Race baiting from the Dems

| February 28, 2008

Patterico’s Pontifications and Protein Wisdom are both running pieces from the leftist blogosphere alleging, without a shred of evidence, that John McCain is going to run a racist campaign. From Patterico;

Josh Marshall:

Hopefully, everyone can now see the McCain strategy for running against Barack Obama. Yes, we have some general points on taxes, culture wars and McCain as war hero who can protect us in ways that flash-in-the-pan pretty boy Barack Obama can’t.

But that’s not the core. The core is to drill a handful of key adjectives into the public mind about Barack Obama: Muslim, anti-American, BLACK, terrorist, Arab. Maybe a little hustler and shifty thrown in, but we’ll have to see.

Yes. Because McCain denouncing such tactics is clear proof that his strategy is to engage in such tactics.

That’s exactly it – when McCain denounced the comments by some no-name radio talk fellow, he was trying to set the tone of his campaign – that it’s going to be about the issues and not this identity politics game the Democrats played through their primaries. But that’s all their candidate has – what he is and not who he is. Democrats can’t allow this campaign to be about substance – their guy is an empty suit.

Karl at Protein Wisdom boils Marshall’s rant down to it’s essence;

Josh Marshall’s effort to impose a double-standard on the campaign, under which John McCain must repudiate any person or any comment about Barack Obama deemed to be inappropriately racial or ethnic, while Obama is excused from discussing his less savory associations, has been taken up by a number of left-liberal bloggers during the course of the day.

While the Leftist blogs were stirring up the troops, Li’l Howie Dean was whipping up the crowd at Georgetown U;

The Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and former Governor of Vermont contrasted the two parties’ presidential candidates, saying that with a woman and an African-American as the two front-runners, the Democratic field “looks like America,” while the all-white male Republican field “looks like the 1950s and talks like the 1850s.”

Funny how Dean mentioned those two decades. The 1950s was when the Democrats were siccing their dogs and turning the fire hoses on Blacks in the South while Republicans were crafting the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The 1850s was when the Republican Party was formed to oppose the Democrat Party’s stalwart opposition to the emancipation of Black slaves.

Bookworm at Webloggin found an article from the San Francisco Chronicle that paints Conservatives with a broad brush as racists one-and-all. Bookworm nails the reason the press and the Democrats have to do that;

It’s a lousy story and it’s a hit piece on the Right. More than that, it sets up a straw man that allows the media, again, to avoid actually looking at the real Obama:

The reason they lose this election has to be about race, otherwise they have to admit that no one wants their big worthless government programs. They have to shame Americans into voting for their candidate.

Category: Media, Politics, Society

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Don Carl

That is all the dems do. Race baiting is a long tradition for the Democrat party, they specifically endorsed slavery in one of their campaign platforms, being the ONLY party to do so.
AA defines insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, ergo, expecting better of the democrats is insane.