Links fit for a Full Moon
All of the lunatics are out I guess;
Michael Moore says we should invite the corpse of Fidel Castro to speak at the Oscars if he promises to keep it under 5 hours. “As long as he keeps it under five hours. I’m telling you, that’s got to be a ratings grabber.”
Solomonia has the video of Cindy McKinney in hijab bashing the Jooos for her Muslim buddies.
Ztruth reports Hussein Ibish, founder of the Foundation of Arab-American Leadership claims that bloggers are responsible for Muslim hatred these days – apparently they’d just got the media cowed and now all of these irresponsible independent journalists invoking that pesky 1st Amendment is screwin’ it up for them.
Gateway Pundit writes that the St Louis Dispatch joins those Muslims in bashing his blog and Little Green Footballs’ Charles Johnson. Johnson posts an email exchange with the author.
Chickenhawk Express dredges up an Indymedia report of a “guerilla action” against a recruiting station on 14th Street in DC.
Flopping Aces‘ Curt writes that, of all people, Chris Mathews has exposed the ideological emptiness of the Obama campaign.
SeeDubya‘s dad thinks the Obama campaign looks more a Nazi Rally than an American political campaign.
Jammie Wearing Fool keeps inflation watch on Mgabe’s Zimbabwe – today’s tally; 100,000%.
Moonbattery says that the moonbats are ripening in Berkeley’s trees and almost ready for harvesting.
“Ooops, I forgot that boxcutter in my hollowed out novel” from Michele Malkin.
Wordsmith spots the latest in moonbat automobile-enhancement.
Gribbit compares Obama to Jim Jones with an assist from Halle Berry.
PJ Comix at DUmmie FUnnies has video compilations of the Obama Fainting Brigades
After all of that, click over to the McCain Blogette for more rational people wearing cheesehats.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Link fest, Politics