking, an unwanted touching constitutes a battery (although definitions vary state to state).