Drivel roundup
There’s just too much absurdity going on in the world for you to have to surf looking for it, so I’ve rounded up much of it for you tonight;
An Old Broad’s Ramblings and Bob’s Blog have the video of some guy who obviously knows something the rest of us should know – otherwise, why would he admit to it? But then again – who knows these days?
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has links to the stories of the latest in eight nights of violence in Denmark in expressions of false outrage.
Drew M. at Ace of Spades and Brennan at the American Pundit both think that maybe Michele Obama is a little too self-centered to be comparing what is happening in her life today to what the rest of us were doing before she and her suit model came along.
Bloodthirsty Liberal writes that village elders are outraged when women voters start voting at the women-only voting station.
At Big Dog’s Weblog, Bill Clinton gives a lesson on “telling the truth”.
Robin at Chickenhawk Express writes that a documentary is due out from PBS and Frontline on the Haditha incident. Speaking of Haditha, Redstate and Michele Malkin are looking for pigsuit wearers to show up at a Murtha payoff dinner in Pentagon City (I’d go if I can get a timeframe).
Crotchety Old Bastard points us to the American Thinker‘s Ari Kaufman’s indisputable worst presidents list.
Somehow, Kosovo independence invokes “down with America” chants according to Gateway Pundit.
Jammie Wearing Fool reports 66,000% inflation in Zimbabwe. What did they expect with a Friend of Carter for president?
Liberty Pundit found all you loser Patriot fans championship hats and shirts.
Little Green Footballs reports on the Muslim Flat Earth Society.
VanHelsing at Moonbattery writes that Brits have discovered the key to a successful socialized healthcare system – more ambulances and bigger parking lots.
Bob Parks at Outside the Wire writes about former conservative Charles Barkley’s swipe at Christians.
Sister Toldjah has all the relevant links for Obama/Che flag controversy while DUmmie FUnnies chronicles the KosKids stroking each other over how this won’t affect Obama. Spree writes that McCain leads Clinton and Obama in Florida. This could get interesting.
Category: Bloggers, Foreign Policy, Historical, Link fest, Politics