Code Pink is revolting

| January 22, 2008

[This is where Mel Brooks says, “That’s right. They stink on ice”.]

123beta writes that Code Pink is advocating a tax revolt to defund the war in Iraq;

As we honor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, we want to celebrate his legacy not just with words, but with action. We ask you to join us in taking one of the strongest stands you can against war: refusing to fund it with your money.

They go on to make a few more wild suppositions, invoke Thoreau and the standard “Bush’s War” comments and then assuage the readers’ fears of imprisonment with;

Our campaign offers safety in numbers and a firm stand against the Administration’s funding of the war.

“Safety in numbers” means you won’t be alone in your prison cell when “Tiny” comes to make you his wife, I’m guessin’.

These old hags are so delusional that I wouldn’t put it past them to avoid paying taxes thinking they’re in the majority. Well, if any of them have any income in the first place. The Code Pink skanks are so politically naive, it’s hard to believe any of them spent a day in Junior High civics class.
I’m pretty upset about my taxes funding the murder of unborn children, but I’d be more upset if I was in a prison cell and abortions were still going on.

Speaking of abortions, the March for Life is going on in DC today, according to the Washington Times – it’ll probably be largely ignored by the media, even though the march is happening right in front of the Fox and CSPAN bureaus and two blocks from CNN’s studios.

Category: Politics, Support the troops, Terror War

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Marooned in Marin

What taxes? Most of those hags don’t have real jobs anyway.