Strandlof/Duncan out of jail

| June 9, 2009

Everyone’s favorite IVAW member/VoteVets blogger this year, Rick Strandlof-Duncan, is up for a breath of fresh air today according to the Denver Post;

The man now known as the fake veteran for duping politicians, veterans and advocate groups into believing he’s a wounded Iraq veteran will be released from jail Tuesday after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor traffic citations.

Judge Jonathan L. Walker sentenced Rick Strandlof to 20 days in jail with credit for time served and one year of unsupervised probation. Strandlof must also pay a $150 in court fines.

Strandlof was being held on a $1,000 misdemeanor traffic warrant since his arrest May 12.

Does this sound like contrition?

In a previous interview with 9Wants to Know, Strandlof admitted he did not always tell the truth when he fought for veterans’ rights and claimed to have served three tours of duty in Iraq.

“Always tell the truth”? How about “ever told the truth”? Even his name was a lie. He probably wasn’t even gay…well, until now.

In another Denver Post story earlier in the week, they claimed he was still being investigated by the FBI;

…while the FBI is investigating possible fraud, no charges have been filed.

That’s probably because “his heart was in the right place” to use IVAW’s Garret Reppenhagen’s words;

Besides, Duncan’s intentions seemed straightforward. He sent care packages to troops in Iraq. He stood up for homeless veterans in Colorado Springs. He advanced his anti-war politics by connecting with like-minded candidates.

He even launched his own organization, the Colorado Veterans Alliance, which he said represented 32,000 veterans on a massive mailing list — though the only visible members seemed to be a cadre of local vets.

He certainly talked the talk. Duncan mingled easily in the military milieu. And in some ways, he walked the walk.

“It seems like his heart was in the right place,” said Reppenhagen, 33. “He was a really hard worker. He did a lot of good by raising a lot of awareness, but then you find out that he’s a fraud.”

“Talked the talk”, “walked the walk”? Yeah, as long as it was anti-war gibberish, he fit right in with the rest of them. But, that’s the IVAW we’ve all come to know. And apparently the Colorado Springs justice system. Maybe there are two Americas.

Even Common Ills, the anti-war blog can add two and two;

This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here is a right wing website and, if you click here, you will be taken to their post on Rick Duncan and see him at the top of the post wearing his Winter Soldier IVAW t-shirt. Scroll down and you will see his bio at the Iraq Veterans Against the War website. Scroll down just a bit further and you will see how they disappeared it after it turned out Rick Duncan was Rick Strandlof and not a veteran or ever a member of the military. Only members would have the ability to post to IVAW’s website. There’s your answer. He posted there and he posted that he was a member. So he’s a member.

Thanks to Mr Wolf for the tip.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Army Sergeant

I have no faith in Common Ill’s ability to add two and two and come up with anything but crazy.


Hahaha, yeah they put the batty in moonbat