Mr Hillary Clinton: “We must slow DOWN our economy…”
Mr Hillary Clinton was quoted by ABC New’s Political Punch Blog as saying ‘We must slow down our economy to fight global warming’
Whoa! Is he trying to torpedo his wife’s campaign? Did he miss a poll or something? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to be blaming Bush, Cheney, Rove, et al?
Did he misspeak? No, not at all. Bill Clinton is many things, chief among them, he is the consummate politician. His political savvy is well nigh unmatched, he doesn’t misspeak. I think he is beginning to think Hillary could win and HIS presidency could be shunted aside as a mere footnote. For someone as obsessed with his legacy as Bill Clinton, that is a maddening concept.
One thing is for damned sure, you never hear any conservative saying slowing the economy would ever be a good thing.
You wouldn’t have heard Bill Clinton say that while he was President, either.
Exactly right, Jonn. Bill may have thought it, but he was savy enough not to say it.
We’ve been told for so long that Hillary is the smartest woman in the universe that I think even we on the right became a bit afraid of her. But under the heat she’s showing that she might be intellectually smart, but politically savy she ain’t.
You can bet, though, that there are many moonbats cheering her on.
hows capt sanders