Wednesday FGS
To the archives.
Bradenton man shot during break-in, Sarasota sheriff says
The homeowner shot the 28-year-old man who tried to enter his home in self-defense Friday night.
By Carlos R. Munoz
SARASOTA — A 28-year-old Bradenton man who attempted to enter a home illegally on Friday night was shot by the homeowner in self-defense, the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office said.The victim was identified as James Jarvis of Bradenton, who detectives say left a bar Friday after 1 a.m. and, at about 2 a.m., attempted to enter a home through the back door in the 2800 block of Mayflower Street.
Jarvis was confronted by the homeowner, who told him to leave, but he refused, and the homeowner shot him in self-defense, according to detectives.
He is currently at Sarasota Memorial Hospital in critical but stable condition.
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Read the entire article here: Herald Tribune
Woman With Concealed Carry License Who Shot Robber Called A ‘Hero’
By Suzanne Le Mignot
CHICAGO (CBS)– Residents are praising the 25 year-old woman, with a concealed carry license, who shot and killed a man who was trying to rob her at a bus stop.Surveillance video shows the woman waiting alone at a bus stop at 103rd and Wallace around 5:45 a.m. Tuesday. Police say a 19-year-old man, in a light colored hoodie, pulled a gun on the woman in an attempt to rob her.
She pulled out her own gun and shot him in the neck.
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Read the rest here: CBS Local
Victim? *sigh* Anyway, our very own Gun Bunny is on hiatus, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, so anyone who wants to trash-talk Glock have at it.
When law and morality contradict each other the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his sense of morality or losing his respect for the law. — Frederick Bastiat
Category: Feel Good Stories
Love them or hate them, Glocks work.
Dead reliable, for sure. If they are such an inferior design, why does everyone now make an imitation? Not my cup of tea, but not everyone likes what I like.
I much prefer the 1911. On the other hand, Glocks work, and I have carried them. On the gripping hand, I most often carry a revolver.
Have one, that works reliably, with which you can hit. The rest is optional and highly arguable.
Amazing how many big-name “pros” wind up carrying a J-frame or pocket mousegun more often than not.
And hello to Niven and Pournelle.
Heh. I’d say everyone now makes an improvement.
Yeah, I have seen them (Glocks) work…even times when you don’t want them to. They are fine for someone who has experience in the safe handling of firearms, but too many wannabes and newbies buy them thinking they are a Special Operator…next thing you know, you are calling cease fire on the range and checking the guy (haven’t seen a girl do it yet) for entry and exit wounds because they discharged their Glock in a downward manner as they drew it from their holster. Trigger finger awareness people!!
I am still a fan of his most Saintly John Moses Browning and his idea of a grip safety. It is engaged when I am not ready to use it, and until I positively grip it to expend a round it stays engaged, but I don’t even know I am disengaging it because it is the process of good proper grip that disengages it.
Then again, I also like double action triggers!
The young lady in Chi’ town did a fine job of draw and fire, just needs to work a little more on weapon retention skills. Hope the police are able to recover her gun. The young man working on his neighborhood organizing skills won’t have to worry about being compared to a former President when he runs for office…since he never got to run for President.
Wonder if the “victim” Mr. Bradenton thought he was at a different house?
Mr 1911 will bark if you wipe the safety when drawing, if that finger is on the trigger. Grip safety is off upon grasping, assuming normal function.
I have seen it happen.
Ditto oops when holstering, when one uses the “ride the safety” grip and forgets to point the finger.
Butterfingers can ND a double-action revolver.
Finger off the trigger, folks.
Tupperware guns…….
Still love my Kimber 1911 Custom II.
Big heavy and hits like a ton of bricks with the best knock down ratio in history.
Introduced by Saing John B. I believe it is still the most copied firearm in the history of firearms !!!
Now, if I could just find some ammo…..
Merry Christmas everybody !!!
Anyone out there “old” enough to remember when the so called plastic glocks came into the states and people were afraid that they would not register on the airport metal detectors. I remember but never cared for them.
I remember that.
The immediate thought at the time was, “What about the barrel? It’s metal.”
It is so Honoring to be the background subject of the conversation, if not the subject of the Thread itself.
Awww…shucks…(blush) (kicks at rock, bows his head, walks away, grinning to himself)
Long live the designs of His Most Saintly John Moses Browning (Howitzer be his name) and Long Live those who defend themselves against dirtbags, ne’er-do-wells and tyrants alike.