Military Troops Now Report Being Forced to Wear ‘Arm Bands’ to Prove Vaccine Status

| August 22, 2021

Poetrooper sends in this Becker News report;

Military troops at a southern military base have come forward with information that red arm bands have been introduced in the U.S. Armed Forces to indicate they have not been vaccinated for Covid-19.

Three anonymous sources, whose names have been withheld to prevent retaliation, have indicated that a Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, has introduced red armbands to signify unvaccinated troops and green armbands to signify vaccinated troops in the 30-day training rotation.

National Guard troops are reportedly wearing blue bracelets to signify that they have been vaccinated. However, there are no reports that the regular army stationed at Fort Polk have been given a direct order to wear the armbands.

Troops “in the box” at Fort Polk who do not desire to comply with armbands due to concerns that it unduly coerces them to be vaccinated prior to FDA approval and a top-level military order are left with little recourse at this time. They are subject to discipline under the UCMJ if they refuse to obey direct orders.

“Army Troops are being forced to wear bracelets to segregate them as unvaxxed,’ Tennessee congressional candidate Robby Starbuck said on Twitter. “This should NEVER happen in America. I’m so disgusted I barely have words. I’ll be doing everything in my power to stop this lunacy. Who’s with me?” he asked.

A second military member, who describes himself as being in the U.S. Air Force, came forward to say that he wore a blue wrist band. The Air Force member did not yet clarify upon questioning if the wrist band was for vaccinated or unvaccinated status, or if it was only during a quarantine phase.

A photo [shown at top of article] from the JRTC page on Facebook appears to confirm the red arm bands have indeed been put into place.

Becker News reached out to Fort Polk for comment and has not heard back at the time of publication. Freelance journalist Michele Blood, however, was able to obtain a comment from JRTC at Fort Polk via social media.

“What do the green arm/wrist bands signify?” Blood asked.

“[T] hey identify COVID vaccination status which allow our OCTs to have the ability to conduct any needed contact tracing quickly, providing a safer environment for the training rotation and the people who work to support it,” the JRTC Operations Group admin. replied.

I think we can all agree with one Facebook user’s reply to Ft Polk;

So… first you’re going to mande the vaccine for folks who work on post under penalty of losing their jobs. Then you’re going to try to bribe them with a lottery? I’m disappointed, Sir. The red and green arm bands are a nice touch too. I’m going to draw a six-pointed star on mine just to remind anyone who still has any sense left what is going on here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Army, COVID-19, Dumbass Bullshit, YGBSM!!

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A Proud Infidel®™️

Now watch the retention rates take an even bigger nosedive as the Biden Purge continues.


That maybe the idea


RED = Republican’s BAD
Blue = Demoncrat’s GOOD


Achtung, Ihre Papiere bitte!


Will they be serialized like the Nazis did to the Jews?




Krieg macht frei.


Better: Impfung macht frei.


oops. mine fell off….again. (hey, bud. yours fell off too, right?)
I’d hunt for a chaptering. kiss my Free-ass.

clown world.

Hack Stone

So, some Base Commander is authorized to change Army uniform regulations? Looking forward to a Soldier facing charges for disobeying an unlawful order.

USMC Steve

Report it to the IG. Troop commanders always like to have the IG climbing up their asses with a microscope. Loyalty works both ways.


It can be helpful to identify these sort of “leaders” as early as possible.


Gee whiz, isn’t the vaxx recipient supposed to have that in his/her/its medical records?

What’s next? Tattoos? Microchips in the butt?

Frankly, it’s beginning to look a lot like milleywork to me. Maybe someone should tattoo him and microchip him with a chip that sends out a location signal Then everyone would know when to hide.


No need to microchip Milley because he looks like a blimp and can easily be seen.


Yeah, but I think they all deserve a fair warning of his approach.


A tracking device inserted way up the shnoz? One day soon probably. Resistance will be futile.


Don’t give ’em ideas…

“Why is it that everything today has to do with things either going in or coming out of my ass?” –Erica Cartman (Cartman Gets an Anal Probe,” South Park)

The Other Whitey

Hmm…does this remind you of anything?


Nope. Not at all.
Can’t wait to get a letter telling us to report to Camp XYZ, “for our safety” ya know.

If you point out that FEMA has hundreds of thousands of bodybags and mass grave procedures the ‘they’ suggest you’re a conspiracy nut and report you to the tech overlords at book of face and twatter.

No trains for this guy! Esp if the coordinators are wearing Hugo Boss.


Casablanca (’43, they knew)…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

Sounds like a prime opportunity to play “blow their minds” by swapping colored wrist bands. hehehehe. And where there’s an E4 Mafia (of any branch of service, there’s a way. Not to mention the ability of any Private to screw with the orders of Orificers.


Wonder when the armband will come with the swastika already attached?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Now the enemy can shoot the troops wearing the armbands but not the unvaxxed so the unvaxxed can spread the virus and the enemy can save on ammo.

Hack Stone

Remember that Valor Friday story a few weeks back about the Army Master Sergeant being held in a German POW Camp? The Camp Commandant wanted all of the Jewish soldiers to step forward. The Master Sergeant, senior in the camp, had everyone step forward. Truly a Spartacus moment, not like what Corey Booker thinks what a Spartacus moment is. We need the enlisted leadership today, but they all got forced out in the CRT purge.


Booker thinks a Spartacus moment involves this:
