Biden voter discusses his dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party

| January 30, 2022

Isaiah Carter works with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority. He is also a member of the Democratic Party. However, he states that the Democratic Party has shifted so far left that they have become unrecognizable. He additionally states that the country is headed in the wrong direction.

From Fox News:

Carter listed critical race theory and the Afghanistan withdrawal as key issues he has with Biden. He also faulted the president’s COVID-19 policies and his propagating of gender ideology issues, especially among school-age children, by the administration.

Carter has voted Democrat in the past four presidential elections and has actively supported Democratic candidates and policies for over 16 years.

During the 2020 election, Carter did not support the Trump administration but was also concerned about how far-left candidates like Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would govern. He said he voted for Biden thinking he was the “safest choice.”

“I donated to Biden … I supported Kamala Harris from day one … I even starred in Biden’s victory video ‘America the Beautiful,'” Carter said, referring to a post-election video on Biden’s YouTube page.

“I did more than I’ve ever done in my entire life for any candidate whatsoever, and I’m disgusted,” the 39-year-old Brooklynite said.

Biden’s low approval rating has declined in recent weeks. A recent Gallup poll showed Biden at 40% approval, his lowest to date and down from 43% in December.

“I don’t like critical race theory,” Carter, a Black man, told Fox News. “Critical race theory is a Trojan horse that has a lot of darker elements hiding inside.”

“I don’t like the idea of kids — Black kids, White kids, whatever — separated by race and then made to feel like one group is oppressed and the other group is not,” he continued.

Fox News has the rest of the article, and video, here.

Category: Politics

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“Bread lines are a good thing.”


If bread lines are such a good thing, why didn’t Bernie move to the Soviet Union? For extra irony, he is the same guy who got thrown out of a hippie commune because he was lazy (or so I have heard).


That was the Dog Mountain commune, and it did happen.


And The Free Lunch Express movie about Bernie.


Geez, the delusion in the comments of that video is absolutely infuriating. Interesting case study on how conservatives are the ones disconnected from reality (How do you expect to pay for all of that free shit moron? Tax the rich? What are you going to do when the rich move their money out of reach and you and everyone else is forced to pick up the tab jackass? Including the rest of us? And what are you going to when big daddy government comes and takes it all away from you and throws you into a camp because you got on the government’s bad side or because it felt that someone else deserves it more?)?

This movie makes me like Bernie Sanders even more (Despite the fact that the guy is a total sellout and looks out for his own neck and his neck only after he abandoned his supporters not once but twice and will gladly do it again if there is something in it for him. Sorry, you do not get any third chances.)? What kind of drugs have these people been taking?


What kind of drugs have these people been taking?

All of them. They’ve been taking all of them.


I wonder how many other democrats see it, both black and white, or will they just continue to vote for people because they have a d behind their names.


Far too many the latter.


This is what I see happening. I bet he will not vote for someone with an “R” by their name next time either

Green Thumb

The man is not wrong.

I generally lean a little left on most issues more so than many here, but I am also a realist.

This nonsense is beyond stupid.


It was a lot more fun to have a machine which to rage against. Now it’s everyfckwhere.

I blame Clintbushbama.


Nobody cares what you think.
You voted for this and have been voting for it since you were able to vote so deal with the shithole you created and leave us alone.
And report me all you want, I’m totally sick of snowflakes like you.

Green Thumb

I did not vote for “it” or him, clown.

The only snowflake is you as evidenced by that amount of powder you must be taking to be so high as to register you interpretation of what I wrote.

But par for the course, clown.

USMC Steve

If you lean left at all, you are a part of the problem now. Only clown is YOU.

Green Thumb

To bad you are shortsighted.

Ever hear of a Reagan Democrat or a Moderate, Assclown.

And just to reiterate, in case your literacy skills are coming up short, I did not vote for him. And not for Bernie or anyone else on that side.

So who do you think I voted for? Now, take your time as this might be a tough question…

I will give you two hints: use the process of elimination here on a two-party ballot and that the name begins with “T”.

If that is not enough, let me know.


Yoo hoo,Lars, tell us why this Biden voter is wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Ol’ Poe is of the opinion that Lars finally found a doctor who provided him with the correct combination of medicaments to bring him down to a reasonably normal behavioral level, for a grad student of his advanced age; but sadly, in the process, mitigating Lars’ fiery leftist political rage that fueled his occasionally semi-reasonable, but far more usually overheated, totally daft, rants here at TAH.

We’re likely looking at a heavily medicated (and pacified) seagull here.

TAH has been robbed of a long-term source of entertainment by some doctor finally getting Lars’ medications right…


Aww… 🙁


Can we sue for damages?

A Proud Infidel®™

That or he’s busy ratting TAH and its People out to whomever he can!


Bingo. I’d add that we are not separated by race, not like some would like to see. We are united in defense of Happiness which extends from us making this Union more perfect by giving The Unclassified All an equal opportunity to the smallest of minorities: that of the individual.

We have much work to do, but the easiest solution is to tear our power back from those who’d weaponize such divisions.

It’s respectable to admit the Demonrat Party left you! Welcome to the club, Sir!!!


Here’s where I come down on the matter, and it’s pretty simple even for the left wingers to understand.
The left, including some here have been voting for the d-rats for decades and all of a sudden they say that they don’t want this kind of economy etc happening.
Well, this is the end resxult of everything you have been voting for for decades and the fault lies solely at your feet.
So don’t come here and whine like the little bitches you are that the big meanie, poopy butts they voted for are being stupid niow.
Yeah well, you voted for it, deal with it and stay away from our Redneck states, we know that everything you touch goes to shit and we don’t want that happening to the places we moved to go the way of stupid shithole third world ghettos like the ones you live in.
Fuck you, every last one of you for wrecking what a good thing America really is.


I understand your frustration, allow me to retort: there are no innocents on this battlefield.

Full acknowledgment to the weakness of this argument; Let us remember that both parties have been instrumental in eroding the Rights of the People.

PATRIOT Act, CGA ’86, NAFTA, OSHA, EPA, taking the US off the Gold Standard, Obummer’care’,…

Let us come together for common cause and put the onus on our ‘leaders’ to dissolve the things that rob us.

Slow Joe


Totally agreed. Any touch of collectivism in the small things, translate into a turn to the left in the big things.

There 3 very simple principles most of us can agree upon:

1) Free market capitalism

2) Small government

3) Our constitutional freedoms

In that order of importance. Without small government, our constitutional freedoms will continue to erode as it has been happening since the Federal government started to grow in the early 20th century. And without free market capitalism there is no small government. Period.

So, vote accordingly. Do not deviate from the 3 little principles that made the American experiment so successful in the past.


Congrats, Slow. Smartest comment yet, as well. 👌


Tulsi, 2 weeks ago.
Now on duty in North Carolina…
but finding ways to (still) get on talkface TV.

USMC Steve

Just another political whore and one with a suspect military record if you look closely enough. She is a socialist democrat and thus not to be trusted on anything of importance.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s all part of the left’s plan to derail as much prosperity as they can and hog all of the money, power and luxury to themselves, their goal is to turn the US of A into a third world shithole with them in the lap of luxury just like Venezuela today. As for proof, I offer as an example every poverty and crime-infested urban shithole in the United States today, every one of which of has been lorded over by D-rats for decades.


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Wouldn’t have matter much if this fella had of voted for Obiteme or not. The outcome of this election was predetermined. Who in their right mind would think that a career, grifting politician and a person known to have used her “female skills” to advance herself would be the best choice to be “leaders” of the free world.

AW1 Rod

Methinks Soros and his globalist cabal have overplayed their hand.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto, the real people of Red State America has seen the left show its true colors and agenda, and they’re about to say “OH, FUCK NO!!!” in this year’s midterm election.


Some of us living in blue states see it as well, and are saying the same thing.


Sadly, think both of you seriously overcredit the intelligence and initiative of the average voter.


Yup, and ugly it is.
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USMC Steve

Some of them will, but never underestimate the level of inertia present in the Average American. Georgia showed that in the last elections quite adequately.


Methink that Soros and his spawn need to be dispatch with extreme prejudice before they can cause anymore harm.. The Nazi scum is a cancer that needs excised.

A Proud Infidel®™

I would piss all over Soros’s grave faster than I would on “Hanoi Jane” Fonda’s!


Welp, he has certainly done more serious damage than anything Traitor Jane has done. He has eff’d up multiple countries.


I have a growing list of them, just poor a refilled (pp) beer bottle onto the grave and say “for my brother” with fist raised in the air. Nobody will bat an eye.

USMC Steve

Nah, all we need to do is take the old war criminal, forcibly escort him to Israel, and I suspect they will be glad to take care of bidness on him.


Give him to Putin in exchange for Crimea?


There are times I wonder if the Democrats are beginning to believe that successfully getting Biden in may have been a massive strategic blunder (they will not admit this, of course). It has been nothing but disaster after disaster from Afghanistan to rampant inflation. Even worse for them is that unlike Carter, this is the middle of the digital age (which they seem to have forgotten). Everything is easily seen and recorded.

Personally, I believe the elections of Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears, and Jason Miyaires in Virginia plus the successful election of truck driver Edward Durr who only spent around $200 dollars in the primary and over $2,000 in his campaign while airing only one commercial (that I know of) against incumbent Stephen Sweeney who spent around $300,000 (and still lost) in New Jersey may be a sign of what is to come.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cameron

I know it’s baby-lon-beezz but they forgot “glorious”
There goes another perfectly good beverage…at least a mouthful of it.
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Biden is not leading us fast enough to the Socialist Utopia that we in the Commissariat demand! We want the serfs and Boomers to suffer for their decadence and excentric lifestyle!


Name withheld by request

I can sympathize with Mr. Carter, but all the Red Flags where there in the Biden Campaign and in Democratic policies in general. Its finally effecting him/his family in daily life and he is having what alcoholics refer to a “moment of clarity”. The realization of his actions has resulted in these consequences. I’m sure he’ll still pull the lever for a straight Democratic ticket in ’22 & ’24. If he’s lucky, the Republicans will regain control and help restore the nation to how well it was doing just a few short years ago.


Spoiler: Isaiah Carter will continue to vote for Democrats.


They’re going to fix it THIS time. Also, it’s for the children to vote Democrat. And this is the most important election ever to maintain our democracy.


You forgot all the felons, illegal aliens and cemetery voters in Blue States.


WTF Brandon!
RedDye #5 $4.0001 a gallon!


Yes, just ask Klaus Schwab…
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