Russian atrocities uncovered in newly liberated areas

| April 3, 2022

Cartoon depicting Russian soldier with boots of dead Ukrainian child, on phone with his wife. (r/Ukraine)

In what is being called “The Bucha Massacre”, Ukrainian military and civilian personnel were met with a gruesome scene. Dead bodies lay in the street, at least a couple of them bound. These were unprovoked attacks on civilians. Some of the video shown on the Ukraine subreddit includes dead people next to their bicycle. It appears that the Russians just shot into the civilians. There are other accounts, on the subreddit, of how the Russians set up torture rooms in civilian homes they took over.

From the Associated Press:

BUCHA, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s troops found brutalized bodies with bound hands, gunshot wounds to the head and signs of torture after Russian soldiers withdrew from the outskirts of Kyiv, authorities said Sunday, sparking new calls for a war crimes investigation and sanctions against Russia.

Associated Press journalists in Bucha, a small city northwest of the capital, saw the bodies of at least nine people in civilian clothes who appeared to have been killed at close range. At least two had their hands tied behind their backs. The AP also saw two bodies wrapped in plastic, bound with tape and thrown into a ditch.

Authorities said they were documenting evidence of alleged atrocities to add to their case for prosecuting Russian officials for war crimes. To convict, International Criminal Court prosecutors will need to show a pattern of indiscriminant deadly assaults on civilians during Russia’s invasion.

Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said scores of residents were found slain on the streets of Bucha and the Kyiv suburbs of Irpin and Hostomel in what looked like a “scene from a horror movie.”

Some people were shot in the head and had their hands bound, and some bodies showed signs of torture, Arestovych said. There also were reports of rapes, he said.

A day earlier, AP journalists witnessed Ukrainian soldiers gingerly removing at least six bodies from a street in Bucha with cables in case the Russians had booby-trapped corpses with explosives before their withdrawal. Local residents said the dead people were civilians killed without provocation, a claim that could not be independently verified.

The Associated Press has the story here.

Category: Russia

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Making the news cycle now.


Rough seas ahead, if I read this right – not for Ukraine, either.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your excellent articles. That said…

“Rough seas ahead…” I presume that you are referencing the Saker sitrep. It’s an interesting site with all kinds of different viewpoints on the Ukraine war and its implications. I recommend reading the commenters as there is more info often offered. I also recommend keeping a skeptical mindset and your Sister Mary ruler handy.


Fox News’ Brett Baier (sp?) asked Zelensky in an interview a couple days ago about reports of the Ukrainians (the Azov Nazis) torturing, abusing and killing Russian captives. The Z essentially answered, “it is what it is”.

My point of the story is that the pro-Ukraine propaganda is thick and heavy. I have no doubt atrocities are being committed by both sides – it happens in war. I can think of a number of atrocity incidents in our wars involving US military personnel. No army is immune to these acts.


I don’t know if I can blindly believe either side. With all the social media posts from Ukrainians showing armed civilians or militia, it’s possible these people were combatants.


Amen. Nothing has changed with regards to propaganda. When I arrived in Nam in latter 1970, the anti-war propaganda in the US was, “we’ve lost the war”. Of 17 LERPs I did, only one did we see a sizable force of NVA and this was in April of ’70 as the US was starting to withdraw (1st Recon struck its colors in March). I greatly credit our soldiers in previous years for having decimated the NVA/VC, but this fact was never reported. You are the historian, so maybe you can determine how often VC/NVA atrocities were reported, but I don’t remember any. I remember how big the Calley atrocity stories were.


What’s a LERP?


Maybe he means LRRP ( pronounced lerp) Long Range Recon Patrol. Never saw it spelled LERP during my 18 months in RVN.


AGrim, if he is the same commenter I am familiar with, served with the USMC 1st Recon Battalion in Da Nang. They performed long range recon patrols (LRRP’s) for the 1st Marine Division.



MSNBC is leading the charge for the US declaring war on Russia with their lead analyst, former Al Jazera Kenyan-Canadian “reporter” Ali Velshi. Like all of the current executive branch he seems to not understand that the Ukraine is not a member of NATO.


So I really don’t care about Ukraine or Russia, but I thought I would bring this little gem to light, courtesy of the “so called” British Intelligence. Russian Advance apparently never made it as far as Bucha. But the counter attack did. Curious how that trench was dug almost a month ago. 14 days after the invasion, It was dug, almost as if those who controlled the area had completed it. Now the NY Times says the Russians didn’t have control of the area before the 21st of March, and that they were out of there by the 28th. Veritably, by photo. So what do you think the odds are that the atrocities were done by Russians? Hey, here’s a little unprocessed nugget…guess who’s the daughter of a Nazi Prison Camp! If you guessed the Mayor of Bucha, give yourself a gold star. I’m going to guess the other 409 missing people are also Jewish. Please prove me wrong.


“The first casualty of war is the truth.” The only things we know for sure is that Hitlery Klintoon colluded with the Russians, and the family of the Artist Formerly Known as Hunter colluded with the Ukrainians.