White Supremacy in the Military

| April 3, 2022

Shocking I know, but racism exists. As a microcosm of society it exists in the military- we’ve reported about active duty neo-nazis here on the pages of TAH. Such behavior is not tolerated, and rightly so.

The question is how prevalent is it, and does it deserve the time, expense and loss of personal privacy required to quell the movement?

The Pentagon is investigating extremism in the military. Here’s how bad the problem is

Dozens of current and former service members spoke to Fox News about extremism within the ranks

By Ethan Barton , Teny Sahakian | Fox News

The Pentagon’s most recent search for extremists within the ranks was just the latest failure to find evidence that the military is a breeding ground for violent radicals, a Fox News review has found.

The Department of Defense identified fewer than 100 instances of confirmed extremist activity in 2021, the Pentagon reported in December. Despite significant rhetoric from Democrats, media pundits and activists, the finding was unsurprising to more than 30 current and former service members who spoke with Fox News.

“I noticed zero extremism during my time in the military,” Matthew Griffin, a former Army Ranger, told Fox News. “None. Didn’t witness it at all.”

Each service member echoed similar remarks, explicitly saying they’d never seen any extremist behavior.

The service members Fox News interviewed ranged from cadet to major. They spanned five branches and the political spectrum, and their service dates as far back as 1980.

Being unable to find even 100 extremists in the military “is a success story and shows that extremism is not a large problem,” a former command sergeant major said.

Many said the service would even stamp out extremism since it would harm unit cohesion – a critical component to combat effectiveness across the branches. They also told Fox News that the military serves as a sort of melting pot that exposes recruits to unfamiliar cultures and people.

“Even if you are kind of a piece of s–t, you have to be able to depend on the people with you or else you’ll die or get hurt real bad,” Jariko Denman, a retired Army Ranger, told Fox News. “All of the kind of ignorance that leads to extremist behavior, it’s squashed because you’re immersed in all these other cultures, you’re immersed with all these other types of people.”

Given that investigations have repeatedly failed to prove a systemic problem, many service members told Fox News that dedicating significant time to pursuing extremists would ultimately take away from combat readiness.

They also said that senior officers are aware that a widespread issue doesn’t exist, but won’t push back because they’re more concerned with falling in line to score promotions.

Fox News

This despite the oft-quoted 2019 poll of Military Times subscribers that found white supremacy rampant in the ranks. 100 cases out of a population of over two million service members isn’t even a rounding error.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Big Pentagon, Government Incompetence

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Yeah, what do you expect? The DoD gots rid of that Dirty Rebel Flag so now everyone lives in peace! /s

That and the sensitivity training totally worked! They has the numbers to prove it AND it justifies more spending to extinguish the problem [that doesn’t exist]. /huudger s

A University of Maryland team reported that from 1990 through 2021, “461 individuals with U.S. military backgrounds committed criminal acts that were motivated by their political, economic, social, or religious goals.”

But it noted that 120 of those – or about one-quarter – were charged for breaching the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

Does anyone have some clutching pearls I can borrow? ffs.

Are we to go down the path of assumption that every single one of those ‘120’ committed crimes on 06 JAN, or where they just charged with a crime?

Barry Goldwater wept.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

After I left the ship in Nov. 1966, She left for the west coast in early Jan. 1967 and a lot of crew members were transferred to other ships in the NOB, Norfolk Va. due to being short timers and were replaced with a large mixture of white and minority crew members. I heard that there were lots of racial problems aboard the ship. Glad I served during the happy times and not involved with all the stuff that went on after I left.


1967 was a bad year for racial incidents in the military. As ol’ Poe has related here before, as the only bachelor E-6 living in the barracks, he was awakened frequently by the charge of quarters to assist in breaking up racial fights in the platoon bays.

More often than not, the inciting event was loud and boisterous, drunk black troopers coming back to the barracks long after lights-out and turning on music at a high decibel level.

Two weeks after young Poe ETS’d from Ft. Bragg, they had nationally reported race riots there. Black troops were seizing control of busses and attacking white troops.

This racial crap isn’t, and never has been, the one-way street our federal government would have us believe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

Ditto. There were racial confrontations in Germany in 1969-1970, and Black soldiers were usually the instigators, as they were being told by the Black Panthers and similar groups to air their grievances. I had to deal with an incident in which three black soldiers form my unit attacked a white civilian German bartender and stabbed him in the neck, paralyzing him for the neck down.


“in 1969-1970,”

And 1967. That’s why I went to the local EM club exactly twice in my 18 months in Germany, both times in my first month there. Had a full-fledged riot one night at closing, tear gas and all. That’s also why German taxis had an armored partition between the front and back seats. The Overseas Weekly (strangely, not the Stars and Stripes) had almost weekly articles about taxis being robbed. Ft. Benning in ’69 was no paradise, either.


What you’re not telling us Tim, is just who those perps were.

Ol’ Poe thinks we can all make an educated guess.

And it damned sure ain’t anybody wearing white hoods…


Seen more dirtbags than racists, honestly.


We had a full on Klan member at one unit I served in. This was before the crack down in the mid 90s. He was a Specialist forever and kind of a douche. He started banging someone’s wife in the unit and not long after that the lug nuts on one of his front wheels came off his Camaro while he was doing about 150km/h on the Autobahn. He survived but I have never seen a disc brake grind down like that before. Everyone showed a shocking lack of interest in his welfare or interest in how those lug nuts got loose.

Eventually he ETS’s and went back to his home town near Detroit and then suffered a mysterious gun shot wound not long after while just walking down the street and minding his own business. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

A Proud Infidel®™

We had one in one of my AD Units i served in that was quite the dirtbag, he ended up getting QMP’ed after a reduction from E4 to E1 via a field Grade Article 15.

Largo Larry

I would bet that you will find more Nations of Islam and New Black Panthers then KKK members.

Name edited to protect PII.

Green Thumb

The Masons.


The Masonic/Mormons in the 33rd degree of Ra too.






Suicide, motorcycle accidents, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and a myriad of other things are a bigger issue in the military than Milley’s “white rage.”


Why isn’t DoD seeking out those members of ethnic gangs within the ranks? They’re not only viciously racist but thoroughly criminal sources of drugs in the barracks.

Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that they almost exclusively come from large, Democrat-controlled urban areas?


There are likely a great many more Hispanic gangsters in the ranks than KKK members, prolly by a factor of tens.


The Klan and their offshoots are viciously racist ethnic gangs. If you mean non-white groups most of the Black terror groups like the Black Panthers won’t allow their members to serve in the military. It disrupts their narrative too much.

Hispanic gangs are a problem but these aren’t really race based gangs. They are criminal gangs that are sending guys to the military for training to be better gang soldiers. A Guatemalan based gang won’t normally accept members from Mexico and vice versus.

In real life most criminals won’t commit crimes with people of different races and nationalities. The exception being very low level drug dealing on a temporary basis. It’s a question of trust and who will get sold out first. It is kind of like how the old Mafia would only accept people as senior members that could trace back to the old country.

With Islamic groups they tend to divide along the different Islamic sects. Nationality doesn’t play and big role but ethnicity can.

A Proud Infidel®™️

These days the Klan is so infused with Informants it’s not even funny, it’s been like that for at least the last thirty or forty years, ditto with the Aryan Nation.


IKR?! We spend half the meeting checking each other for bugs…

THEY, I said ‘they’!

(full disclosure to my FIB handler, this is a joke. See you at the meeting!)

Mike B

I didn’t see or meet anyone that was a self professed member of any hate group, during my time in (86-08).

Were there members of these groups in the military? Most likely yes, they just didn’t walk around advertising it though.

Side note, when stationed in Germany 88-92, we had a German civilian working for us. He was either captured or surrendered to allied forces towards the end of WWII. He worked for the allies as an interpreter, and moved into varying civilian positions over the years. He was still pro Nazi and pro Hitler when he retired in 89……


We had plenty of people that we imported to the US after the war who were still faithful Nazis after the war. Operation Paper Clip is a good example.


More recently, too. Was with the Germans in 1999- 2000. One of ’em would openly blab about “In dem schonen alter Tage wann wir hatten die schwarzen Uniformen aufgetrogen…” (In the good old days when we wore the black uniforms…) etc. not knowing I sprech-ed the Deutsch. He was a Major.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Gee, maybe he was referring to the black Panzertruppen uniform rather than the SS uniform?

Had a German tell me in ’67 that what we needed in Vietnam was a couple of SS divisions. I probably should have told him that the French had plenty of SS men fighting for them (Foreign Legion) but they lost anyway. As did, of course, Germany.

USMC Steve

In the French Foreign Legion, yes. It used to be said that the Legion was only as strong as its weakest German. But they lost in Indochina due to the lack of intelligent French leadership, not because of the FFL abilities to fight.


He’d actually meant it both ways as the one he preferred (as the other Germans confirmed I got his drift correctly) is illegal for him to say as a German officer now. Naturally, he did/said nothing actionable.

He promptly got LTC after his career enhancing JIIM assignment and command of a battalion comprised entirely of the tanks used as gunnery targets at their schoolhouse.


Role playing being Waffen SS is quite common among the WWII re-enactor community. My dentist buddy usually portrays a Russian soldier, but sometimes does his Wehrmacht impression. He has a Chinese copy of the Wehrmacht’s WWII BMW motorcycle, with all the period markings he added. I went to his office once for an appointment and he had the bike there, but with three reproduction German potato masher hand grenades strapped to the rear fender.


My point is that just because someone has Nazi stuff does not make one a Nazi sympathizer or supporter. I had an acquaintance that had quite a collection of original Nazi military daggers. Many collectors of militaria have Nazi stuff in their collections.

Mike B

Bingo, well said!

I’ve got WWII/Nazi/German memorabilia, then again I’ve US, British, Japanese, French, Russian, etc memorabilia.

Plus I’ve got a full Grenztruppen der DDR outfit….Doesn’t make me a Commie either.

History, not only must be remembered and taught, but it also must be preserved. Not just the pretty parts of it, but the ugly parts too. Sure you can go to a museum to see stuff. But in my house you can handle the history, and a hell of a lot of kids have done just that over the years. Being able to do that brings history alive for them, instead of just words in a book.

Just my unsolicited opinion…..!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike B

“History, not only must be remembered and taught, but it also must be preserved. Not just the pretty parts of it, but the ugly parts too”

It seems yours is an unpopular opinion. The rest of the country seems to be hell bent on destroying any reminders of America’s (and European) shameful, criminal, capitalist, colonialist, white-supremacist past, while at the same time talking/writing about nothing else. It’s “triggering”, you know.

Mike B

I agree with you……


USMC Steve

Those were probably real, to deal with the traffic.


What about all the bullying by the gay mafia at a certain-unnamed-yet-well-known (GAB) Navy flight school?

Asking the flightiest of Squids amongst us: https://youtube.com/shorts/L4w3gDxadnk?feature=share


I think you just recapped the plot to Top Gun II, The greatest military film ever made.


Bazinga, Roh! Oh, that’s gonna leave a mark. I love it. The most arrogant, pretty fly boys I ever encountered were the Navy’s Blue Angels.


Glad that you fellas are keeping up with the duty roster to see whose day it was to be “that guy”.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Wasn’t there supposed to be nothing but peace, love and rainbows with everyone doing group hugs all over the place after they took down the statues and banned displaying the Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia?

Last edited 2 years ago by A Proud Infidel®™️

I’ve come across quite a few left wing extremists, but then again, that’s not the extremists they’re looking for.