Tweet to ReMIND and my heroes
I’m sure you all remember Bob Woodruff, the TV anchor who was seriously wounded by an IED along with his cameraman, Doug Vogt while embedded with the 4th Infantry Division in Iraqon January 25, 2006. His folks at the Robert Woodruff Foundation, the organization he and his wife formed after his laborious recovery to support the troops asked us to participate in their latest campaign, Tweet to ReMind.
I’m supposed to write a post about who is my hero – I really can’t. My hero is a whole generation – those guys who went to fight the war in Vietnam. Hated when they left, hated when they returned and ignored by their government as well as their neighbors. They did what needed to be done whether they liked it or not and then were shamed into keeping it inside themselves for decades.
They passed on what they learned in their war to my generation so we could pass it on to the current generation of warriors and defenders. They didn’t feel sorry for themselves, they’ve just always done what they needed to do without the parades and the fanfare. Now so many are dedicated to the simple goal of preventing what happened to them from happening to this newest generation in yet another selfless sacrifice. I’m proud to count many of them among my readership.
So, you can leave a comment about who your hero is here, or Twitter about it, but at least send $5.25 to the Bob Woodruff Foundation so they can reach their goal and help support our troops.
Category: Support the troops
Damn Jonn, Next time you do that, give some warning so I can take my anti-histaminics in advance.
Thanks. I’d say that my heroes are the guys who entered the military just after I departed; the guys who ate shit instead of MREs during the Carter years to keep the military together, and who rehabilitated it into a fighting force under Reagan. Them’s my heroes.