Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok

| April 12, 2022

Rumor has it that there’s a good stolen valor case coming tomorrow morning. In the meantime, let’s laugh at some crazy people.

Black supremacists aren’t racists

Racist church

Wait for #7…I can’t imagine why

She seems stable

You’re a homophobe if you don’t want to talk to little kids about sex

Bring your 5 year to watch people rock out with their cocks out

Why does this heathen not trust The Science?

Separate but equal…The rings a bell…

Child Abuse

Joyless Reid, idiot with a primetime show

Wait, the doctor was guessing?

Racism is why blacks are more prone to hypertension. Has nothing to do with genetics.

Well would you look at that?

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok, YGBSM!!

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Way yonder past time to start thinning the herd.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So much WRONG and STOOPID and in every one of these IDJITS. Where to begin?
I KNOW! Let’s grant these LibTard DildoCrats one of their fondest wishes, a post-partum abortion! Starting with themselves!


The Stupid, it burns.


Now with Weapons Grade Stupid!


They really are coming after our kids…..
Don’t let them, fight back, they can’t jail all of us.
Call a spade a spade, they are groomers, plain and simple perverts and groomers…


Ol’ Poe remembers telling Miz Poe more than fifty years ago that adult male homosexuals pursued young boys for two reasons:

1) They are more gullible regarding sex, thus easier to persuade.

2) It’s safer–propositioning men is more likely to lead to an ass-kicking. Remember the term, “Queer-bashing”?

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

This was one of the favorite pastimes of sailors on shore leave in San Fransicko back in the 1960’s according to my buddy who did four years in the blue water navy.


Goddamn, I LOVE watching these retards show up every Tuesday.

Curious though, how does Joy Reid know which door to walk through to shit?

Tard Tuesday is a better gift than Clark’s Jelly of the Month Club membership.


Unfortunately, the twats of Twitter have suspended the Libs of Tiktok for simply posting the insanity of these woke alphabet loonies, many of whom want to groom our children in grade school to become sexually deviant loonies like themselves. The brave young woman who puts up the site was interviewed on TuCa last night.


Just in… Twitter suspends Libs of TikTok (12 hours) for reposting sh*t on Twitter they let libs repost on Twitter.