A Questionable Act

| April 20, 2021

Isn’t inciting a riot a punishable offense under the real laws?

If so, then why is Maxine Waters (she who has to stir the pot repeatedly) sticking her oar into it? And one should rightfully ask just what she means by the use of “we”, when she is only in that crowd to get in front of the camera.

I’m sure there is an explanation for it, but she should be careful what she wishes for.  I hope this provides some means of sending her into new territory, well out of taxpayers’ cash as a resource.




Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2020 Election, Congress sucks, Politics

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Waters is treading in dangerious waters with her SS style comments.


What bothers me most is the Judge not declaring a mistrial.
He doesn’t have the sack for it.
Seems to be a widespread shortage of sack concerning this
entire affair.
What are those small objects I see on one side of those scales
in your hand dear Lady Justice?

AW1 Rod

As Alan Dershowitz said, the the judge in the Chauvin trial should have granted the motion for a mistrial based on the efforts of Congresswoman Waters to influence the jury, but didn’t because he’d then be responsible for the riots that would ensue, even though it was Waters who was responsible.

The judge, himself, admitted that her actions may have set the stage for overturning the results of the trial when it reaches the Court of Appeals.


Which may prove to be a very, very smart move. If he declares a mistrial, cities explode as “Chauvin gets off”. Allowing such giant grounds for appeal, like Pilate he washes his hands, walks away, and leaves the door open.


Just another bureaucrat.


Lack of balls all the way around.


Guess who else now?
Biden just stuck his nose into this.
And a phone call, too.

[President Biden called the family of George Floyd on Monday
to express his support and sympathy, telling reporters on Tuesday that the evidence against the former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was “overwhelming”
and that he was praying for the “right verdict.”]

The right verdict?
The POTUS actually said that?


The Other Whitey

This will end with bullets and blood. Don’t know where or when it will kick off, and I’m sure as hell not looking forward to it, but it will end with bullets and blood. I only pray that I can keep my kids safe when it does.


Agreed, I have the nasty feeling that the national guard who’re there will be big time targets.


TOW, I think that you will be right… and all of us need to be concerned about the safety of our loved ones.


That is my fear. Been fighting against the notion for the past few months, but it seems that it’s going to become the reality one way or the other.

Bullies will keep testing the boundaries until someone comes out and punches them in the nose.


It’s (D)ifferent when Democrats do it and there will be no repercussions for her actions. The fact is Pelosi even defended Waters for actually doing what Pelosi claimed Trump did and impeached him for. If it wasn’t for double standards the left would have no standards at all.


Good news.
GOP in both the House AND Senate have called out not only Waters,
but now Pelosi as well.

Bad news,
Maxine still likely gets away with (upcoming) murder.


Wouldn’t be the first time. She’s been getting away with it for 30 years, and more.


Well, within hours of her inciting violence a couple of National Guard troops were shot. I highly doubt that she will be denounced for attempted murder by the left.


That bitch had the balls to ask for a police protection when she arrived in Minneapolis on Saturday to deliver her screed… https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/04/19/documents-show-maxine-waters-requested-police-escort-before-screed-advocating-for-violence-n2588144


Joe Collins, a black GOP Navy veteran,
ran against Maxine Waters in 2020, and lost.
He’s running again in 2022.

This, today.
[Congressional candidate Joe Collins called for the immediate
removal and arrest of Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

This followed Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill’s declaration that
Waters’ recent comments could lead to the overturn of the Derek Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd.]


Ole Maxine has been like this for decades. Way back during the Rodney King riots she was spouting the same craziness.

Now the “president” is expressing his special brand of nuttiness.

More and more every day I feel like I’ve woken up in Wonderland.

“Off with his head!”


Verdict will be read at approximately 16:15-17:00 ET (15:15-16:00 CT).
PT News Network feed (will also broadcast protests/riots):


Leftists are going to riot, burn things and loot to restock their wardrobes with Air Jordans (while calling it “anti-racism) regardless…


The PURGE alarm just went off.


Of course, it applies only to Antifa/BLM… anyone else will get shot/arrested for protecting themselves from them.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

I hate to break the news to good old Crazy Max here, but a case verdict isn’t decided from a mob in the street. Courts exist in no small part because the mob sucks at justice, often giving into blood thirst.

Oh wait, thats the goal. Keep them guns close and your families closer if you live round those parts.

Also, I would hope the judge has some balls and calls a mistrial, especially with Sniffy making comments to the effect of “overwhelming” evidence and the “right verdict”. Pretty sure politicians should never comment beyond generic fairness statements and “justice will be served whatever it is” statements.


A lottle(sic) prayer is in order too.
Ain’t no way we getting out of this without another scar because of ‘muh feelings’.


What’re those things called that happen after a mob verdict? Oh yeah. A lynch mob. That’s what Maxine is calling for.


Wyatt Earp put himself in harm’s way to stop the mob from hanging Curly Bill.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Funny how the left bitches about right-wing “dog-whistles” while dog-whistling at every opportunity.


It’s okay when Leftists do it, always, comrade!

Ain’t that right, Lars?


Yep… the storm troopers and the street fighters are going to fight for them until the Commissariat “feels” that their usefullness is over.


Chauvin was found guilty on all counts.


Two more months until sentencing, who knows how long until appeal?

This isn’t over.

Ex Coelis

Appeal? Fook’n ‘ell! Forgot about that aspect of ‘due process’. Truly the Chinois curse of ‘Living in interesting times’…


I’ll bow to your expertise.

I can’t say, from a layman’s perspective (yet one to which I’m entitled), that I agree with either murder charge. I can buy an argument for the manslaughter, though I disagree from what I’ve seen of the evidence. Certain lesser charges? Absolutely. Chauvin was wrong in many ways.

What I cannot buy is that the jury could ever be impartial. Beyond the very real public threat of riots, any other finding would have resulted in their identities being publicized. Cowardice, sadly, is a very real factor in today’s America.


Is it possible they simply viewed that video, and said “that was wrong” ?


There’s a big difference between something being “wrong” and it fitting the specific parameters of a legal charge.

I whole-heartedly believe he was wrong. While I reserve the right to change my opinion (not that it matters), the evidence presented did not meet the parameters of the murder charges nor (with less enthusiasm) the manslaughter charge.

The jury clearly disagrees; in either principle or personal calculus.


Always remember that Juries are not lawyers, nor do they have any real understanding of Law.

“That looks bad” = “guilty!” is all too common. I have no doubt the prosecution played that tune with a brass band.

Anyone still wearing a badge had best understand they are now always on camera, with adversaries doing the edits that will run on the news seen by potential jurors.

Of course, the security for the elite will not be so much under that baleful gaze. You can count on those folks not being required to provide body cam footage.


I thrive in chaos. I welcome the whirlwind.


That’s not to say that they couldn’t have read the evidence differently, but I take pride in trying to see the logic of the other side(s) of a debate; I can’t see it, here, for either murder charge.

I could certainly be wrong, but I worry that the American justice system has shifted from one of principle to one of popularity. We’ve already witnessed this in the other two branches of government.


And I can’t say I’ve ever “found what [I’m] looking for” in these situations.

Ex Coelis

Properly screwed and rightfully so – the look on his face said it all. Chauvin will likely be put in a SHU(special handling unit – read ‘protective custody’) for a lot of years. Any kind of sympathy for him will be found in a dictionary between Shit and Syphilis.


We are very much deserving of the Justice sh*t sandwich enroute, cooking in the manufactured hate oven, underneath the heated element of ignorance.

They asked for no police, and what they’ll get will be so much worse.

Anyone wanna schedule the AAR for America? I’ll bring the bourbon.


Bourbon? That seems biased for any assessment of America.

Scotch and Bordeaux. These are the spirits that began this great American experiment. Tradition matters.


I’m a Whiskey Insurrectionist: ‘Tis America’s beverage.


Only time a sitting President has led troops at war.

A part of American history that should never be lost….

Still, Scotch is better (and I doubt all the Whiskey Rebels were using corn mash).

