1998 Nostalgia
Do you still have yours? I still drink from mine every single morning.
For those of you who don’t recognize it, it’s an official Rush Limbaugh Charter Member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy mug. We got it as a premium in 1998 for subscribing to the Limbaugh Letter. He came up with the idea after Hillary went on TV and claimed a vast right wing conspiracy was out to make her husband play with fat interns.
Rush was all most of us Conservatives had back then. There was virtually no internet for most of us, Fox News wasn’t out in the sticks where I lived (on the Canadian border with Northern New York). The only cable news we had was CNN (shiver), but we had Fox News Sunday on the Fox Broadcast channel. And Rush Limbaugh.
Well, I only mention it because everyone is making a big deal about the 10-year anniversary of the Bill Clinton scandal today. Sweetness and Light even has the video of Hillary Clinton giving birth to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. American Pundit and Gateway Pundit remind us that ten years ago Bill Clinton warned us that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and he intends to use them. Apparently everything changed in the next five years.
Well, I just used this as an excuse to show everyone that I haven’t forgotten about what the Clintons put us through all those years ago – I’m reminded every morning when I drink my coffee on the patio.
Category: Politics