Can Pelosi win this Fight?

| May 14, 2009

The short answer is probably not.

Being a clear intellectual light weight and in a full blown political panic, Nancy has decided to take on the CIA.

When I was still on active duty, I recall there were three things you never wanted to hear:

A Captain saying, screw it, I’m making a decision.
A Lieutenant saying, based on my experience.
A pilot saying, hang on I think this will work.

If you are a career politician with a closet likely bulging with skeletons challenging the frigging CIA is almost certainly a terrible idea.

This is probably not going to work out well for Nancy.

She had better hope that more detailed briefing notes never get made public. Pelosi just dared the CIA to leak again, and I don’t think they’re likely to get intimidated by her at this point. Pelosi has a lot more to lose in this game than does Langley, especially the careerists most at risk in a witch hunt. Pelosi had better hope that the CIA has lost all the detailed briefing notes, because if they haven’t, they’ll be hitting a newstand within a few days.

It’s actually worse than that. Given there’s a Democrat in the White House, one would expect the power of 1600 Pennsylvania to give her considerable cover. One would be wrong.

As Old Trooper commented in the earlier post:

Well, here’s the rundown: Bella Pelosi backed Murtha over Hoyer. Hoyer is a good friend of Rahm “dead fish” Emmanuel, so he has ties to the top of the food chain. Hoyer wants to go ahead with the hearings, since Bella’s name is all over the attendance list provided by the CIA. That way, she will be toast and he can move into the Speaker’s job. She picked the wrong group to piss off, because they will shine the light on anyone that threatens them and with Emmanuel serving up the dirty tricks for Hoyer, it’s a 1-2 punch she won’t get up from.

That makes for a pretty grim situation for Pelosi. She could easily discover some real Chicago Style politics any day now.

But it is actually worse than that. There is one person who could give her immediate cover or nail her to the cross in a 5 minute presser.

Enter Representative Jane Harmon(D-Ca.).

She was on the Intel Committee at the time and one would assume actually went to the meetings. Harmon could come to Pelosi’s rescue and at least give her a little breathing room. Or, Harmon could come out and say (as former Rep. and CIA Director Porter Goss has already) Pelosi is a screaming liar, we were all briefed.

Oh yeah, and Jane Harmon hates Nancy Pelosi.

Category: Politics

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Mike W

Pelosi, “Well I was fighting a war in Iraq you know”. Curious minds want to know if Duncan was her bunk mate?


hahaha!! This is a great summary of the situation Nancy has put herself in 🙂

Can’t wait to see what happens next!


Just heard on the radio, on the way home from work, that Steny has backed off. Kinda like pulling your troops back before you launch an arty barrage.

Dave Thul

Does Pelosi’s claim to have fought in Iraq qualify her for the title of phony soldier? Or does she have to settle for an expose from the Sniper?


“Bella Pelosi.”



You never want to hear ANY of the aircrew say “Oh Sh*t!” [or the F-word]. That’s usually the last thing on the black box tape. Wonder how that’s working for Nancy?


Pete Hoekstra, who also was there, says she knew, he was also there when she was briefed. Even Russ Feingold D-Frankenland, said he detected the hand of the “executive branch” in this.


Damn, redundancy raises it’s ugly head again. Didn’t mean to say that Pete was there two times.


[…] This Ain’t Hell-COB6 has a little advice for Pelosi on picking a fight with the CIA and what might happen. […]


Great post, ties together expertly all the separate intrigues. Watching this unfold is going to be fun.

For one of the rarest photos in the world (yes, it’s real and involves Pelosi), take a peek at:


Who brought popcorn? This should be fun to watch. 🙂

Doctor D

Wiping the tears from the track-a-crat.


How much you want to bet that the Sunday talk show schedule will be juggled to get Pelosi or Emmanuel on? My TIVO is gonna freakin melt down this weekend.


Why thank you, Doctor D.

If you liked that, you might enjoy some Ted Kennedy posts:

Apologies all, I’m not trying to hijack the thread…


You forgot a Spec-4 saying “Hey Sarge, check this sh*t out!”

Great post though.


You also forgot a PFC/Seaman/Airman saying, “Well, I learned in Boot Camp…”

Just A Grunt

Jane Harman is actually on record as voicing her opposition to the EIT when she ws informed in the briefing. She has been consistent and yeah, she hates Pelosi for not putting her as chairman of some sort of committee.