Bias against veteran candidates

| June 4, 2009

On February 12, Stuart Rothenberg, a contributing writer for Roll Call attempted to write about the latest crop of veterans seeking office in 2010. Instead, he merely beclowned himself;

My first meeting of the year (and the cycle) was with Kinzinger, and to be totally honest, I was dreading it. Another Iraq War veteran running for Congress? Oh, brother. Given the track records of veterans who have nothing else on their résumés, I wasn’t optimistic.

Then I saw Kinzinger. I thought he looked old enough to vote, but I wasn’t sure.

Yeah, that’s the way a supposed unbiased reporter begins an unbiased report to folks making up their minds about their choice for office. Let’s look at Rotherberg’s résumé on Wikipedia, shall we?

Rothenberg, currently a resident of Potomac, Maryland, lived in Waterville, Maine while attending Colby College before relocating to Connecticut to earn his Ph.D. at the University of Connecticut. For a time, he settled in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, to teach political science at Bucknell University, a subject he has also taught at the Catholic University of America.

In addition to his writing, he has been frequently featured in news broadcasts and worked with CNN as a political analyst for over ten years. Last election cycle,[vague] he also served as a political analyst for CBS News and for the Voice of America. He is also a guest contributor for Political Wire.

Rothenberg is married and the father of two children.

Whew, impressive, huh? Of course, I’m biased against people from Maine, but somehow Ph.D. doesn’t say experience to me, neither does being a teacher. Classroom isn’t real life.

Now, the guy Rothenberg is writing about in this instance was an Air Force pilot…I don’t care if he flew trainers, it says a lot about his demeanor and his ability to reason in a tight situation. It says he ha more real world experience than a pointy-headed teacher whose toughest decision was whether he had time between classes to get a muffin at the student union.

But Kieran Michael Lalor, a Marine Corps veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and chairman of Iraq Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee says it much more eloquently than I could;

We expect a reflexive dismissal of the value of military service to appear in Department of Homeland Security reports, not in a “nonpartisan analysis of American politics and elections.”

But it has been clear for years that most “analysis” of House races involves looking at Federal Election Commission fundraising totals and ensuring that candidates fit the narrow template that the pundits have developed for House candidates.

Rothenberg’s analysis of Iraq vet candidates is equally superficial and couldn’t be more wrong.

Veterans have already demonstrated selfless service to country, a credential sorely missing in Washington, D.C. The current generation of veterans is pure volunteer. They joined up when there was no draft, when military service was the exception rather than the rule as it was in previous generations. Many Iraq vet candidates enlisted after 9/11, knowing combat was inevitable. And each candidate led troops in the most arduous of conditions.

Now, who has the thin résumé, Mr. Rothenberg?

Category: Media, Support the troops

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Dave Thul

Air Force pilot combat vet experience vs community organizer. That’s an easy choice.


Well, it’s about what I expect from the “intellectuals”, which is code for no-load pus-nuts that couldn’t find their ass with both hands and a GPS.


Only vets talking up their service while being against the war and the Bush administration have gotten any good press while running for office.


Wow, talk about life experiences. A Ph D in political science? Man, I’ll bet he can tell stories about the….Friday night bonfire? The day the scrambled eggs in the cafeteria were cold? His pen ran out of ink, just as he was applying for yet another federal grant?

Just A Grunt

BTW Kiernan’s letter carries far more weight since he singled out the Republican candidates and NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) for criticism. Something our friends on the left would never dream of doing to their own.


I sent what i could to all the candidates the Vets for Freedom sponsored, and they all lost.


“Veterans have already demonstrated selfless service to country, a credential sorely missing in Washington, D.C.”



Ph.D – Piled high and Deep.

I’m hoping for a reflexive dismissal of a veteran in 2010: Rep Patrick Murphy.

JAG: You are absolutely correct – when a liberal calls out a liberal – they get canned! There is zero tolerance for dissent:

AW1 Tim

I’m a Mainer, or as we say, Maineiac.

I’m also well acquainted with Colby College. It’s an ultra-liberal private college seeded with trust fund babies who think their sh!t doesn’t stink. Locally, they are pure PITA, constantly harping about how “provincial” the locals are and stirring up emotions on a regular basis.

Right now, one of their number is facing jail time. A college student had collapsed, and a couple others were trying to revive him. This clown, drunk and belligerent, decided to try and stop them. When the campus police arrived, he started harassing them. A crowd soon gathered. Frat boy then started to try and whip up the crowd to “drive the pigs off the campus”. The Waterville police took him into custody. He’s charged with interfering, assault, and a couple other things, last I read.

This kid’s parents have dough, and he’s being portrayed as kid who made a poor choice, should get counseling not jail, yadda yadda yadda.

What’s happening, however, is that the more this kid, his parents and supporters talk, the deeper the divide is becoming, and they can’t see that.

Well, knowing well the types that attend Colby, Bates and Bowdoin up here, I can see exactly where the author gets his “style” from. He prolly doesn’t even understand what a sanctimonious retard he sounds like. He prolly believes he is more than fair and balanced.

He’s just another clueless liberal, a vacuous beta-male snipping at his betters from behind his editor’s skirts, thinking all the while what a great watchdog he his.


Old Tanker

C’mon people, get back to the narrative……we were/are in the military so we’re obviously not smart enough to be in congress……….


When I attended college (1971-1975, Indiana University of Pennsylvania), I had a professor — a Ph.D. even — who pithily observed, “I’ve found that, in most cases, ‘Ph.D.’ really stands for ‘Phenomenally Dumb.'”

B Woodman

I still think that the policy described in the society of Robert Heinlein’s book “Starship Troopers” would be good to impliment; namely, that only honorably discharged vets are allowed to vote and run for elected office.
It wouldn’t get rid of ALL assholes (i.e., Murtha & Kerry), but it would definitely put them in the minority.
BTW, if you haven’t read this book, do so, with an eye not only for the story, but the buildup of the background of the society and the development of the main character.
PS-The movie STUNK!

AW1 Tim

I have long supported Heinlein’s idea of a two-tiered society. In that society, only military veterans would be able to vote, hold a government office, a government job, run for an elected office, etc.

If someone didn’t want to serve, that was just fine too. However, they weren’t eligible for any sort of government employment, couldn’t vote, couldn’t run for office, etc. They were, in all other respects, equal citizens.

The idea has merit inthat it says that those with skin in the game ought to be the ones calling the shots. If you are not interested in sacrificing some part of your life in the defense of your nation, that’s fine. You don’t get to have a say in how it’s run, though.



I guess that is like, totally saying that anyone with a college degree, would, like, totally never join the (gasp!) Army AND get elected to like a public office?

A typical leftist piece of tripe.


Yeah, Heinlein’s idea becomes more enticing with every passing day…
Love the book, the movie suck big time…