TAH Responsible for 6.3 Million Jobs “Saved or Created”!

| June 9, 2009

The three amigos he here at This Ain’t Hell who proudly throw red meat to you great patriots on a daily basis are proud to announce that we have collectively saved or created approximately 6.3 million jobs.

I’m not going to use anything from the Bureau of Labor Statistics because they are not smart enough to figure out how to measure a “saved” job. Instead we are using the new “Obama-Math”.

Follow the logic with me.

I have had a direct affinity with the US Army in either an active duty or engaged retiree status for 30 years. I think Jonn is cruising around 35 years and TSO (the youthful curmudgeon in this gang) is pulling a little over five years. But for rounding purposes (Obama Math encourages that) we can claim 70 years of direct relationship to the US Army.

During that 70 years our collective message has consistently been a positive message of service. We have done everything possible supporting the military. We have all been awarded the coveted Combat Infantry Badge. It’s the only badge that matters. If you have one, you know it; if you don’t, you REALLY know it.

With an average of 90,000 recruits per year over the last 30 years and our personal positive message we have indeed “created or saved” over 6 million jobs.

I challenge anyone on the Obama economic team to challenge my numbers.

Category: Politics

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Thank you for all you have done. I’m sure the Obama math comes out on the conservative side, for the jobs you’ve saved or created.


Well, COB, you’re being too modest. 6 million and 2…son and daughter must count!

Plus, you’d better count Captain Cepacol in Denver…you saved him from the USMA unemployment line.

Sgt K

When we were in Iraq they tried to give us combat action badges even though our company was Infantry, as were we. The reasoning was is that we were part of a brigade support battalion an thus not worthy of a CIB. When our beloved Brigade CO (much sarcasm) tried to pin the first seven awardees, each one of us politely declined to be pinned. Eventually, the FOBbits got there heads out of their asses (or more likely they were pulled out unwillingly) and we were awarded out CIBs. Never wanted anything as badly as I wanted that CIB.