Rocket Attack In Eastern Syria

| December 13, 2021

This is sort of a “breaking news” story from this morning, online. There is a photo at the link below.

The story is here. It is brief, and no details have come up yet. If you click on that link below, there is very little news beyond the basic notice. Right now, it’s all I have to offer, so if you all can keep positive thoughts going, that’s better than gobbledygook from the Hovel Office.

Rocket attack against US troops in eastern Syria reported

TEHRAN, Dec. 13 (MNA) – Local sources in Syria have said aid that a US military base in eastern Syria was targeted with four rockets on Monday afternoon.

Local news sources in eastern Syria reported rocket attacks on the US military base in eastern Syria and the sound of four explosions at the base located in the Omar oil field in the eastern province of Deir ez-Zor.

No further details have come out of the attack yet. – article

If you pick up anything at all while you’re perusing the interwebs, please add it in. Thanks!


Category: Syria

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Nah, Joey doesn’t think they’re called rockets. That’s a load of malarkey. It’s the y’know — the thing.


Could be worse…. Syrian Pirates could be yeeting ancient antique thunder nuggets at us from the back of an improvised truck. Hard to defend against that kinda shit. Trebuchets any moment now.


Arg! Bees the time to raise the Roger and broadside those scurvy dogs.

Prepare to board, you pox-faced curs!


ARRRRRGG! Oncet more into the breach my Laddies. Tonight we dine on something besides roast Parrot Beast. Inform Commodore Harvey Milk to leave his Cabin Boy alone and lead us into the fray! Slit throats from left to right.

“Trebuchets any moment now.” Ya teasing me Chip…and Pappy, The Stranger, is slobbering over those “engines of war”! Might as well use ’em…the FIRST (ht 2…oh, wait…that would be ME) person killed in that part of the world was killed with a rock and I’m sure that the last person killed in the ME will be killed with a rock. Trebuchets can also be used for biological warfare, real handy for tossing the disease infected bodies over the walls.

Curry combed the inherwebz Mi’Lady and came up with zilch. This story may be like another blurb I saw very briefly yesterday. Something about the Chinese Communists launched some hypersonic missiles over the Korean area. It went *poof* too. You don’t think that some group may be playing games with information, do you?


I see you posted the video of the “Omar Cannon” of the Syrian rebels.
They certainly hated that building and pounded it into rubble.
There are other Omar Cannons in use in Syria.
I find the slow parabolic flight of the projectiles oddly satisfying.

And you will be amazed to see that they have indeed used a trebuchet to hurl explosives at the Syrian Army.

Go to Reddit and look at the subreddit r/Syriancivilwar.
The rebels have used mg 42 machine guns mounted on robot carts, hell cannons that shoot propane cylinders with fins and packed with explosives, home built armored fighting vehicles, remote controlled machine guns, home built multiple rocket launchers, etc.
The mechanical skills and ingenuity of these rebels has been incredible!

A Proud Infidel®™

“I’ll peffer the gurguphump and… You know, Man!”
*Kamala cackling in background*


4 rockets? In Syria? Likely teenagers!


Take a rocket to Millinocket.


Only four? Perhaps the rocketeer got overly excited and got off before he could contain himself?


Were those Estes or Centuri rockets? 😉


I used to hate those things. Charlie loved them, though.


They usually came in 3’s though and walked across the target
so you could almost guess the next splash but yeah, hated them.
Welcome home grampa albeit a bit belated….

Slow Joe

Maybe. Maybe not.


Glad we have the Israeli Air Force to smack Syria for us, ‘cause Joe’s Handlers aren’t about to.