Colorado Veterans Alliance issues press release

| May 13, 2009

Our new friends at KKTV reprint a press release from Rick Duncan/Strandlof’s latest veteran organization, the Colorado Veterans Alliance;

“Rick Duncan has been active in Colorado Veterans issues and politics forabout two years, thru an organization called Colorado Veterans Alliance (CVA). He introduces himself as a former Marine CPT, a Naval Academy Graduate and wounded & disabled veteran from an IED in Fallujah, Iraq.

CVA has been involved in a number of worthy veterans issues, such as thelawsuit to stop the city of Colorado Springs from removing homeless veterans and their personal property from locations around the city, to toxic smoke exposure to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and recently an initiative to provide homeless veterans with a one-stop solution for housing, counseling, job placement and GI Bill information.

Earlier this year, he sought several people form the Colorado nonprofit and veterans community to take CVA from being a “one-man band” to a full nonprofit involved in veterans issues. I was one of several people who accepted the invitation, and began to draw together the proper resources, contacts and documentation to realize this plan.

As a result of those efforts, and following a meeting with Sen. Mark Udall’s office, we determined that Mr. Duncan had fabricated his entire career. He was not a Marine Officer, did not attend or graduate from the Naval Academy, and was never deployed in combat or suffered wounds. His real name is Richard Glen Strandlof.

We promptly reported our findings to the FBI, who immediately opened an investigation. They requested we do nothing to alarm Mr. Duncan/Strandlof so they could continue to investigate any fraud claims. We (CVA) did officially request he stop engaging in any fundraising, and focus exclusively on the homeless shelter initiative.

Yesterday, the FBI requested that we arrange a meeting with Mr. Duncan/Strandlof, and not alert him to the fact that the FBI wanted to question him. At the meeting, an FBI Special Agent identified himself, asked him if his name was Duncan or Strandlof, in which he answered “Both.” The FBI escorted him away for questioning, and later arrested him on an outstanding warrant in El Paso County.

The CVA is convening a special board meeting this evening to consider removing Mr Duncan/Strandlof from the board. After consultation with other Board members, we will be meeting privately, so as not reveal any information that might compromise the FBI’s investigation.

We have no other comment at this time, due to the ongoing Federal investigation. When we are able to fully release all the details of this incident, we will gladly do so.

Dan Warvi
Colorado Veterans Alliance”

Category: Politics

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“to consider removing”

I suppose it’s semantics, but the impression is they might keep him on the board. Brilliant.


This sentence: “At the meeting, an FBI Special Agent identified himself, asked him if his name was Duncan or Strandlof, in which he answered “Both.” The FBI escorted him away for questioning, and later arrested him on an outstanding warrant in El Paso County.”…is hilarious.

Now, after this…do you need a Board meeting to come to a decision about what to do?

B Woodman

Well. . . This is the language of management. I’m sure they WILL remove him. I would be VERY surprised if they didn’t.


an FBI Special Agent identified himself, asked him if his name was Duncan or Strandlof, in which he answered “Both.”

Sounds like he’s setting himself up for an insanity plea!

Mike S

He’s not the only imposter in the CVA group. Some are real vets; some are not. And some of them have been duping politicians and the media even today. Lesson learned – check out the claims of any supposed “vet”, ask for real proof, and don’t give any money to any group that can’t produce tax documents showing their legal status.


You would think that people would do that after the MacBeith case.


The last post was me, I am on a MWR computer.


Still one more of these agencies working in Boulder Colorado called R2W. You might want to take a look at this one……….

Sergeant Mike

That’s why I belong to a real Veterans Service Organization. I’d suggest to any real Veterans also to join a real Veterans Service Organization, (I.E. VFW, American Legion, DAV etc.) I suspect this Rick Duncan to be just one of many, many frauds I’ve run into from these six member fly-by-night outfits that rob real veterans of their honor. Real veterans have the DD 214s to back up what they say and what they wear on this chest.

Karen OMara

Met a local politican running for local office. He claimed to be a Former Recon Marine. His facts were unbelievable. He served less than two years due to training injury. He was an E4 when medically discharged, but was “selected to Sergeant” with less than two years service. He claimed to have gone to combat dive school in Coronado. Marine dive school is in Panama City, Fl. He claimed to have also been to jump school, Sere school, and sniper school, all in less than two years of military service.


Karen–forward your info to Jonn via the “Contact Us” link at the top of the homepage.


[…] Colorado Veterans Alliance issues press release […]

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