Bounty on Putin

| March 3, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin

A U.S.-based Russian businessman has announced that he’s placed a bounty for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Alex Konanykhin called on Russian military officers to arrest Putin as a war criminal and pledged one million dollars.

Konanykhin stated he would pay the $1,000,000 to the officer or officers, in compliance with their constitutional duties, who would arrest Putin as a war criminal under Russian and international laws.

He claims Putin rose to power by terrorist means and then eliminated free elections and murdered his opponents.

Poetrooper sends.

Russian entrepreneur offers $1 million bounty on Putin

On Wednesday, a Russian-born banker and entrepreneur posted on the social networking website LinkedIn offering a $1 million bounty to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes.

In a post that’s no longer viewable on LinkedIn, Alexander Konanykhin said, “I promise to pay $1,000,000 to the officer(s) who, complying with their constitutional duty, arrest(s) Putin as a war criminal under Russian and international laws.”

“Putin is not the Russian president as he came to power as the result of a special operation of blowing up apartment buildings in Russia, then violated the Constitution by eliminating free elections and murdering his opponents,” Konanykhin added in his post. “As an ethnic Russian and a Russia citizen, I see it as my moral duty to facilitate the denazification of Russia. I will continue my assistance to Ukraine in its heroic efforts to withstand the onslaught of Putin’s Orda.”

American Military News

While some taking up Konanykhin‘s offer would solve a lot of problems, I doubt Putin will ever be taken alive to face his accusers.

Thanks, Poe.

Category: Crime, Guest Link, Russia

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When Putin means the Russky oligarchs losing money (lots and for the foreseeable future) he’s done.


I imagine Konanykhin‘s life expectancy just took a downturn. Putin doesn’t forgive or forget.


Alex Konanykhin?

Check out what he said in 2016 about President Trump in a USA TODAY article.

Wonder if he still resides in the United States. You Be The Judge:

“The slashing, visceral nature of the campaign — Trump frequently disparaged women, ethnic groups, veterans, those with disabilities and others — elicited a wave of fear and hostility.”

“That’s led some to suggest a more radical solution: leaving the U.S. altogether.”

“Others say maybe it’s simply time to relocate their businesses — a decision that’s typically governed by worker supply and state tax rates.”

“I’m taking off and leaving for Canada,” says Alex Konanykhin, a tech serial entrepreneur who runs software firm “For aesthetic and business reasons, I refuse to remain in the country ruled by Mr. Trump.”


So maybe they will knock each other off?


Ya think we could get him to offer the same for Hitlery? Asking for a friend. 🤔

Hack Stone

You can collect the bounty at midnight in Fort Marcy Park. Bring a shovel, the reward is buried.


Alex Konanykhin?

Check this out…You Be The Judge…


“Thank you to everybody who’s acted on our invitation below and contributed to Joe Biden’s Victory Fund!”

Silvina Moschini & Alex Konanykhin
Founders, TransparentBusiness”


Russia is making more money now under “sanctions” than ever before. The US simply hands him $70,000,000 a day in oil imports because the eco warriors have Biden by the prostrate. This would all be over in a hurry if we started pumping again and the price of oil crashed to Trump era levels.

Inflation would die a quick death too.


Lying Red says we just need more Green Energy. It might take 5, 10, 20 years to invent the things that haven’t been invented. I don’t think Ukraine can wait that long.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Looks like all the hollyweird left with their TV left counterparts are still waiting for the moving vans that are stuck at a malfunctioning red traffic light since President Trump took office.cnn possibly going to a straight news station the way it was when they started.


A million bucks doesn’t go as far as it use to.

AW1 Rod

Doesn’t matter, anyway. ANYONE attempting to make good on the bounty will end up disappearing forever, courtesy of the FSB.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I bet when the bounty goes up, he will get on his yacht if he has one and will go sailing o’r the bounty main or if he sings the song while at the helm, it will come out as sailing sailing over the bounding main.


It’s a bold move, Cotton, to put out a bounty on a guy who routinely has his enemies killed with ricin. Let’s see how it plays out for ’em.


He has moved up to plutonium poisoning. No mercy.


Well I’m now convinced more than ever that Putin’s secure in his position.


In other news. A Russian army major general was reportedly killed by a sniper.
Russian Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky killed by Ukrainians in ‘major demotivator’ for invading army (


The “Heroic Partisan Sniper of the Great Patriotic War” is a cultural meme trumpeted by Russian entertainment during that war and endlessly since.

And now, that meme is biting Russia squarely on the ass.


Offer 10 million for just his head. That’s what the French Foreign Legion officers would offer for a deserter.