Sunday FGS

| January 30, 2022

Patton’s Colt .45

Tamil Nadu: Woman Kills Husband For Making Sexual Advances To Daughter But May Walk Free
The police are mulling to avail provision of IPC Section 100 (Right to private defense) in connection with the murder.

Chennai: A woman surrendered before the Otteri police with a bloodstained hammer for hammering her husband to death since he allegedly made sexual advances to their 20-year-old daughter in Chennai on the wee hours of Friday.

According to a report on Times of India, the Otteri police have not arrested the woman since she killed her husband only to rescue her daughter. Therefore, the police are mulling to avail provision of IPC Section 100 (Right to private defense) for murdering the man, said a report on DT Next.

The woman, who was a native of Kerala, resided with their in-laws as a joint family in Otteri for the past 20 years. Her father-in-law was a tailor and the family bought a few houses in Otteri with which they were making a living.

The woman and her husband were not employed. The couple also has two children, a daughter studying in college and a son studying in Class 6. Both of them used to stay in their grandparents’ home and they were raised by them.

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ABP Live
Bang bang Maxwell’s…ok I’ll quit.

Texas police fatally shoot man threatening woman with knife

DENTON, Texas (AP) — A Texas police officer fatally shot a knife-wielding man who was holding a woman hostage early Saturday, the police chief said.

Officers responded to reports of a man threatening to kill himself at an apartment complex courtyard in Denton, about 40 miles northwest of Dallas. They found the man holding the woman by the neck shortly after 1:30 a.m., Denton Police Chief Frank Dixon.

“The hostage-taker would raise the knife up to the female, almost in a stabbing motion, several times,” as officers tried to talk with the man, Dixon said.

“At one point, as the knife was being raised, we had one officer fire one round from his patrol rifle striking the subject in his upper torso,” Dixon said.

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Fine shootin’ Tex.

Missouri officers kill suspect, citing ‘imminent danger

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) — Officers in Springfield, Missouri, fatally shot an Arkansas man after they determined he had put a woman and her children in “imminent danger,” police said Saturday.

Police were called Friday night to a domestic disturbance at an apartment, where they said 28-year-old Mitchell R. Hooe of Arkansas was armed with a gun.

Officers confirmed that a woman and her children were in the apartment with Hooe. Police said in a news release that the woman was unable to speak freely “and it appeared she and her children were in imminent danger.”

The officers forced their way into the apartment and shot Hooe. He died at the scene.

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Thanks for the two prior links, Gun Bunny. An International Sunday FGS Trifecta- WW grins.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. —Dwight D. Eisenhower

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link, Trifecta

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Frankie Cee

3 fer 3. Not bad for a Sunday morning report.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

In the deceased ex-husband’s defense, without going into the weeds and the details (not that I want to):
Was the husband drunk at the time? And does the 20 yo daughter look now like how the hubby remembered what his wife used to look like? He could have been having drunken flashbacks.
A better punishment would have been to pry hubby off of daughter, let him sleep it off, then have wife torment hubby for the rest of his life.

She did torment him for the rest of his life. It’s just that his life wasn’t very long once she started. Not her fault he died so early.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

It seems that Springfield had enough of Mr Mitchell’s Hooe, and took action. The police determined that he was full of Hooe, and let some of his Hooe out of him.
I’m sorry guys, I’m giggling like a little schoolboy, and can’t make a better joke. You can’t make this stuff up.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’ll let Gun Bunny make comment on lovely Ms Thang, the brunette hottie with the shottie. Although I’d hate to have her be dressed like that at the range, what with hot brass flying everywhere……on second thought……..(could be a fun day at the range……for all the guys watching)

Wifey had to claw her husband off of her daughter. Sounds like she nailed it.

“…fire one round…” Now THAT’s what I call gun control!

Glad that the MO Officers were able to spring into action. My field is barren of phuques to give for an abuser of women & chill’ren.

Fifty plus years ago, while in BCT at Fort Hard Knocks, I was soaking in the history of the Patton Museum, as most of the other trainees were soaking up 3.2 beer at the EM club. Was allowed to hold the Gnrl’s Ivory handled .45. A near religious experience.

In re Ms Thang Hottie with the shottie? HONEY HUSH!!! Bring me that one! The sultry one! The one with fire in her eyes! I like girls…I’m queer that way.


Sometimes you just have to hammer the point home.


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]


Good assist.
I still wonder why
there isn’t a centralized collection of “Guns & Pussy” anywhere on the interwebby.
Or, if it’s out there, why it’s not easy to find.
Hell, in the 1980s, the BX/PX magazine racks had them.


It’s Sunday Phony FGS….
… over in the current Weekend Open Thread.


While the photo does show a M73 that was owned by Patton (recently auctioned for $75,000), it is not “the” Patton .45 that he carried throughout WWII, and the one most Americans love.


Ringo’s drums from 1985?
Not the same as Ringo’s drums from 1964…. or 1968.


You are correct. Gen. Patton likely owned even more than those two Colt SAA’s. I was only a lowly O-3, and I have over half a dozen Colt SAA’s.