Boomer’s Sunday

| January 30, 2022

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best. The preponderance of toons is provided by him and AW1 Scott, with many others also contributing.
Disclaimer: These toons are meant to amuse, entertain and inform, pretty much in that order. While I cull what I can, they are not specifically fact-checked, so expect a certain amount of artistic license.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Satire

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My weekly good startup!!!

Green Thumb


This was a good one.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Note (and you probably already knew this):
DC (District of Criminals) is called “the swamp” because that was the land back then when the US capital was proposed and drawn……a swamp. But you’re right, today “sewer” would be a better description.

I like 3rd World Shithole.
I vaguely remember I heard that some place, somewhere in the recent past but I seem to forget.


Always a fun way to start one’s Sunday. Excellent choices.


Some great ones today!


You wanna hear a really really good conspiracy theory?
The deep deep deep deep state constitutional Freemason Knights Templer dudes illuminati that helped put America together got Trump elected then helped purposely false flag cheat Joe Biden into office so that Trump will get elected again in 2024 and in the meantime we had to suffer through Biden to expose all the tyrannical bullshit the Democrats have been doing forever so that they will probably never ever, at least in a generation or more, rule in this country again, at almost every level, all the way down to school board.
Wouldn’t that be amazing if that was true and really happened?


This isn’t the only link with this info from the end of 2020, NBC News and others covered it as well.
Don’t say I didn’t tell you and I’ll try to not say “See, I told you so. “

Last edited 2 years ago by ChipNASA
Slow Joe

My favor thread of the week.
Always motivates me.


I like cake too! And there is a porcine critter warming up as we speak. Cat heads, butter peas, cornbread dressing, and cheese grits & shrimp infused bacon wraps for all hands.

Another fine selection! Thanks, Mates!


A friendly reminder, it wasn’t just self-identified Demonrats that expressed the desire to throw we Purebloods behind a fence.
For the vast majority of human history Liberty has not been the Natural State of man. Being a foreign quality to our genes it makes it that much more rare, and speaking of ‘rare’, often bloody.
Dmanit! Now I want steak. Is it still under $50/lbs or did Moron-in-Chief put in ‘price controls*’ yet?

*for those of you that lived thru Nixon’s folly Part LXIX, you know it’s in fact ‘supply tightening’.


But it was 54% of them.