DiFi’s New ‘Assault Weapons’ Bill

| March 13, 2021

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

True to form, DiFi is taking another bite at Evil Assault Weapons apple with a new bill. Bills of this nature seem to be falling like autumn leaves lately; none will keep firearms from the hands of criminals. Her bill breaks its back reaching to the original ban 17 years ago, as some sort of justification.

Poetrooper sends.

Dianne Feinstein Introduces Ban on 205 Different ‘Assault Weapons’


Following Thursday’s House passage of a Democrat gun control bill, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced a ban on 205 “assault weapons.”

The legislation, called the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021,” is co-sponsored by 34 Senate Democrats. It would also ban ammunition magazines holding more than ten rounds.

Feinstein’s ban would allow current owners of “assault weapons” to retain possession of them, but if the gun is transferred, a person must undergo an FBI background check before receiving the firearm.

Her “Assault Weapons Ban” also bans bump stocks, which have been illegal since March 26, 2019.

Keeping an eye on this one. This could be DiFi’s Swan Song- if so no political punches will be pulled. Read the entire article here: Breitbart
Thanks, Poe.

Category: Guest Link, Politics, Second Amendment

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Surprised she remembers having it drafted… her memory and deterioration is rumored to be worse than Biden’s.


She probably thinks the “chainsaw bayonet” is actual defining “evil assault weapon” feature along with the “thing that goes up,” too.


As much as I despise her, Piglosi and the other old guard Dems, I’m not really looking forward to their replacements that will be drawn from the current generation of Dems.


Exactly. We are already seeing the impact that the “indoctrinated generation” is having on our society.

In the past, I have heard folks say, “Wait till these snowflakes get out in the REAL world!”

Well, they’re here! How is that working out for us?

Pisses me off that, as a Russian linguist in the Navy, I fought against communism for years, not realizing that the real battle was happening in our indoc centers, the schools.


“not realizing that the real battle was happening in our indoc centers, the schools”

Khrushchev warned us. I have been telling people this ever since
I watched him bang his shoe on the desk at the UN. I was a kid.
My mother cried over it. He made my mother cry! In front of me.

Now I am an old man watching Krushchev’s dream unfold in front of me.


It is depressing beyond belief.


It’s never been about control of the gunz, it has ALWAYS been about control of the peoplez.

The 2nd A doesn’t “give” you the right to own gunz, it was designed to keep the grubermint for denying you the right to keep gunz.

Get ready Little Lady, Hell is coming to breakfast.


Absolutely. What part of “shall not be infringed” do they not understand?


Obey your betters, serfs.


Hell, why not? The prez says the government will determine what you can and cannot do, once you get vaccinated. Why wouldn’t the dems believe they have the right to tell you what rights you have and how you might exercise those rights?


Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus: Tell the truth. Follow the scientists and the science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government

-President Biden

If we trust the government and just do what we’re told, then maybe, maybe we can have a very small barbecue for Independence Day.

And they said Obama was the one to bring “hope and change.” Biden’s all about setting low, attainable goals. If he’d been in charge this whole time, he’d still be telling us we’re at least a year away from a vaccine.


Disarm the people for “social justice,” comrade! (Ask Lars, I’m sure he’ll think it’s great.)


Pepe Le Pew Pew Pew.


It’s because they’re black isn’t it? Raycisssss!!!!!!


[…] This ain’t Hell… discusses Feinstein’s new assault weapons bill […]

Green Thumb

Good luck finding a 5.56 10 round mag / clip.

Airborne special.

Things are hard to come by…..




I hate to burst your bubble but as a “new” shooter, re-starting out post COVID, I’ve had to “grow up” in the gun/ammo/parts shortage times so I’ve been scrapping on the intrawebs like everyone else and I’ve done pretty OK.
Here are a BUNCH of 10 rd 5.56/.223 mags available for $15 a piece? Is that bad/awful/way too high plus S&H of course, but still I bought like 3 a few months ago to have with my AR in OD green and I think I paid like $10/$12 + S&H? I forget. Like $35 or $40.


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

At this point, my senses and sensibility have been so assaulted and pummeled by everything Gooberment, that I no longer care what laws the FedGov passes, or doesn’t pass.
I will just plain flat out refuse to obey these unConstitutional laws. I will live my own life to the best of my abilities, until I die, or the FedGov kills me (whichever comes first).

-you- will not be one of the convicted felons allowed to vote. Or work. Or anything else.

They know they are not the legitimate ones, nor ate they a majority. They know they have very little time to lock in their rule. So they will try to bum-rush us with as much of this as they can.

Always “the first step”, eh? Because the last step of the Left is the stomp on the face.



Is this the same website that kept telling us how great the war in Afghanistan was going


Go away. We don’t need more Prog BS. No one here has said the A-Stan operation was or is going swimmingly. We supported those of us who were sent there.


John? Kerry? Is that you?


“John” most likely comes to you via a mention of this site on the Pirates Cove.

He is the epitome of a New York progressive liberal and of people who read memes and thinks that makes them intelligent or knowledgeable.

Typically (as in his post here) his spelling / punctuation or both are that of a 5th grader.

He never “debates” because he can’t. He only trolls and thinks he is clever even though math, science and reading eludes him.

Even though his points get shot down by facts, he’ll keep bringing them up because like a child, if he stamps his feet and throws a hissy fit long enough, that will make them true.

He is an adamant hater of guns of all types and wants to disarm everyone (except of course for criminals.)

Many believe that he lives in his mother’s basement asking her for pizza rolls.

(But that is speculation.)


“Many believe that he lives in his mother’s basement asking her for pizza rolls”. Not true!! John asks for Hot Pockets. For dessert, he wants Ben & Jerry’s.


He’s also cool with the guns on his video games that he plays in his parents basement all day.

“Guns have to be bad. Just look at how many kills I have with just my knife in Call of Duty.”

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like the type who would brag about what a badass he’d be in A-stan because he can tear up on video games. He needs to be told that once you’re on the ground in the Middle East, you’re no longer sitting on your parents’ couch with a 3 liter mountain Dew and a 2 pound bag of Skittles!


The first sentence of Feinstein’s assault on weapons bill tells us everything we need to know about what this Congress is doing. “To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.”

Hopefully, Republicans will filibuster this and the other anti-gun bills. I seriously doubt that there are 60 votes in the Senate.


Hopefully, Republicans don’t go RINO and/or get coerced to go along with Demo-commie BS.

Lawrence E Todd

Almost all of the Damnocrat leaderships mouths should be classified as an assault weapon


Reid Heinrichs does not mince words in this one, and MILLIONS of Americans are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with him should the need arise:

Share this one with ALL your friends.

Name edited to protect PII.


Thanks for that. Troy–that young man makes me wish I were fifty years younger and still capable of carrying the fight to the domestic enemies of our Constitution and the Republic.


2022. If elections are still legit then, it’s going to make 2010 and 1994 look tame in comparison.


That’s a very big “if” Sparky…

The Other Whitey

I’m not holding my breath for another legit election, ever. They stole the last one in plain sight, and we did nothing. They know they can get away with it, and will continue to do so. The fraud will go on until it’s either stopped with blood and lead or until everyone left is either too beaten down or indoctrinated not to vote the way they’re told.

I’ve been going through “The Lord of the Rings” with the kids recently, and a couple of lines really stand out to me. One from Theoden as he buries his son: “That I should live to see such times…” And another from Eowyn when asked what she fears: “To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.”


TOW, my favorite LoTR quote exemplifies why we US Military take up the mission.

A little people, but of great worth are the Shire-folk. Little do they know of our long labor for the safekeeping of their borders, and yet I grudge it not.

Halbarad the Ranger
Return of the King
J.R.R. Tolkien


When the travelers return to the Shire, and clean up the place of the insidious tyranny that has befallen it.

“The Scouring of the Shire”

And they left that conclusion of the trilogy out of the movies, for some reason. Hm

For it is the conclusion.

A Proud Infidel®™

Soros and the rich liberal snobs are at it again. I live in a deep Red State locale and I’ve begun to see multiple propaganda billboards from the Brady Foundation!