Hillary Clinton Reads 2016 ‘Victory Speech’

| December 13, 2021

Unindicted Felon Hillary Clinton

In a stunning display of self-aggrandizement, former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton read aloud an excerpt of what would have been her victory speech had she prevailed in the 2016 election.

In between crocodile tears, she spoke of how her election would keep democracy in the U.S. strong, noting how voters would have risen to the challenge of choosing “unity” and “decency.”

The fact that they did and elected Trump instead apparently was lost on her NBC “Masterclass” audience.

I’ll spare you the cringe-worthy video, but stand by. She does nothing without a reason.

White House Repeats Joe Biden Running in 2024 as Hillary Clinton Raises Profile


The White House repeated on Monday that President Joe Biden plans to run for reelection in 2024 as failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continues rebuilding her political profile.

“The president has every intention of running for reelection,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily briefing on Monday.

On Sunday, Clinton warned that former President Donald Trump would run for president again in 2024 and that there would be dire consequences for the United States if he won.

“I think that could be the end of our democracy,” she said in an interview with NBC’s Willie Geist. “Not to be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point.”

Clinton’s sudden reemergence on the public stage demonstrates her eagerness to put her name back in the political conversation, as President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are at an all-time low.

Trump’s likely run for president in 2024 fuels speculation about Biden’s chances of actually beating the former president again and if Vice President Kamala Harris would compete against him.

It’s difficult to picture Joe’s Handlers allowing him on the campaign trail in ’24, and Kamala is a continuous train wreck with the lowest poll numbers in Vice Presidential history. There’s blood in the water, and Das Hildebeast wants another bite at the apple. Stay tuned.


Category: Democrats, Media, Politics

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None of them can cook.


OK, coming from YOU, (which is particularly apropos) this is the funniest thing I’ve read all week.


Why is this evil Bitch not burning in Hell? Oh, that’s right, Satan thew her skanky azz out because she was trying to take over there too.

Saw this the other day on a Fox feed. Scrolled right past it then too.

Hitlery can forget any prezzy ambitions. Barry and George have already decided it’s gonna be Mooshelle’s turn in 2024.






Putin’s amused:

E4 Mafia '83-'87

If Lars had a Mom…


OK, this is the SECOND funniest thing I’ve read this week and in this thread.


Hmm, it seems that Hitlery is one of those that
Can’t Understand Normal Thinking…




How many times are we going to hear things like “this is a make or break point?” Every fucking election it’s crying wolf about this being the most important of all time.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I think she’s trying to play an “Orange Man Bad, I’m the victim” card thinking she even remotely has a snowflake’s chance in hell of running again. It’s obvious to me that Das Hildebeast thought she was flat-out OWED the Presidency but had to suffer through mean tweets while America prospered with Donald Trump in Office, that and the donations to the Clinton Crime Syndicate (*OOPS!* Clinton Foundation) have dried up to next to nothing, no more pay-to-play games for her either!


I was a camped Deplorable in ‘16 and as of late I’ve become much of a decamped Deplorable.
Have Constitution, will travel.
There are no more true Scotsmen in that brackwater den of snakes, lizards and other cool-blooded, belly-dragging vermin on the Potomac.
I will treat them with all the detached indifference they’re due and not a pence more! As I sooth this aching Patriot Heart with copious amounts of booze I will cast a lazy gaze upon them, at a chance to gleefully watch as they tear themselves limb from limb, and hopefully in that petty process that is common to dreadful creatures, they leave in the wake a heaping plenty of clean slate on which to build back America great again better.
I don’t care what you say, you murderous cow, YOU with NEVER rule me.

Signed in my hand, my word carrying the weight of currency, in front of God and country!


The cost of a good suicide just went up.

RGR 4-78


Hack Stone

Hack Stone saw clips of her reading her (Not A) Victory Speech. It brought tears to this Marine’s eyes. Laughing so hard, Hack couldn’t stop crying.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I wonder if Das Hildebeast blames “The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” for her election defeat as well, remember that during the Monica Lewinsky bit that “Blowjob Willie” got into by thinking with his prick? To this day I still proudly call myself part of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!

Hack Stone

Twenty years back, Hack Stone recalls walking through the Pentagon parking lot and seeing a vehicle with a bumper sticker reading “Proud Member Of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”.


I hope this isn’t too repetitive, and guys, please, I’m shocked, SHOCKED, I’m FIRST (h/t to KoB) FRIST to say this about that….

Speaking of getting delight about watching individuals or groups shitting themselves over various levels of failure…boy, you gotta love them Germans.

Forrest Bondurant

Always the narcissist, Hillary is doing nothing more than seeking attention.

She’s had 5 years to write that – and given her propensity of lying – she probably wrote that 3 weeks ago.

After all, the MSM had her (and a lot of Americans) believing there was no way Trump could win, and that she was a shoe-in.


She’s worried Ghislaine Maxwell will roll over and name Bill as a pedo/rapist. Trying to get out in front and get in good with the media again.


Gee. Guess who is running again in 2024…